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Everything posted by Nothing_Shines

  1. No. Not for $$. Not for CC. People can either build a flux capacitor or watch it on YouTube.
  2. This explains why you don't get it. You don't have a level 70. People at the moment tend to grind flashpoints for the weekly/daily and the CXP when flashpoints are the bonus galactic command activity for the day. Others are using flashpoints they've memorized to quickly grind regular xp to level up to 70. Very few are playing these for the first time. You might also try finding a guild friendly to new players. There are plenty. Then you can ask guildies to help you as they level alts. Even better, run the flashpoints using spacebar a few times, learn the mechanics and layout, and then you can be the one that helps people who really want to see the story get through the flashpoint. People may not be speaking up in genchat because they don't want to be a party of fumbling noobs failing their way through the flashpoint. They might be willing to step up if you establish yourself as someone capable of leading.
  3. Meh. Burst the merc, make him panic and he'll trigger his reflect. Switch to aoe to bypass the reflect and deny the healing. Burst him again, he triggers energy shield. Stun lock him. Wait 10 seconds. Then burn him to the ground the moment the shield drops. He should be dead well before either shield cools down. Most people don't know how to use the class without relying entirely on the two shield effects. Their rotations blow and they don't understand how to run and gun or improvise. Especially people who thought rolling one would suddenly be a win button and they've ignored the class until now. The people that are kicking your *** are merc vets who have had to cut their teeth playing one of the ******est PVP classes for years with essentially no survivability.
  4. If you want to see the story of a flashpoint, you need to form a group to do that in fleet chat. If there are so many people like you wanting to do that, there should be no issue. Form up and queue, get the story and the tiny rewards, take as long as you want. If you're going to just queue up, you don't get to dictate the type of people you're grouped with, unless you're one of the majority in that group. No one else is playing the game for your personal benefit. They're playing for their own. Just like you are. I've personally memorized every single mob in all flashpoints, which ones are avoidable, and have nightmares of the cutscenes playing on loop. Spacebar is the only sane option for two-five year old flashpoints. It would be great if BW released official solo versions for the flash points that don't have them. They don't seem to care, though. I'm pretty sure all of the veteran versions have been soloed by people with skillz. I've cleared up through False Emperor before getting bored. That's another option for you: get good at your class, max rank your comp and gear appropriately and you can run them on your own. It's honestly not worth the effort, in my opinion, unless overcoming challenge is your reward.
  5. Whatever plans /left-over assets the original devs had were essentially used up around Ziost and Rise of the Emperor. Those guys were all canned even before that, though. The new team clearly has no clue what they're doing long term as they keep constantly reinventing the wheel with gameplay, shifting design philosophy focus, and contradicting themselves with every new story addition. I predict BWA will get absorbed into EA's other in-house teams as 2018 runs down and ME:A and the Unnamed New IP they've been diverting resources to take center stage and are built upon. EA has the SW license to like, what? 2023 or something? If they put SWTOR into what amounts to maintenance mode for the next two years, they could be well on their way into a new single-player (with online elements) SW title to drop in 2019-21, with a few expansions by the time they have to decide whether to bother asking Disney to re-up the contract, or break from them and focus on their own 100% owned IPs. I can't see EA continuing to pour money into SWTOR much past 2017/18, just to keep it on life support. Would I prefer the game to go on strong and become great again? Sure. Fire the Two Whose Names Must Not Be Spoken, and give some actual passionate SW devs more than $20 and a coupon book to work with, and they could turn this around. Hell, give that Japanese dev who saved FFXIV a call. That guy knows exactly what to do. He's done it already.
  6. We've seen what happens when BW assigns Lead Writers to their projects who think they're super awesome and only care about their own personal fanfic: ME3 and KOTFE/KOTET. Charles, Trooper was a largely lackluster storyline with several decent supporting characters. You were completely out of your depth with something of the scale and ambition of KOTFE/KOTET. You clearly have zero grasp of the other class archetypes and their plotlines. Call up the guy who wrote Agent and have him ghostwrite the follow-on story elements. Recognize your weaknesses and balance them with the strengths of your subordinates. Stop trying to ME3 your way out of this. KOTFE/KOTET, overall, make no sense at all, and crap all over the vanilla game and frequently feel like a non-Star Wars fanfic from college you dusted off and inserted lightsaber sound effects into. At minimum, you should have taken the time to actually play through the main storylines of each class, so things like the Inquisitor already being possessed by dead Sith Lords, or Lord Scourge, the Emperor's Wrath and Kira, Child of the Emperor, being around, or the Agent breaking free of mind control, or the Consular's super special Force Shield against the Dark Side technique, or the entire plot of SoR and Ziost, or the Smuggler being able to resist an undead Force God-Emperor is as ridiculous as thinking Han Solo could have stood toe to toe with Palpatine, or ANY of the billion other things from the entire rest of the game you inexplicably didn't include in your big family drama about the secret Emperor who is also somehow Vitiate, could have been. Actually, the more I think about it, the more KOTFE/KOTET is reminding me exactly of ME3's ending disaster writ large over an entire multi-year game installment and it's making me angry, so I'll just stop.
  7. That's because the lead writer for KOTFE/KOTET was the man who wrote the Trooper storyline, which had practically zero to do with the Force and the Emperor. He didn't even know who Lord Scourge was when asked about his absence. Obviously, the better writers all cost more and BWA was too embarrassed to ask the Consular storyline writer to step up, so they settled for the Trooper guy ... to write a massive story about the Force and new Force users and the Emperor. Good job, BWA. Brilliant move. Should have shaved some bucks off one of the seventeen Blur trailers and paid up to promote the Agent, Warrior or Inquisitor storyline writers to head up KOTFE/KOTET. How about all three? The story would have actually made sense and incorporated previous plot lines and characters in a logical way. Those guys knew what was happening across the board during vanilla and can actually write a compelling narrative. But, nah. Better to go with the guy who gave us the most cookie cutter, boring AF ra-ra Republic storyline.
  8. How about any loot drops? I just ran through three Heroic Star Fortresses on my Jugg 70, because I was bored out of my *********** mind running heroics and then occassionally queuing for pvp and getting rekt wearing 230s, and every single boss I killed dropped exactly one thing: nothing. Decorations have been gone for a while from SFs, but now at 70? No vendor trash. No credits. NOTHING. They didn't even give CXP. I killed the exarch and he falls over and ... no chance to get the mount. No chance at artifact gear to sell on GTN. No blue mats. NO CXP. Not from the kill or from a crate drop. And he was level synced and still hard as balls. I could maybe see, if the missions still grayed out (and some missions STILL do gray out after more than a year, BWA), you nerf the loot so people don't farm them, but this took time and effort to overcome and all I got were repair bills. And the grapple points were still bugged half the time. Bravo. You invest how much dev time and resources into Heroic SFs for the 4.0 cycle and then render them completely pointless in 5.0? Why? Am I not supposed to play the game that way anymore? I thought KOTFE/KOTET was the game. Is it only the game when I'm sub-65? Or is this like the on-rails PVE Space missions that you decided you didn't want people playing anymore, so you rendered them non-rewarding? If the metrics show no one plays the HSFs, then we don't have to make any more or do anything with them ever again! Yay! I mean, there's an endless list of ******** to use as an example of how completely alien BWA's thought processes are, but this is some **** I just randomly decided to do on this one toon, since I hadn't bothered to run him through them before he dinged 70. What other odd parts of the game have you just farted on and walked away from in just the last few months? Ah, who am I kidding? No one cares. I'm not even sure I do.
  9. BWA - Why make incremental changes, when a nuke from orbit is so much easier? It's the only way to be sure.
  10. Ahahahahaha! Tuning: Strap Attachment So, now we can buy an additional clipping attachment for our weapons! Sweet!
  11. ^Correct. FP is not broken. You need to learn how to manage your companion.
  12. They've had years to create new repeatable group content and decided instead to give us the 25 chapter Valkorian soap opera (solo), eternal championship (solo), star fortress miniflashpoints (solo), x12 exp summer to level alts, DVL event requiring the leveling of all new alts, expanded character pools to 52, and then ten minute mini-miniflashpoints (uprisings) to go along with a completely new gearing system that adds an endless, soul-crushing grind that effectively ends running alts at endgame, unless you quickly and consistently win the RNG lottery. Any time you spend not grinding CXP on your main role/class, say by leveling alts or grinding CXP on your alt tank or healer, is time essentially wasted if your interest was endgame group activities, as you fall farther and farther behind the people who are grinding on their main. Ops groups can do nothing to help people gear up now other than run easy content again and again in order to give their teammates the chance to roll the dice on yet another crate. With the potential to never actually get the gear they need. EVER. BW latest announced changes coming down the line are quarter measures, at best. Detailed on this forum are a dozen simpler, more straight forward and logical systems than the cluster of RNG or the Frankenstein's monster coming in January. Hell, going back to 4.0's system, dropping the priority ops and changing the crystal allotments/costs, could have reasonably extended the endgame grind for BW "to give them time" more effectively than 5.0. The biggest issue with all of this is Ben Irving decided to reinvent the wheel as a square and refuses to acknowledge that that was not only stupid, but destructive to the game and demoralizing to the player base. His pride will cripple this game and going f2p AGAIN is no longer a Hail Mary option to save it.
  13. I'm reminded of the South Park storyline where the TV executives are beholden to a massive tank of manatees that combine ideas randomly each season to come up with plotlines and characters, except at BWA, it's a flock of ducks.
  14. Well, I always pay 500k whenever someone new messages me their forum screen name that they used my link as long as they're on Jedi Covenant. It's easy to confirm and a reasonable price to pay. I usually only mention it to people I'm running with as standing around fleet advertising is super boring. I also warn people away from the starter world hucksters that offer nothing hoping to snag people before they reach fleet. Those guys suck.
  15. When you ding level 65, run chapter IX of KOTFE. It's all just cutscenes and corridor walking. Do not accept the reward upon completion. Do this three times. Make sure the reward for one of those three times won't ding you to 66. Accept one reward. Then do the chapter one more time. Only now, put on any DVL XP gear you have and use a standard XP boost. Then accept all three saved up mission rewards. You should get around 3 million XP instantly, pushing you to mid-way through level 68. Run about 10-14 heroics or so, depending on how much your XP is boosted. That'll top you off at 70. The chapter IX runs take about 7 minutes each for corridor walking, load screens and spacebarring the cutscenes. Google the list of the fastest heroics, and just run them until you hit 70. Shouldn't take more than 2 hours max for the whole thing. Once you hit 66, KOTFE chapters drop from over 1 million XP to around 100k. Thus the above strategy.
  16. Who the **** pissed in your Cheerios? Was it me? Should I check with you next time before responding to a thread? Is this a roundabout accusation of 'white knight' ? Hahahahahahha. Yeah, ok. Sure. You're angry and confused by a cutscene and it seems you're also confused as to what I am. Bioware apologist I am not. Sorry your imagination couldn't handle the super complicated world concept of Vandin. Ignored. Rage on.
  17. Semantics. Sci-fi and fantasy are two sides of the same coin. Star Trek likes to pretend it's better at this sort of thing, but it's really not. Breaking holes in event horizons. The center of the galaxy being a few hours away from earth. A physical barrier at the galaxy's edge. Magical crystals that control matter/antimatter reactions. Solid deuterium mines. Planets of the week made of styrofoam with societies based on periods of Earth history. Actual Greek gods. Planets formed from a tiny nebula with evolved life forms, plants, animals, water and working ecosystems. Teleportation. A rainbow of fantasy particles and waves and a billion types of force fields, usually with one actual science related word combined with something that sounds cool but makes it nonsensical. There are actual empty places with "insert tech" here in the scripts, where the writers expected the science advisors to make some sense of what they'd come up with that week. The scientific advisors did what they could, but everything was ultimately subservient to the needs of the shooting schedule and budget and the story, including scientific accuracy.
  18. Where we land could be a low orbiting moon or series of planetoids or captured asteroids that pass through the upper atmosphere of the gas giant at an altitude similar to Cloud City and allow for the mining of gas/chemical extraction. Bespin already established gas giants with breatheable upper atmospheres. The fact that there are definite edges to the rocky areas that drop off into endless clouds suggests the port is not "on the ground". There's no reason to assume the heroes land on the surface of the gas giant's core. It works well enough for Star Wars science.
  19. He's at the holo map console with Theron after the first mission for a cutscene, I believe. Odessen base left of elevator entrance.
  20. I don't recall ever being able to pull those from collections. Had to grind em out/craft for each toon. Probably like how some dyes say they're unlocked in collections but arent actually there. Just a database error.
  21. 90 crates across three toons sharing the same discipline: 2 set pieces. I'm about ready to blow my brains out it's so *********** awful.
  22. I ran them all enough to get the achievements and then stopped. They're ok, I guess, but kinda boring. I'd rather run a flashpoint. That's ignoring CXP, of course, which I find myself doing more and more. I've gone back to my lower level alts. Disintegrating garbage in every single crate that now takes well over an hour to get after rank 50, has completely sucked all the enjoyment out of endgame.
  23. If they made Darth Jadus the next big bad, I'd be happy, for sure. Have him reemerge following the end of the Eternal Occupation and the very first thing he does is depose Acina. The first chapters would then be the players extracting her before she is publicly executed and adding her as a permanent companion. His various Hands then begin their terror campaign across the galaxy. I'd seriously make a dual plot line like we got with Makeb so that Pub and Imp players can actually fight for their faction at the same time they're fighting Jadus. The imps would have more of a civil war theme, while the pubs would have the straight up heroic stop the bad guy theme. All of the companions you've gathered from KOTFE and KOTET would then decide whether to support your campaign based on a combination of your influence with them, your early choices and whether from a character standpoint it makes sense for them to now fight for one faction or the other. I'd go through all of the class stories, flash points and operations and pull out the various characters and tech and plot points that remained consistent regardless of the choices players could make and have the Hands gather any extant superweapons, vessels, personnel and other assets to build up their forces. Things like the fragment of the star forge from Nar Shadda, or the Seed of Rage from the seeker missions. Even freeing Malgus from his carbonite prison in Arcann's menagerie. Malgus was all about a more diverse empire like Jadus and after like a decade as an icicle, he would probably be open to an apprenticeship to Jadus if it meant revenge on the failing empire and lousy republic. Call it Star Wars: The Old Republic - The Hands of Jadus And, obviously, Thana Vesh, part cyborg now, would return as a Hand to either be turned and recruited or finished off once and for all.
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