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Everything posted by Nothing_Shines

  1. Nightlife Event ... more standing around clicking a button waiting for RNG to give up something good. Ugh. Vague map possibilities for pvp and gsf...meh Ops info we already knew A Manaan SH ... good, but not news A single flashpoint ... OK, I guess, but again not news Customization of companions is definitely positive ... unless it is literal customization slot crap you pre-design and not me actually dressing my companions how I want in the hundreds of cartel sets I've collected. I don't know. Seems like a lot of vague ideas of stuff they're thinking about but haven't actually set a plan to implement. When I do road maps at work, it's all about laying down what must get done and how we plan on doing it and not how we're going to think about what we're maybe going to do and soliciting ideas. B for effort, C for content.
  2. Every class storyline boss is instanced. They could set their level higher if they really wanted to. They could buff their stats. They could even make the instances work like Flashpoint gates do and transport characters to discrete instances isolated from the associated planet all together, if they don't want to mess with the local level sync.
  3. Vitiate only respected 3 Sith: the Warrior, the Inquisitor, and Darth Jadus. Jadus is never explicitly killed (or tossed down an air shaft and ostensibly blown up like Malgus) and has been referenced several times in the Zakuul storyline. He would make a great new Emperor for a resurgent Sith Empire with no intentions of acting nice and playing partner to the Alliance or Republic. Use the remnants of Star Cabal data draw together a massive powerbase. Destroy the weak. Rule through fear. The Pubs need a new Supreme Chancellor and Supreme Commander, too. Who do they have that isn't a completely new character, though? Garza? The Hutts could use some new leadership, as well, since their top notables have all been killed off. Another Hutt Supreme Chancellor would be funny.
  4. If they released an "expansion" that was simply putting in Master Mode chapter boss instances, I'd pay $30 for it. The first time I fought the "Emperor" way back in 2012 on my second toon was a challenge, especially since I had been using Kira the whole game and not T7, so he had no gear. It was fun, though, because he felt like an actual threat and I had to use my skills intelligently to beat him back. Winning that fight I felt like a real hero. I just ran a fresh Sentinel through that fight this weekend. I killed him in the blink of an eye. Zero challenge. Zero reward. Just another trash mob who had absolutely no chance to seriously injure me, let alone kill me, beyond his one-shot. Baras and Thanaton are equally embarrassing. An entire 3 chapter game of them being all big and bad and threatening, and they drop within 3 GCDs. The Veteran Mode Genoharadan boss in KOTET on Dromund Kaas was insanely difficult even with excellent gear and buffing Acina to influence rank 50 for just that encounter and winning felt like a real accomplishment. I wish the Emperor and other Chapter 3 class story bosses could be even half that challenging.
  5. This is just going to be customization slot items they sell, isn't it?
  6. Try slowing your DPS. If you burn him too quickly, his moves start to stack up and the ship attack phase/cannon bugs out. At Story/Vet levels, a good enough team can overcome the damage ramp and kill him fast enough, regardless. Master becomes hard to impossible. It's been broken since what? 4.0 launch and the reconfiguring of FPs with level-sync? I wouldn't hold my breath on them ever addressing it. For a similar example, Lorrick in Lost Island can be killed before he enters the final phase if you team's burst dps is high enough to finish him off in the window before his hulk-out triggers. He dies, and the flashpoint mission objective just breaks, because the if/then line for victory references his final form being killed not his transition form, which are two different NPCs. Have to reset the whole thing because he won't respawn. There's never been a hint they plan to fix that, either.
  7. Activating HM for real and then letting it end made the bar finally vanish for me, but it still pops up occasionally on its own on random toons.
  8. The "New" storyline just cratered and the franchise has been shelved. Shepherd can survive ME3, as can most of her crew. Rebuilding a shattered galaxy sounds much more interesting than exploring a completely new plot hole, I mean, galaxy with a few new ugly af aliens. Doesn't matter, though, since EA isn't throwing more money after bad. And doesn't address the point of the thread: ME just got frozen in carbonite - how will it impact SWTOR?
  9. My first reaction was relief, "ME deserved better than MEA. Top down failure from conception to launch. Let ME die if you're not going to continue the actual main storyline and instead fill your game with pet issues, horrible writing and embarrassing graphics." My second was, "Oh, noes, they'll shift BWM people to BWA and drag them down, too." I know BWA could use some more bodies and money, but I doubt EA will just shift resources to BWA for this game when they have their secret new IP project to think of and I hope they don't send the people, because they've already failed so spectacularly once on a beloved IP. Ugh. Original ME3 ending made me angry. Extended Cut and DLC kinda made things just bittersweet and rounded out the original trilogy. The MEA debacle is just depressing all around. I know I'm hard on SWTOR sometimes, but it's only because I care and still play it and enjoy it for what it is, while I hope it becomes better. Now I'm worried EA is gearing up to start Force choking studios that fail them again.
  10. I got enough rep tokens on DAY ONE to max out both rep lines. After the cluster of getting credit for the Colossus Not A World Boss, I log in once a day to get the random missions for achievements...but of course, 4 are bugged and don't actually pop. Fighting through the grouping nightmare to find an ops group that won't just disintegrate the moment we transition to Iokath or wipe on the boss just isn't worth it. How they could implement cross-faction ops groups and not realize people couldn't communicate or effectively group without coordinating their weekly, is frankly, mind-boggling. Everything about Iokath is actually a cluster ****. I can't believe I'm saying this, but KOTFE/KOTET is better than this garbage. On balance, I hate KOTFE/KOTET, but there are some good things sprinkled throughout it. Iokath is a completely worthless 30 minutes of lame story ending with an awful daily area. Garbage, nonsense storyline. Characters acting out of character. Garbage, insulting dailies. Garbage reputation rewards. Borked rep drop table at launch rendering the entire daily setup pointless. Borked cross-faction grouping. Borked, non-intuitive design of missions and map layout. I'm actually embarrassed for them. This is little league level of effort. This is baby's first video game crap. Why would you release this? I literally thought to myself, "Self, maybe you should just run one of your stalled toons through KOTFE/KOTET, cause Iokath is flat out no fun to play, at all, and you can romance Lana for like the millionth time." And then I did! Did I mention I hated KOTFE/KOTET? I'd quarantine Iokath and rework everything gameplay-wise. The story is a complete write-off and that isn't going to change, but the gameplay on Iokath could be salvaged. The map could be fixed. Future installments need to be put on hold while you make this mess not awful. REMOVE ALL COSTS TO RUNNING DAILIES. MAKE ALL DAILIES AVAILABLE INSTEAD OF RNG. Ziost post extinction is both faster, more engaging, with a tighter story, and that place was still a figurative and literal graveyard after 1 week. Other than being a place to gather for Tyth, Iokath as a location is going to die quick.
  11. Lots of gold items are tagged with silver prices and silver items tagged with bronze prices, too, so they're only 120 CC or 30 CC. Then again, there are gold items with no discount, and so stuck at 400 CC, too. (Stronghold weapons are still screwed up, though )
  12. As titled. The helmet looks great with the Thermal Retention Armor Set jacket ...except that it clips through the back of the hood. The helmet's little breath fogging effect is perfect for arctic gear, but the clipping undermines the whole thing. Please correct by flattening up the back of the helmet, at least when it's worn with hoods.
  13. The Enigmatic Hero Armor Set still costs 400 CC, despite the sale.
  14. I'm seeing some random golds listed at 120 CC discounted. I'm also seeing a weird error number 5 when trying to unlock some armor sets. I get charged, the Unlocking announcement flashes across the top of the screen, the game attempts to update the item to account wide...screen glitch and I'm refunded the CCs and the item doesn't unlock. My CC totals in the forum account tab aren't updating properly, either. Every transaction shows a purchase (red numbers), even the refunds, but the total up top shows the correct amount I should have. Also, Stronghold Defender weapons don't unlock account-wide. The button is there, but pushing it does nothing.
  15. You might want to reassess your life if you are seriously conflicted over whether to play a game or continue living. If you're dead, you'll never play the game again.
  16. No active members but you and you're now suddenly guildmaster? Boot all other toons that aren't yours and you don't have to empty anything. You now have a new set of cargo holds. Been there. Twice. Don't feel bad. They're the ones who walked away. Build up the guild again, if you want, or don't. You're not getting banned for being the last guy standing.
  17. 500 creds for a consumable to survive Dash ops boss mechanic compared to 200k + 600 tokens for 2 minutes stomping around in the awful walker, less for monitor (with self stun every shot), and less again for mouse droid. Was it like 30k for the NP buff or you could craft one? It's still not grind tokens for a solid hour to get the chance to step on trash mobs for 2 minutes. Running these dailies LOSES you credits. You come out poorer if you do the telepresence missions. If it was grind for an hour in order to pay for a chance to fight a mini-world boss droid demi-god with your walker, or have a walking tank battle against a pub/imp drop company and if you win you get some cool new mount or even a piece to put towards some unique mount like with the seeker droid speeders, yeah, maybe. Paying for the privilege to step on trash mobs for a pittance in reward is beyond lame.
  18. I'm already paying you for the privilege to play your game with real money. Make the cost 1 time only to unlock or remove the cost completely, cause guess what, people are going to do this pay-to-play crap exactly once for the pointless achievements and then abandon the whole area. Grinding for the privilege to grind some more is just RNG boxes inside RNG boxes again. Stupid. I thought you played this game for 10,000 hours? Have you ever run dallies in this game that require payment? The answer to that is "No," because these are the only dailies that demand payment. Go back and look at Black Hole, Section X, Oricon, CZ-198, Yavin 4, etc. and stop defending your predecessor's mistakes. He made them. He owns them. He's gone.
  19. Could the mysterious mystery figure who mysteriously tried to assassinate me by sending email spam instead of just shooting me in the head while I was pinned on the throne be ... a Scion? Nah, can't be a Scion. I mean, the mysterious mystery figure was wearing a Scion's robes, but that doesn't mean anything. How could the Scions even be on Iokath? I said I would kill all of them the next time I saw them after executing their last leader for betraying me to Arcann. Oh, wait, they're chilling in my off-limits Iokath secret research base. I guess I forgave them off-screen. Thank god I did, so their newest nutjob leader can spin more lame prophecies for me and force me down another plot railroad all while giving me obviously suspicious and sinister looks. Empress Acina is pragmatic and cunning and already allied with the new great power in the galaxy...so obviously she'd come herself with Quinn the betrayer and 50 not-storm troopers to steal the superweapon. Makes sense. Wait, why is she foaming at the mouth and acting like every other low-level Sith wannabe all of the sudden? What happened to her character? Did she drink from the same tainted well that Malcolm did? Cause he's now an outright fanatical madman, too. Who the **** are these people? Elara had a grenade the size of her head shoved up her *** that no one picked up on? And then she manages to somehow evade killer droids, imperial commandos, Alliance personnel, including Sith, Jedi and Zakuul Knights, and the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy by ...running ten feet out the door? Ummm...what? None of my army even reacts to a possible assassination attempt on their glorious leader? No, no, it's ok, guys. Keep standing there looking out the window and picking your nose. I'll hunt her down later ... three months from now. Iokath is a DYSON SPHERE, i.e. the greatest technological achievement ever displayed in the Star Wars universe, requiring such advanced scientific knowledge that being able to build one is akin to literal magic, and all anyone cares about is that one 10-story building housing half a dozen lame robot "gods"? I seem to recall downing the Titan on Darvannis and not being particularly impressed with big robots, but now, THESE big robots are gods and a direct threat to the universe...OK, sure. Wait, didn't my fleet just bombard the first one and nearly killed it? Why didn't they keep firing until it was slag? Why is this even a discussion? Evacuate all personnel and Base Delta Zero these fools. WHY AM I DOING ANY OF THIS? I am a *********** bounty hunter. I should be hunting bounties, not running an empire I never wanted to be a part of in the first place. Why are Supreme Commanders and Empresses putting themselves on the front lines based on a random email? Where are all the armies? Why is the Empress still the only person capable of slogging through trash mobs to click a *********** button? Lana, are you the traitor? No, of course not. You're my wife. Theron, are you the traitor? No, of course not. You're my top spy, friend and ally and we saved the galaxy together. Acina, are you the traitor? No, of course not. You pulled my *** out of the fire on Voss and helped take down Valkorion. Jorgan, are you the traitor? No, I executed you and buried you with the rest of your Havoc wannabes. Quinn, are you the traitor? Probably. You betrayed your wife, I heard. I'd have executed you if given the option, just on principle. Random Scion whom I hate and vowed to kill, are you the traitor? Ummm...maybe? How are you here again? *Checks the lead writer credit* Oh, oh...oh...oh, no. It's STILL the Trooper storyline guy? Nevermind. It all makes perfect sense. Carry on. Don't worry. I'm sure I'll figure out this mysterious mystery before Life Day. Now, where are those boring dailies I have to pay for the privilege to run. Bring on more grind! I hope there's lots of walker missions to come. Those are the best! I never liked being able to count on my abilities to actually fire when I activate them. RNG abilities! Exciting!
  20. I love Tora. I approve of any move to make her a new companion. If I can romance her, even better, but whatevs. She's funny and effective.
  21. I always liked that before the Agent picks up Kaliyo, she meets with the Knight on their ship as an intermediary for, I think it was Nemro. Little things like these cross-overs and all the planetary arcs and class plot lines that reference other class actions were some of the best parts of the vanilla game, for me. When there was none of that going past RotHC, it was sad. Suddenly only the current class being played was alive and the rest were all assumed to be dead or alternate reality versions with unremarkable NPCs taking the place of the PCs. It's kind of like when you play games like DA: Inquisition and Hawk shows up. If you never played DA2, Hawk is a generic version who made default choices. Hardly very immersive or interesting. However, if you played DA2, Hawk was YOUR Hawk, who made all your choices and it was awesome having your two PCs interacting. Now, especially with KOTFE/KOTET, we're forced to assume that at least the off-classes whose companions are available for pickup are all dead or just not charismatic enough to hold their crews (or marriages) together. Lame.
  22. You've already answered your own question.
  23. Probably a side effect of the items not being in the level 70 loot table, like with many other bosses across the game.
  24. Working as intended. Game is perfect.
  25. The frozen tundra world that eventually became Starkiller Base would be neat. Kashyyyk Manaan (expanded) Onderon/Dxun Vandin (expanded) Dathomir Utapau Serenno Overseeing the Republic investment of Naboo with Gungan hunting might be fun. A suborbital facility at a gas giant like Bespin.
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