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Everything posted by DarkoDon

  1. You obviously skipped my post and went straight to this one. I agree with you, on your OP. I disagree that the info is new, even the stuff you claim to be new news, is old news bro. Read the forums...it's already there. You can state 'your own opinion" is existing threads. But no, everyone wants to be the thread starter of info that's already been posted enough. Deal with it. You asked to be flamed, I have already posted once in this thread on topic, I won't be doing it again, from now on it's trolololo....just keep asking for it, sir.
  2. Read my next post and you'll know why I wrote that. Kudo's to another OP threading the same crap that keeps getting shutdown by devs cause there's already too many of these. Try using one that exists. Thank you.
  3. Can't forgive someone for creating ANOTHER thread of this nature. There are literally 100's that have been made, most taken down because of the fact that there are 100's. It's been done, said, and played out. In that video he mentioned the things he did because he KNEW it was happening. He addressed some of the things we been asking for and they have been working on them, and now that he KNOWS it will be in game, he can mention it now. As far all the other things we want, and need, they have told us time and time again.. IT WILL BE THERE SOMEDAY IF IT CAN BE. Now we just need to a little patient. I hate it too, but I don't let it ruin my day, it's a game. I agree with the majority of the posters that are ************, because it is fact that this game was not ready for release with so many things missing. Saying they are missing cause it's not this game or that game is never gonna be the case, cause they ARE gonna implement these things, they just haven't yet. I'm mostly concerned with the bugs as well. So while he didn't mention more things than we'd like, he did mention they are listening, so has SR, and GZ. The simple fact that they even say they are listening is proof that they are, otherwise they wouldn't know they'd even have to say it. THEY ARE LISTENING. THINGS WILL BE FIXED. And when they know how to fix the other things and have a date when we can expect them, they will mention that too. It's the release date speculation ALL over again.
  4. Cancel all subs, take the game back into developement and see ya next yr. Problem solved.
  5. Honestly at this point, im switching sides and saying PLEASE MAKE THIS A WoW CLONE! Look at what they are doing and copy the !#@%$ out of it, stop trying to be new, it's braking.
  6. The conspiracy theory was a laugh. People were posting a bunch of nonsense. As far as the posts now bout how Ilum is screwed, they have every right! Have you even seen Ilum today? I'm imperial and i'm still furious, cause this patch is gonna put a big hit on our playerbase. I want the game to succeed, I want to play it for years, but if they screw up at the lvl they did today again, there's no chance for them. And you can look at my post history, I have been downing cryers and people that say this game will fail even up till yesterday. After what I have witnessed today, this ONE bugged patch has me convinced BW is in over their heads when it comes to mmo's. G'luck to them in fixing it, I'm sure they are frantic atm. I for one am not going to cancel, but just roll an alt and let them get bugs fixed before I ever step foot in Ilum again. Be aware, I am on imp side, so I could be out there gaining all kinds of free valor like the rest of them, but I won't, not that kind of player. I don't use bugs and exploits to my advantage.
  7. That's why in the first 3 pages your responses are mostly asking people to stop flaming you in so many words. Responding to them the way you did showed you yourself taking it personal. There is a thing called ignore, feel free to make me your lab rat and try it out.
  8. Way to ask someone to not make it personal while you take it personal. Don't get it....also all these posts are way to soon. Let the game get 7 years under its belt, there will have been many content patches/expansions that came out and the hardcores will get theirs too. Leave this topic alone, there's already enough of them on the boards and they have already in just a month givin people more content and bug fixes like their asking. STOP ASKING FOR INSTANT GRATIFICATION!
  9. Yea, they are so automated that they even try to claim that someone is trying to sell their account when the game hasn't been out long enough for someones account to be worth jack diddly doodly do.
  10. In time young padawan. They will release better space in the future, let's deal with the major bugs out the gate.
  11. Only ones I have seen are on Ilum. Though I never looked for them before yesterday, but they are right there when you first get to Ilum, they just don't say "commendation vendor". They are the mods, armor, specialty vendors.
  12. I couldn't wrap my head around that either. I'm gonna spend the next month or two thinking about it hard.
  13. That was a long couple paragraphs that didn't say anything but, give bioware a chance, they will fix the bugs, this is not a WoW clone, then rinse/repeat like 5-6 times
  14. char slots maybe, rename tokens "f" that. dont need crappy players, ninja's, spys changing names everytime they do someone wrong.
  15. I say get rid of loot drops all together and imliment a token/commendation system ONLY. Make it where you have to run ops more than once and farm them, then put a ops/fp vendor on the fleet where you can spend your rewards for the gear you want. In this system, everyone will get tokens/comms which will buy their gear. Solved.
  16. Companions don't need to raid geared period. The game is waaaaay too easy to be gearing companions that can't even go to the hard parts of the game, which aren't that hard anyway. Needing for loot someone else can use just to gear your companion is annoying. Not saying its wrong, its just rude. Anyhow, it's gonna happen, ALL the time, so I don't let it bother me anymore. Had someone accidently do it to me, and I just shrugged cause as many ops as there are in this game, something tells me i'll be running the same ones over and over and over. Just group with guildies or friends, not only can you trust them most the time, but you know how each other works and things run sooo much smoother.
  17. Not only does it turn it into 4 classes, but it will kill the essence of community. No longer need to look for this class or that, cause you can just respec. And don't get me started on the loot wars, hell that would only provide more "need" rolls from idiots who think their companion is worth more than real players in a place their companions cant even go. Now they will roll need for companions AND alt spec they didnt even use in that op/fp. Theres so many things that WoW did to kill the true mmo fundementals. I miss the old mmo's sometimes and believe taking a step back isn't always the wrong way.
  18. ^this exactly, i have a few friends that aren't gonna join till more reviews are out and the major bugs have been worked out. Same goes for the people who won't resub after 20th, there are some that will never come back and some that will. Eitherway, once this game gets half a year under its belt, new content, bug fixes, added features meant to be in but weren't due to rushed development, you'll see the numbers grow again. Honestly, once they do fix the issues and add the features they intend to have, the game will be totaly different than the one we are playing now, and will appeal to even more players. It will get it's second chance and please quote me on that. It's a promise.
  19. Awesome, being brand new to 50, i had the idea that i needed to go to ilum and bels, but I wasn't sure what quests to target to get my gears. Best post I've read in a long time.
  20. Just to be clear, I do everyquest avail, minus the heroics cause screw dailies imo. But i stay around my mobs ranges, sometime over them, sometimes lower. It all balances out due to some quests being really short and others being really long. I can do a bunch of quik quests that im a couple lvls higher than, but then get sent to another planet where im equal to my mobs, then get into a long quest that keeps them lvling faster than i do. I run every flashpoint atleast 3 times, after that i go back to questing, I dont run heroics, I feel dailies are too time consuming to get a party and go complete them when they will just be back the next day. Unless of course your 50, dailies are worth it to me then. Eitherway, ive been both above and below lvls of my mobs and its never swung to far one way, and its never stuck on one or the other too long. Pretty freakin balanced if you ask me.
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