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Everything posted by DarkNecroCrusher

  1. We have waited enough time for them to show us that they know what they are doing and that they are controlling everything the right way. Now it's too late, if they don't address more than the few changes in 3.1.1 for sent/mara, when they've told us just before that it will be a patch to address the issues of the class, then it's over for me. You can't make players pay and wait without doing anything to make them stay. It's been hard and long for them to tweak the mara/sent after 2.0, and I will not wait more than a year to see my main character finally where it should have been 3-4 months after the release. I can't have as much fun as I do with my sent since I rolled it with any other class, because of the gameplay and the concept of the class. But they have completely ruined it with 3.0.
  2. This ^ Just wait a little to see if they will address the balancing issues. If not, you'll lose your time and your money, maybe because there won't be enough PvP players to play with other than meh ones or newbies. Or because there will only be shadows/sins, VGs/PTs, sages/sorcs and guardian/juggs left playing in PvP.
  3. Yeah, the current state of the game has never been as bad as it is now. I can't manage to have as much fun as I did before 3.0. I'm staying for my guildies too. And because I've invested to much time in this game to stop without another solid game to replace it.
  4. Yes to 8v8 =) Solo and Team tags and go !
  5. I know how you feel bro, it's the exact same thing for me. I have almost 2 months of sub left, and I think that season 4 will sign the end of my sub if nothing decent is done for class balance and PvP content. I main a Combat Sent and I'm only playing PvP for almost 2 years now (in march). It's so boring that I have made a lot of alts with 12x XP (5 or 6), leveled them to 60 and have them all full 168 geared and my main is full optimized 174 geared. I'm tired of paying money for a game with bad communication, not enough annoucements and empty speeches, slow development methods, and so far away from what the players are expecting them to do.
  6. If all mara/sent changes are those in the 2 poor patch notes you gave us, I think you just definitely failed with the class AND your game. If you're planning for real bigger changes like almost a global class rework for 3.1.2, then I didn't say anything. If there is no more than these laughable changes with 3.1.1 patch AND 3.1.2, then you are just real incompetents. Get another job and leave MMO's in peace, please. If you think you will keep your playerbase and your subscribers by acting like this, then you've just no clue about how to please a customer and keep his trust and loyalty (so his money too). 2.10 was really good, and 3.0 ruined everything. SoR is a complete fail and has started to sign the end of this MMO. If you just don't care and keep on doing the same mistakes over and over again, please tell us, so we can at least know why you are just doing your job so badly. Any other company delivering a service to a customer acting like you're doing is likely to fail, and if employees are working the same way as your dev team, they would be fired in no time. Just think twice about it, a game without players is likely to die in less time than you need your patches to be on PTS. Enough said, wait and see, but I'm more and more pessimistic about the future of this game.
  7. Since 3.0, yes I can't deny it, after 2.10, SWTOR was quite balanced.
  8. Like they said ! Play what you like most and the spec that fits most with your gameplay. Infiltration/Deception is still strong and on par with the top 3 other classes (Sorc, Jug, PT). I've just lvled my Shadow to lvl 60 and I know I won't play DoT just because I never liked DoT gameplay and I don't like following the FotM mentality (I like challenge). So did I with my Sent when it was the Smash OP period, I've always played Combat because I like the gameplay 100x over the Smash one. And right now, even if Sent is not at a good place at all (at the bottom tbh), I still play it just because I like the gameplay of the class and the spec, and because it allows me to learn, to progress and to adapt to FotM classes and specs. Even if UP, I still can pull the fingers and shine on the leaderboard, but it's a real pain to do what other classes can do easier with a training attitude. When we'll have our buff with 3.1.1 (I hope), I'll just be like a melee god just because the class won't be UP anymore and that I'll have a high skill level earned with a lot of sweat. 3.0 has been like a hard training period for me, and even if I ranted a lot because of crappy balance, I'm almost happy about this balance just because it allowed me to become better (wondering if it can be called masochism). When "everything" will be "balanced", it will be rewarding with a real feeling of freedom and fun.
  9. There is no other company more relying on FotM classes than Blizzard. WoW, Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm : Just explain me where is balance. You can't deny it. And I never said that BW was better or whatever, just that it won't be different with Blizzard.
  10. ROFL, it would be even worse ! Blizzard is the worst company and has the worst dev team on this poor planet to balance a game. SWTOR is taking the same direction than Blizzard sadly, doing stuff for money without beeing careful about quality. So, no, please no, not Blizzard, any other one but Blizzard.
  11. You're welcome, have fun leveling your toon May the Force be with you, and your two lightsabers too !
  12. He does the same with every other class that is not VG/PT and Mando/Merc. It's becoming boring.
  13. We really don't have a clue of what the devs have in mind for the 3.1.1 changes. They have planned minor changes, but not priority ones that the class really needs for the moment. There is a slight nerf to Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage that all other players than sent/mara ones can't understand or see, hidden by an illusional buff (they removed the health cost but increased its CD to 3 min, up from 2 minutes), gave us our root back on Leg Slash/Crippling Slash at 10m by having to take TWO utility points (one skillful and one HEROIC) when we had the same effects with only one passive ability before 3.0, gave us an anecdotic CC immunity while in the 4-6 seconds of Force Camouflage baseline and added a 30 seconds CD reduction on our stun breaker to a current skillful utility. To choose between the two, it all depends if you like stealthers gameplay more than "hard" hitting but squishy melee leapers very vulnerable to CC, very dependant on your skill and your knowledge of the other classes (in the current state of the class). For now, we don't know if they will address our mobility and time on target problems, but I hope we will know more about this tomorrow or thursday. Sent/Mara is way more rewarding if played well, but something like 1.5x-2x more difficult to play than a Shadow/Sin in the current meta.
  14. *whipser* you forgot mara
  15. This ^ TTK on a hard focus is even shorter than before. Every class on a hard focus just die in no time without using proper DCDs before or reacting the right way. So all classes are glass cannon ? You can't tank a 4v1 without DCDs, and VG/PT can tank a 2-3v1 burst easily under its Shield + Adrenal. A real glass cannon is the sent/mara right now (or sniper, merc, but everything depends on which classes are focusing which class).
  16. Yep, self heals and long CC imunity is what makes the spec above OP. Just make the 12 seconds a movement-impairements immunity instead, cause before 3.0, Sins were strong and in a good place without having this god mode in this huge CC fest game. And tune down the self heals, 50k+ heals in an arena fight for a stealth class with a lot of controls, taunts, TP and good DPS is something I can't understand. You can't have everything and claim it legit or needed. It won't impact PvE and it will make the class at the level of sorcs, juggs and PT, which is still a really good place.
  17. I got my sent aroung 350th on the global leaderboard, did only 10 matches yesterday night. But yeah, that was painful.
  18. He's just telling him that talking about a class without having tested it in 60 regs at least is just utter garbage.
  19. It is incorrect, life were lost when activating the skill. Riposte was great because it couldn't be dodged, parried or miss. It was used in a burst window and was very helpful when used properly. Cauterize allowed Carnage to have more pression on healers. Glad to see you wanna play a mara, but maybe just wait for 3.1.1 to hit so you can enjoy it the right way. Right now it will just make you wanna delete it =)
  20. It seems that there won't be one for this season.
  21. Lol, just play one, you have really no clue. Merc => range, no time on target issue Mara => melee, biggest problem is movement-impairing effects and time on target I'll just let you in your ignorance.
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