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Everything posted by Kimmjongheals

  1. I have no issues in voidstar and argue that it does take tactics and the bility for groups to work together peeling people off doors and stunning for caps, however! BW *** is going on with not fixing pubs jumping out of spawn on defense.... every match 1 pub jumps out stands behind door 1 and insta caps it while we are all standing there calling them cheaters but can do nothing about it.... that is brolen as hell and needs to be fixed... have they not learned from Arathi Basin that invisable walls should go to the ceiling...
  2. The ELO system quote is in the official 1.2 trailer go look at dev tracker they have a link to the video, although points+/- will be great i rathee see ratios i.e. win vs loss kill vs death
  3. I watched the entire livestream and never ever heard anything about the ques being separated into different (brackets of sorts) afaik the ques will remain the axact same as they are but now you can que up to 8 people and the system trys to group you againdt people of equal rank and or premade size first. I am sure they wont have 3 entirely different systems
  4. Didnt read it but alot of guides say trinket when they mean determination (break cc) also
  5. Here is my 2 cents for your Qs (I am arguably the best merc healer or any healee on my server due to my ability to play and where/when to use what casts and cds) 1) I am on my phone so can't link spec but I use cookie cutter build no points in any +endurance or damage reductiin. No points in improved cure as I rarely rarely raaaaarely use it because it doesnt cure sorc dots. Spec into reduced heat on powershot 2) Some people were talking about mobility and this is so true, I can keep myself topped of really well on the fly, spam kolto missile, kolto shell, insta heal if needed. Protip The 40% increased healing while bubbled WORKS with medpack and kolto override. I can burst 15k+ healing on myself while moving in 3gcds and everyone can. 3) If I see 1 person taking tons of damage i pop it and then kolto bomb for 10% damage reduction then spam scans. Orrrr with relic/adrenal on anyone you see with sub15k hp spam powershot then cgc then more ps you will get your 2.5k damage medal np and kb most likely and highly likely to get 1v1 medal(i know medals dont matter too much but I always get 9 or more medals and it helps puggies to vote for u if you are top medals) 4) Use the one with cd on cd for reduced heat on rapid scan and for hot just keep your heat semi in checkcheck 5) I disagree wholeheartidly on this... only time i use rapidshots is if target needs like 500 or so hp to be topped off or if i need 3-6 quik stacks for cgc proc or if i amd running and stacking cgc at the same time. 6) If under no pressure you mean they arent taking much damage spam powershot if you mean noone is focusing you and they are taking serious damage and you need to top them off or sustain heals on them say I am running in and see a friendly at 5% hp i run towards him pop any adrenal/relic i have and instacast no heat proc as soon as he is in rannge hot with the 31 talent point insta heal then insta cast big heal then kolto bomb and he should be topped off. Then i stun the enemy and help kill him while keeping teammate topped. That is best (cd) scenario if i have no cds up i hit him with kolto bomb then (i am terrible with names for skills) the heal with a cd, then spam rapid scan with insta heal when on cd and make sure u get kolto shiled on him when u can. 7) I think this is the situation that separates me from other healers. Dead teammates means you are dead too... i top off all teammates and let myself dip to sub30% or lower without healing myself at all (unless teammates are topped) then i pop bubble medpack (7k heal with bub) kolto bomb 3k crits with bubb insta heL if i have one pop cds and rapid scan crits for 6.5k top myselc off as soon as humanly possible. Then i knockback everyone focusing me then get teammates healed asap and stun anyone back on me. 8) oh there is no 8.... well once again i am on my phone so i apologize for typos and poor skill name linking... i can clean up the post or you can talk to me on skype i have one video on youtube.com/kimjonghealsgaming it may shed a little light... me and 1 other healer on their base's ledge 7v2 while taking throws for caps and gaking serious damage.
  6. The duders on the livestream guild summit CLEARLY said you can que any group size up to 8 for rated WV.
  7. I have a fresh powertech alt and I agree it is crazy powerful. I dps in mid to hold it and if the get a ball I simply go stand by fire and pull/stun in it and have no issue finishing most people off if they make it out.
  8. To clear things up, the legacy skills will only be available while your class's heroic moment is active i.e. with companion out and only 2 min every 20?min or w.e the cd is. So basically during your dailies and questing wit alts.
  9. Yes, killing people so they respawn at their base to merk the carrier just before their score, you sir are genius
  10. I skimmed through this post so all I caught was "I'm bad, im badim bad..." if you werent bad you would know that champ to bm is a tiny tiny difference and the same difference can be made by getting your datacrons... **** about the gear>skill qq
  11. Here we go again...... if they nerfed all this silly stuff then you would call for other nerfs i.e. we cant pull ball carriers so lets set up a chain pull for your healer (actually pretty fun) say have a friend stand somewhere in range of you and you pull a healer, he pulls him further then gets a third pull?!? Before resolve is full... just pulled their healer across the map meanwhile he is busy smashing his monitor to bits.... Lets take slows stuns pulls jumps knockbacks out of the game and give us all the same gear and abilities and lets all be the same class/race and every 30 minutes you can use an iwin button that kills the other team in one shot oh oh oh and we all have pet sabertooth giraffes!
  12. I like it splargy. For the record I play with this guy often and on our server the pubs have some amazing teams with a plethra of damage and heals so voidstar is tough. That said, I think for pvps sake I will try this build but throw the 2 points from burnout into improved tools or w.e it is called to reduce graple CD for hutball and mercing healers more often. Keep up the arguments here becaude I love to see peoples points of view.
  13. Please do not confuse level 50 pvp with its ugly sister (10-49) as level 17 powertech last night i ranged from 200-350k damage in every game with no belt implants relics or offhand... cause im lazy. Point is you cannot compare it so please don't try. That said, from a winning point of view CP with or without a healer is amazing the survivability mixed with utility results in 'win-a-bility' (coin that phrase) From another standpoint, if you run premades look at your composition i.e. does your team have enough burst to kill ball carriers and if it does do you have any utility for capping yourself. Side note leap+Voidstar gap = win. Side note 2, if you see a ball runner looking for his buddie to throw it to on the 3rd ledge target his buddy wait for him to throw it, jump to buddy and insta intercept. Works every time.
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