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Everything posted by jbuschell

  1. The Devega Legacy on The Fatman 50 shadow 47 scoundrel 39 sentinel 31 vanguard 21 gunslinger 16 sage 12 commando 12 guardian Isabamf legacy Darth Malak 31 sorc 28 Marauder All this with a full time job and gf
  2. The op is full of fail, every class has a move like this, gs gets headshot, scoundrels get cheap shot, knights get pommel strike and consulars get tumult, you can use them on any stun not just ones from your companion, so you can use it on your own cryo grenade. You cant use it on elites and players, it says it on the tooltip, you should probabally read it sometime, and you cannot use it in pvp. Close this thread please bioware
  3. I decided to stick with the assault tree Untill 40 when I get AP, my Dmg is good and I love the HiB reset, the crits still aren't big but I'm still putting out very good Dmg and its only a matter of time
  4. Iresso is a terrible companion imo
  5. No he didn't I think he wants to have both a republic and imperial character, one a consular and one an inquisitor while having different ac's, perhaps comprehension isn't your forte. With that said I would go Sage/assasin, to me sages are fine I don't mind pebbles and everything looks fine. But being a shadow I can tell you my sin counterparts are definitly cooler, wither looks awesome, the armor is a lot better looking for a sin and even when they change stances in 5000000 times cooler than when I shadow does it.
  6. My main is a shadow, I also have a 46 scoundrel a 31 sentinel and a 27 vanguard. In terms of difficulty the ops/scoundrel is harder than the sent/mara, I don't know where this notion that maras are so hard to play comes from its incredibly easy imo, as a scoundrel/ops it requires managing the upper hand system not sure what its called for ops and energy management so you're required to manage 2 different resources, without proper energy management you will fail hard as an op, its not like a sin where focus comes back pretty quickly, energy comes back in different variables pending on how much you used. So its imperative you keep up pugnacity and a good amount of watching, you also kind of suck Untill 36 when you get hidden strike. To me my scoundrel is more fun then my sent, but I'm leveling my vanguard exclusively so I would recommend a pyro powertech, its very fun I can't really help you with professions I just use biochem, and in terms of button usage, yeah you might use a little more on the sent, but like I said what makes an op harder is just management of resources and no gap closer sucks.
  7. Create whirlwind stance, a stance where you spin around like a tornado with your lightsabers out anyone caught in the path dies instantly, allows you to fly at 300% speed. Funny thing people would still cry with this, zomg I don't fly fast enuff
  8. Even though I am pursuing a romance with Dorne, I'm promoting Jorgen because he's qualified, got screwed over when I got promoted over him and he's a good loyal soldier
  9. They're mirrors, they're the same, both do well. What it boils down to is do you want to be a womanizing space cowboy with 2 blasters and a wookie companion. Or do you want a more darker story full of espionage and twist and turns and a single rifle. Other than that there isn't a difference
  10. Right now I'm level 23, I'm performing well atm and even got my 300k medal at a level lower then my other toons when they got their first 300k medals, with that said my HiB still hits like a crazy granny who hits you with her purse, not very hard at all, when does my HiB start hitting like Jon Bones Jones instead of the chick that plays Bones? Is it my 40s when I get access to mods an enhancements with power and surge or do I need to get the next tier talent when my SS and IP resets my HiB?
  11. Yeah I kinda made the same move, I play my shadow now only a couple of hours a week, I'm spending most of my time leveling my scrapper scoundrel and my assault vanguard, I do good Dmg on my vanguard and that's at 23 w/o the talent that increases HiB dmg and resets cd with IP and SS, I'm hoping the burst gets alot better with that and some other talents because my HiB hits like a limp noodle right now, but I know it will get better my shadow takes some big time pops from PTs. Patience young skywalker
  12. I do play other classes, a balance shadow, scrapper scoundrel and an assault vanguard, and yeah sages aren't garbage, I'm not saying they're the best by any means but they're also not complete and utter poo either
  13. First off are you 50 and what kind of gear are you wearing. Second how are you playing your KC, as a tank or as a dps. If you wearing dps gear in all reality the survibability of a KC shadow is not awesome, its better than the dps specs though and it should be noticeable, are you putting up 3 stacks of HS as quick as possible when you're getting focused as in don't wait for a particle acceleration to project just get those stacks up of HS up ASAP and pop force potency and a relic and bomb away to get them self heals rolling. It's about as straight forward as it gets
  14. Just go full balance and profit, its a strong spec and yes sages are still good and not garbage
  15. I love balance, I pressure a single Target just fine and do lots of Dmg and I'm also not sitting there with my hands in my pants not knowing what to do after blowing my wad like an infil does. And for rateds, if you're an awesome player I believe you will have a spot in rateds over a mediocre sent imo, I already have a predetermined team, and ill go in as my balance shadow, but ill also give it a try on my assault vanguard and my scrapper and see if it makes a big difference
  16. ROFL you know you may be right, I'm at work right now so I can't check, but I was extremely drunk last night so its a definite possibility that I wasn't in combat technique, funny thing was I was still preforming well, maybe being drunk is my e-juice
  17. I respeced to KC last night and im noticing that Particle Acceleration has not procced once in 3 WZ's, something has to be up, and yes I have it specced, anyone noticing any issues?
  18. Meh, imo carnage is best for teamplay with the 70% predation and roots, and I like vengeance better than rage for Juggs
  19. Yeah getting mad because they fixed a bug that shouldn't of been there in the first place is logical
  20. Yes the moves are very lame, trust me I cuss out my friends daily for wanted to roll repubs
  21. I'm going to start saying complexer Anyway I'm a balance shadow, you don't want to spam force breach it will eat your focus, just force breach the 3 targets you death mark, start thrashing stuff when raze procs use your crushing darkness, project in pvp for burst + putting up twin disciplines. I do massive Dmg and love the class its awesome
  22. While I personally have no qualms about you clicking a few buttons, I personally don't but to each their own, but by posting a video on the forums that does include some clicking even if minor will get flamed. That's just the nature of the internet, I personally could care less but obviously people will care.
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