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Everything posted by Tautha

  1. Many thanks to you Joveth, for responding - it means a lot One other thing I'd like to mention, would it be possible to add a preview option to schematics? quite often I have purchased schematics without any idea how it will look and found it isn't what I wanted at all. Of course by this time it is bound and cannot be sold on. Thanks again.
  2. Ok, I can understand that after having pains-takingly moulded your class AC, buffs and tweaks to the class can be a real PITA. But seriously, you are going to have to learn to live with it, 'cos in all the MMOs I have played through the years, this is an on-going event. This WILL happen again and again... it can suck, it can be a bonus, but it will happen.
  3. Clearly a labour of love. Well thought out and poignant. This deserves serious consideration.
  4. Sorry if you interpret my post as dismissive - I understand your point all too well as I am one of those traders. My point was that it worked better before it was 'fixed'.
  5. I just don't understand the reasoning behind the alterations to the GTN in this last update. It wasn't perfect by any means, but at least it had logical functionality that most folk could use. Aside from that, there are a good deal more issues with the game that I think called for fixing than the GTN. Prioritise guys - the idea is to have less things causing issues not make more. Oh, and as to in game reports? Have submitted 5 in the last 2 months without any form of acknowledgement or feedback at all, so I don't have much faith that it does any good. Can we at least have the functionality of the 'Any' button back?
  6. I've been levelling through the marksman tree without any real problems. I think your tactics and playing style are something you want to consider too. Besides, if you find a particular tree is'nt working out for you, it's easy enough to re-spec.
  7. I can vouch for this. Same way I use her, and I have taken down champs and groups surprisingly well. Besides, I have a lot of respect for a lady that wants to borrow 20 creds to pay some "ugly" to lick her toes
  8. My Pyrotech won't miss it - never used it 'cos he always works in close But in solo PvE my Merc definitely noticed the difference. Ok, so the devs felt for whatever reason it needed changed - I can accept that as it's always been a part of MMOs. But guys, when is an AoE NOT an AoE? When it hardly covers any area!
  9. Interesting to see that again. I worked in Sales and customer service for 8 years, and we had a similar guiding mantra. "The customers perception is the customers reality" It doesn't matter how bar room lawyers want to re-spell, re-phrase or re-emphasise, it is and always will be, the truth.
  10. ROFL - this wasn't carefully crafted by anyone - quite the opposite in fact.
  11. Tsk... will people read the sign? DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS For my own part, I think I understand why Bioware made the award/reward etc. The issue for me is the implementation. Very badly handled, and a guaranteed PR *****torm as the size of this thread testifies.
  12. Frankly, I don't understand why some of you even bother to post at all. The OP had issues with the game and stated them. End of. He didn't insult anyone, he wasn't unreasonable or offensive, and appeared to be mature enough to refrain from returning to reply to the puerile taunts and negativity. Going to the trouble of posting merely to taunt and jibe without at least some form of constructed reasoning is pathetic.
  13. Wondering why I'm still subbed to a game where I'm not a "most valued player". They've made just as much out of me as the turbo-end game players, I've had to endure just as many bugs, just as much down time and indifference from CR, but hey...
  14. First and foremost, I absolutely love the game. However, it is ofter very hard to ignore the many flaws that really should have been picked up and fixed before launch - to say nothing of the horrendous performance problems many players experience. SWtoR is at a crucial point just now I think and if they don't start getting it right soon, people will walk away... and there are some very interesting distractions being released soon to turn their attention to.
  15. First and foremost, I absolutely love the game. However, it is ofter very hard to ignore the many flaws that really should have been picked up and fixed before launch - to say nothing of the horrendous performance problems many players experience. SWtoR is at a crucial point just now I think and if they don't start getting it right soon, people will walk away... and there are some very interesting distractions being released soon to turn their attention to.
  16. I think that is a very valid and important point. Most veteran MMOG players have experienced the problems that seem to be inherent with the launch of a game, but some form of recognition and empathy from their CS goes a long way to quelling the frustration. In all the years I've played online, I've never felt so neglected as I have here.
  17. I've tried out both and while it's not easy to be finite without running the exact same scenario with each spec it's hard to define. I have found however that Kaliyo does seem to soak up more damage with the blaster/shield spec - but that's based on best guess not number crunching.
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