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Everything posted by VIZIOO

  1. Great point about Urwz. There is nothing wrong with mistakes in Urwz.. its the time for players to learn their class and correct mistakes.. You just said it; 3maras, no healer, and still went from cost to cost without them able to stop you. Nothing wrong with that.. I had yet to see it and I play arenas everyday
  2. Absolutely right! why ask or debate the obvious..Players get 99% outplay by Marauders.. i.e Ruthless Agression 75% dmg reduction, cloak of pain, Subjugation, Defensive Roll, Predation(refer to as speed hack) brazen, crippling slash..etc.. Oh and almost forgot..it outpreform any dps class by additional 3k -5k
  3. Seriously! You must have learn how to Hack the system legally, because right now they're at the bottom of the food chain.. and its not a l2p.. PT dps had been render useless.. Before the nerf, PT used to be an excellent dual class... a combination of melee and range dps.. even tanks could agro from a distance.. Until, one of those "genius" persuade everyone on the table to make PT a melee class Only.. and the rest of the story is History... We all know how that end.. Anyways. post a video how you destroy players on your PT..
  4. Think it will be more than fair since our dps as taken a tremendous loss.. plz dev's at give us that so we can be viable in pvp and pve.. Arsenal cannot be effective in Nim.. so plz increase.. give our pve brother such increase in dps by increasing tracer missile by 40% and bring back the original animation.. Your Humble servant
  5. Ruthless Aggression is the root of all evil.. if Dev's eliminate such ability the entire game will be balance.. Boluda Merc
  6. Had read every post on this forum and did a lv70 Marauder to test my theory.. has set my skill tree like Marauder players had recommended.. including but nonetheless it famous Ruthless Aggressor.. Gotta tell you, its like playing a full Dps Shank Tank.. without the need to set it on tank spec.. its a monstrosity of survivability and dps .. even without augments if play right. And in Arenas you're basically a tank with full burst dps.
  7. Been talking to a lot of player and we can all agree that Mara's dps is broken.. leave the survivability but plz nerf the dps or fix it plz.. tone it down. This will leave the Mara with 60% which is more than enough to complete quest and Operations and still viable in pvp.. plz Nerf Maras..by request from most players.. Thank You: Att: subscribers
  8. Mara's need to be Nerf.. leave the Survivability but Nerf dps just like Mercs.. would say nerf like 40% of their dps.. it will still competitive
  9. The acceleration you refering to is call "Predation" one of the Maras abilities, which increase speed by a ridiculous amount.. this ability is sometimes mistaken for "speed hacking" but is not, and if apply correctly by 3Maras it can last for the entire match.. 3Maras can be defeated, but your team as to be good and on point.
  10. You forgot to mention your composition? with who the system queues you with.. i.e. 3mercs and a tank or 2merc, 1snipe and tank and so on... theres a lot of important variables missing in your statement.. did the system queue you with a bunch of newbies v. seasonal players, undergear v. tier 3,..etc.. And is all about team effort, in other words..who as the "smarts" meaning which course of action did your teammates took while you got tunnel? did your teammates got kite, did they split the dps, or choose to focus tank instead of one the maras? And more important is what you did while being tunnel? did you switch from FaceTank to Survival mode.. did you time your cd's correctly, kite etc.. Dont take me wrong I hate Maras, but in all faireness it would it had been great to see a video of the Match since there are too many variables missing in your statement, but still you do great point of view..
  11. Don't know if anyone as caught on the significant of this.. but I have. Like the quick response in non_in game issues. In the meantime lets all continue dealing with the same grievances.
  12. And Why Should Bioware Care??
  13. Now they can face tank.. they're worse than Mercs..
  14. Completely understand what you're saying... it just the fact how tiredsome is getting for most players.. yesterday was 2mars, 1Op and a tank or 3 maras and same Operative..the entire day.. same individuals. No one wants to heard system is bug and they will fix it whenever feel like.. Cmon now! If dev's dont care about fixing it because they're understaff or too busy making childish story lines then Eliminate the Leaderboard. Problem Solve
  15. ticket I wrote back in 12/04/2017 Me: "Hey guys, you have to fix the queue system on rank..its not working as intended..always always always queue with the same team..its not working as intended" SWTOR CRS: Greetings Thank you for contacting Star Wars the Old Republic Customer Support. We wanted to let you know that we identified the problem you ran into as bug. We'll fix it in a future game update. Keep an eye on http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for details on bug fixes included in each game update. Galaxtic Support is our specialty. The Star Wars: The old republic . Customer support team Cmon now, not gonna fix it..not care to fix it then simple solution..Eliminate the leaderboard.. I putting this issue out there for everyone to see it how your system is been working lately.. Hight Gear Rating team v. Undesirable Unskill Team.... System is supposed to be a mix of players.. fix it plz or eliminate the leaderboard..
  16. Not entirely true, if someone wants to try rank let them. We're a especial breed and the only way to find out is by trying it a few times. Be prepare to like foul language, trolling, personal matches, premades, throwers, and a queue system that is completely bug according to customer service. Do not try rank for the sole purpose to see your name on a leaderboard, since time after time it has been prove that is not a legitimate way to measure a player skills. I most point out some players had made it to the top the way it was intended too. Be also prepare to deal with a Elo system design by someone who never learn math in school. If you can absorb all that without taking it personal and be proud of your toon/class accomplishments then you belong to us..
  17. VIZIOO

    Speed hacking

    /Thread and plz do not tell me is Predation. It happens on Assasins.. I post this thread so dev's can see is out there and in full force.. Shame on you dev's for letting this go for so long..
  18. Hi Everyone. My main toon is a Merc, and had recently lv a Sorc Madness dps, Under gear, no augments. My main objective is to become good at it before I start gearing and working with stats. So far I had notice that our survivability is not so great, and our main defenses abilities are not so preventable. So here are the questions: 1. Static Barrier. How good is it against range attack? doesnt strike me as much, specially went getting tunnel by a Merc or Sniper.. so is the case went getting attack by Melees such as Ops or Marauders.. 2. Force Barrier. Isn't that supposed to be our Bread and Butter? but it doesn't seen to be the case.. some abilities from Mercs, Ops, and Maras cant prevent the used of that ability.. 3. Force Speed combine with Emersion. 2 - 2.5sec of removing movement impairing effects and granting immunity to them, but it doesn't seen to be the case.. it breaks the first impairing movement, but not a second, even before the 2sec are up.. feed back plz.. Aside from those question, it seen like the only true skill for a dps Sorc is the "Run For Your Life" and cast while uncheck..
  19. And what proof do you have to rebuke he's statement? .. he's connected all the way to the top, and had wrote a Class Guide http://dulfy.net/2017/01/13/swtor-5-0-concentration-sentinel-pvp-guide-by-merovejec/.. unless you expect him to put Cameras on those players personal homes so he can show you footage. I wouldn't go against someone who has so much inside information.. besides, I had personally whisper back and forward to some of those players, even their guild mates had confess how they had done it.. does it bother me? absolutely Not! In this game a player as to know how to beat the system and not waste his time defeating other players.. that's how mess up game is.. What bother me, is that they already secure Top5, but they still choose to make everyone game miserable. Their positions is/are already secure, no need to hold ppl down. Their Motto is that by continuing Trolling Warzones they will force dev's to fix the game.. It might work or might not.. who knows..
  20. And your point is? ..rapid scan 4100 instant heal, good if you kite, but not enough if you have someone on you..and goes on cd for 20sec, Next; rapid scan 1.4 sec cast time..3100heal.. can be interrupted..good if you're totally left alone, wasted time if you're being attack .. The two escapes you talking about; Rocket out, can't be use while stun, root or cc.. good if you wanna further your distance from melee, cant be used once they have lock on you with multiply stuns or impaired movement.. Next; Hydronic overrides, good to break 1stun or root attack.. after that the effect wears off, no good if two melee players are attacking, no good to break multiple locks on us.. Next; Responsive Safeguard.. haven't you learn or heard to leave us alone for a few seconds and then resume your attack.. Cmon man! if you haven't learn that by now.. then I can teach you how to counterattack us .. cause I can.
  21. Absolutely right! I'm also tired of all these UnRank Warzone players who do nothing but Whine, they complain about everything without merit.. how much easier can a player have it in a URWz is beyond me.. they play on a Arenas the side of a football field, they have every obstacle to hide and seek cover, they can get out of anyone's range at any time and moment, but they complain because they choose to stay in the open while rdps do it thing.. unbelievable .. About me as a Merc: Well guess what! I get tunnel as a merc.. .. I get tunnel by 3 or 4 players, there is no cool- down that' can prevent that from happening.. and I have see skillful player get tunnel too.. once player decided to target you and they stay focus.. guess what.. you're done.. and if that's not enough a skillful Mara or Operative can single handle a Merc on any giving day.. a skillful Assassin will prevent a Merc from doing his thing, and Oh.. lets not forget a Sorc.. let him cast uncheck and see what's gonna happen to a merc.. but of course, if they forget about me and all the sudden they let me catch a break then they're done This season I have one of the most lower rating score could possibly imaging 900s despite 100+ win .. all thanks to the Trolls who queue and soonest the match starts they leave group.. making the match a 3v4 or 2v4.. and this season they're in full force, patrolling the warzones around the clock.. Same Trolls that players write Hundreds of Ticket about them and nothing ever get done about it .. but don't let Moderatos catch you mentioning their names on the forums, or they'll penalize you on the spot.. .. guess is a rule to protect themselves from reading about any player who's intentionally ruin everyone's game
  22. Boluda (main)* Roja alt * Lolo Sorc * Meloroso jugg * Traidora PT * Diabla Sin.. My favorite class PT has been unplayable for the past 3 or 4yrs.
  23. So it takes 100wins minus less than 10 losses to achieve 2200+ rating! WOW I'm sure the player as nothing to do with those Crazy math equations, just smart enough to figure how to get there.. Game loves to reward Trolls:rolleyes:
  24. VIZIOO


    Lost 30 elo pts in 2games on one of my alts. Two trolls queue and soonest the match started they left.. they were doing it all day.. it took me 3days to gain those elo points and loss it in two matches thanks to the uncheck behavior of trolls... same methods used to achieve high rating on their mains.
  25. Couldn't agree more.. Bioware needs to find other methods of rewarding player and eliminate The Leaderboard in it entirety, since is not a legit method to measure anyone success.. Players success should be measure on number of medals/tokens accumulate, games play, number of player defeated, and MvP votes, among other things..that will give a sense a legitimacy to the game.. Bioware needs to stop rewarding Trolls.
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