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Everything posted by VIZIOO

  1. Ravage suppose to immobilize the target for the duration of the ability but it never happens..anyone can interrupts, break, or easily escape from it. I just wanna go by what the statement says; however I'm open to suggestions as to why the ability does not work..
  2. why should they nerf our gear that we work hard to obtain? I had been in matches where my lv31 at 2018 expertise outmatches lv59 players who can barely reach 1200 expertise..so again, why should they nerf gear that true pvp players work had to obtain, so players who only logging during weekends and holidays can be at the same lv...nope.
  3. I think your issue is irrelevant, because no matter what, ppl who truly pvp have to work hard for their gear. Why should they nerf my brutalize gear so some part time (weekends and holidays) pvp player be at the same lv as I am...your point is irrelevant.
  4. Remember when ppl like you use to complain about the Marauder..Bamm it got nerf Remember when ppl like you use to complain about the Juggernaut..Bamm it got nerf Remember when ppl like you use to complain about the assassins...well that didn't work And now ppl like you are complaining about the Sorc!..Well, go and sit on your mommy's lap it would help relax

    Rwz Healers

    That is totally wrong, and it shows game developers total incompetence. If a player comes into a pvp match mark as dps then he shouldn't be allow the use of his healing abilities or not to be allow to queue as dps if on heal spec.

    Rwz Healers

    Why're players who come to Rwz mark has dps are allow to fully heal themselves and teammates? is there a glynch... You know, these so call developers don't like their persona to be put down in the forums, but at the same time they wanna hand to their continues refusal and endless effort to not better the game. Their idiocracy and egocentric ideas(to only serve themselves and not the subscriber) had become quite annoying to everyone I believe.
  7. I'm sure there're many threads about this particular topic, and I agree with each and everyone one them. I do not understand why players with no pvp gear are allow to queue for Rwz! Can anyone explain to me why SWTOR as not implement a system were pvp gear is require in order to queue for Rwz?
  8. What Rank War Zone!? it never pops on the Shadowlands server. Ppl wait for hrs and never pops. Anyways, after 2 1/2 yrs of absentee I'm back in World of Warcraft. In terms of pvp, nothing has change, but was impress by all the new content they had added. My biggest disappointment on this game was when they nerf the Marauder to total uselessness. And by the way: strongholds, guild flagships, and flashpoints are not a game extension, but more of a patch upgrade. This game as become a total monotony and grievance. Why paid for that? anyways, maybe in near future I'll be back. In the meantime Subscription Cancel.
  9. hate to pop your bubble but pvp matches are not base on 1v1. Take the following scenario: Merc attacks Mara> < Mara attacks merc < another merc also attacks Mara ( your defense abilities on cool down at this point) + Sorc casting on your Mara = you're dead meat.
  10. Why're you blaming the players for something the game designers create. Is not the players fault that game designers created a free for all Rwz queue.
  11. Rwz is not working on The Shadowlands server. Ppl spend hrs in queue, including groups of 4s and noting pops. Before talking about rewards, can you create a filter just like in World of Warcraft, were it would require at least full obroan gear in order to able to participate in Rwz? that would make the event "competitive" as it was intended to be.
  12. VIZIOO

    Marauder Paper Doll

    I dont see the significance in the Marauder. Dot cant be cleanse, so what! no big deal, all the opponent have to do is run away and be heal a few times and presto! no biggie...but I tell you what, one more nerf to the Juggernaut and I'm out to WildStar. Been reading/hearing good things about that game, from current and former subscribers.
  13. Dude, a dps jugg can only hold threat but not do some actual damage(killing blows). If you loss against a team "with the most juggs" it can only mean that you suck at pvp, because none of them could it had really damage your team. Do you have any idea how many pieces of Brutalize gear a jugg needs to inflict serious damage?...like 5 at least/augmented. You need to google your class and find the right rotation/skill tree for whatever is that you're playing, besides Republic classes abilities outnumber Imperial 3 - 1. You know, that slide preference bioware has towards republic classes, where good as to triumph over evil. Jesus! what else do you want? already have the game creators on your side(favoritism towards republic classes)..
  14. VIZIOO

    Marauder Paper Doll

    Why would anyone play a Marauder in pvp? Bioware has turn them into paper dolls. Their attacks are like mosquito bites, and are vulnerable to all kinds of impair effects. Bioware should delete the class from the game in it entirely, and come up with a new class of Sith.
  15. ..dude have you notice the disparity in queue... and on top of it you have to win at rank wz in order to obtain the comms, is not enough to just participate, oh and by the way.. good luck in trying to queue in the same group with "competitive players"
  16. Thanks everyone for your responses. To me it makes no sense to play pvp with noobs. They only play for relics, and have no sense of pvp awareness,which takes the fun from regular players, with their endless wipes.
  17. Been noticing that a lot of players are trying pvp for the first time at lv55, all due to the relics, Supposedly pvp relics are better than the ones issue exclusively for pve. However, what good would be if player shows to rank and unrank WZ without proper gear, all because they want to accumulate enough comms in order to obtain the pvp relics. I said let them have it throughout the Cartel Market, instead of having to queue for it. The game is meant to be fun not a grievance.
  18. Best thread of the entire SWTOR community, everything else is pure nonsense. Now here is something a lot of ppl been talking about: You would get same or better results with pve gear than with full pvp. I tested the theory myself, against premades, pugs, premades v. premades, pugs v. pugs, and the results where the same. I would say 8 - 10 pve gear gave me better results in term of medals, points, and overall standing, than when I play in full pvp gear...why is that? is beyond me
  19. But they're more typos..why you didn't correct those..specially "lick A's" ..oh, is it correctly spell? lol
  20. That's besides the point. Is not about technology, but categories. Why put a full gear and experience pvp player agains a pug whose trying pvp for the first time. And if I was in a premade group I wouldn't even bother to against a newbie. This game is very modern. It should had the ability to identify premate group and place then in same category as such. But hey, technology as made it possible for you to group with friends and win at pvp...without it you'll be at the basement.
  21. Yea! you wanna those loos_rs that need to guild with others and use technology i.e. mumble, vent, etc in order to defeat random new pvp players. But hey, even while you group with all your premade friends..you ppl are no match for a little of common sense.. I had defeated plenty of premade loos_rs like you with no pvp gear. Afterwards all you premades do is mourn in mumble or vent how I lick your A's.
  22. Funny thing is that base on most comments I had read on this thread premade players do not deny their involvement against random players. Which remains me what happened to World of Warcraft. They change because of the mass exodus in membership due to deficiencies, specially in pvp. Finally after 10yrs they had got their act together. Get it together SWTOR.
  23. Has I said many many times..that 20% on reverse engineer need to be upgrade to least 40% -50%. Is not easy to earn credits in this game, and much less to accumulate commendation medals to purchase epic items. I don't care what anyone says or how much they try to defend this game with their stupid logic. If someone try to craft an item, after X -amount of times, it should get result...no excuses or logical BS explanations has to why the player didn't obtain the schematic. To be honest: the only reason why I stay in this game is because I love Star Wars. But those creator from whatever the heck they're i.e. India, Canada, or some Community College...need to pull their heads out of their 3 point contact and stop making a grievances out this game.
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