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Everything posted by Veeius

  1. The problem isn't really the healers. It's guard, cross heals, peels, taunts &c. &c. If you catch a healer alone, he/she is probably in a lot of trouble. But if there's a tank w/in 15 meters - yeah, you and another dps won't kill that healer.
  2. Holy god are you wrong. Let's see, assassins get: 1) stealth 2) a cc 3) self healing 4) MUCH MUCH MUCH higher dps when tank spec'd. Warriors do NOT have a cc, we have a 6 second mezz. Also anyone who says they did all the h2's while leveling up with no problems is a liar, there's several that are flat out impossible. Also, anyone who says they easily killed elites as a jugg of any spec is a liar, unless they outleveled it by a crazy amount. I've leveled EVERYTHING this game has, and hands down, the jugg is by FAR the weakest. If you're tank spec, you have very very very little dps. In fact, it's very common for stuff to spawn directly behind you when doing normal solo quests. If you're rage, then you're squishy as sponge. If you're veng, you'll easily kill 1 guy, while his 4 buddies take your lunch money. You are wrong on an epic scale. I remember the bad old days of running from an elite my level, running from 2 strongs my level, because I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there was no way I was going to take them out. Now, here's teh part where you say I'm bad - To which I respond - my assassin, also driven by my bad self EASILY took out not 1 but 2 elites my level. Why? Because you're flat out wrong by saying that warriors have a cc. They don't have a cc. I can take 1 elite out of the fight for 6 seconds, then he's going to own me. My assassin can remove 1 elite from a fight for 1 minute. Notice the not so subtle difference? To the OP: Warrior have weaknesses that run the entire leveling process and honestly even into 50. I couldn't do most h2's on my warrior until I went over 20k health (where my assassin could the same h2 with 14k in 1/8th of the time). Honestly, for soloing, the warrior is not even in the same league as all the other classes. Our first pet isn't a tank or a healer. Quinn NEVER seems to be able to keep up with damage unless your tank spec'd at which point, strong breezes will do more damage than you. The only reason I still play a warrior at all is that if you get a healer strapped to your rump, you do pretty good (and by healer, I mean player, not Quinn, who is epic fail).
  3. Veeius

    How to counter Gore

    You're not getting my point. A team carries itself. If a team lets it's healers die, then that team will fail and EVERYONE dies. On the other hand, my jugg, by himself, can make a healer LAUGH at mara/sents, laugh at *2* mara/sents. I can turn off 30% of their damage w/o affecting my damage at all. I can make an additional 5% of their damage just go away. I can make 45% of their damage be heavy armor mitigated on me, instead of the healer & whatever armor they're wearing (along w/ whatever tank cds I feel like burning). I can send one of the maras flying with a snare on him so it'll take him a while to get back, while stunning the other mara. In the mean time the healer can smash nuke himself and erase every last bit of damage the maras did in a matter of a handful of seconds. Healers in good teams are MONSTERS, NOW, if you make them able to 1v1 mara's then forget killing anything ever. Is that the game you want to play? It's sure the hell not the one I want to play, not even on my healers.
  4. Veeius

    How to counter Gore

    Look, I have about 0 mercy for commandos, or any healer, I play a commando, and you know what? If I'm in a BAD team and I don't have guard, peels, taunts or cross heals, I die. If I do have those 4 things, then they can set almost their entire team on me, and they have about 0 hope. You want to be able to 1v1 then you have to get rid of guard, drop healing by about 50% change stuns/mezs to have 1 charge to FILL resolve and roots must be on the resolve system. Don't like those changes? Stop saying that healers should 1v1 people. They shouldn't. They shouldn't have an ice cube's chance in hell.
  5. Veeius

    How to counter Gore

    1) Get someone to guard you. 2) Get someone to peel for you. 3) Get someone to cross heal you. Do that and there will be no 2 maras in this game that will be able to kill you.
  6. No they really really really don't. Look, if you want to be able to 1v1, then the following MUST happen: Guard has to be removed from the game, healing ability has to drop by about 50%, and all knockbacks must be removed. Why? Because an even REMOTELY competent group - even pugs, are most likely going to guard a healer (50% damage, gone), peel for the healer, and cross heal (assuming there's more than 1 healer). Healers, even sorc's are nearly impossible to kill by 2 or even 3 dps at that point, in THIS environment. Make them be able to solo dps 1v1 and you can put most of a team on a single healer, and it won't die. If you're dying too fast in pvp, it's either your gear or your team or your skill or a combination thereof, but healers are FINE. I say this both as dps AND as a healer (actually as a smugg, a sorc, and a commando).
  7. The smarter thing to do would be to remove the tunnel.
  8. I won't argue that mercs could use some love. However, your argument ignores key things. My jugg has an interrupt and your merc doesn't.... however, your merc has heal buttons that heal for a significant amount with no cd. If you manage to los something, you CAN heal up some. My jugg, on the other hand, CAN'T los, I have no dots, no meaningful heals (actually the one heal I do have REQUIRES that I be hit MULTIPLE TIMES). You can't really compare specific things side by side in a meaningful way because that ignores what you DO have that others don't (pt's don't have a serious heal either). All that said, and to reiterate - commandos of the non-healing variety could use some help - just not enough to turn them into the WAY over the top pt pyros.
  9. I can't really say what others think, unless you're asking what do I think of juggs/guards when I'm on other classes, in which case, my answer to 1 is the same as the answer to 2. pvp: rage is in a good place, offensively strong, defensively weak, so while I can smash hard, it doesn't take much to kill me. veng is arguable, some like it, I don't. Immortal is very weak because most defensive stats are either nearly or completely irrelevant in pvp, and jugg tanks do horribad damage, even the veng/immortal tank does really really really bad damage compared to tankasins especially. pve: juggs of all specs seem to do lower dps than comparable ac's. I don't have numbers to back that up, but my jugg definitely feels like he does less than, say, my assassin. juggs also seem to be weaker tanks for some reason. My assassin can easily take down packs that my jugg can't while soloing. It doesn't seem so severe that it makes a difference in an op or a flashpoint, but when soloing my jugg is definitely weaker than my tankasin. My biggest complaint is that I don't understand why assassin tanks have stealth, a cc, self healing, comparable mitigation & avoidance, AND does better damage than my jugg. The ability to jump around like a mexican jumping bean on crack does not makeup for abilities that make a tremendous difference in nearly every aspect of play.
  10. No, again, There's apples and oranges, then there's 1983 chevy chevette, and 2012 lamborghini - and while the metric for success being "exceed 130 miles per hour or die." I'm ok with no flashy lightning from my fingertips. I'm not okay with 1 tank getting stealth, a cc, heals, and does more damage, with my ac getting... well, none of that. "different classes are different" should equate to "ok, well, sins get stealth, pt's get a cc, juggs get heals" Not "sins get stealth, cc, heals, and do the most damage, and juggs and pts... uh, well, they get to jump 20 feet."
  11. First - please DRAMATICALLY lower the cost of respecing. I do not tank in pvp, and even if I did, I wouldn't use my pve spec. I do not dps in flashpoints, and if I did, I wouldn't use my pvp spec. But I do want to pvp and tank in flashpoints each day, so by the end of the week, I'm running up on 100k to respec. So halfway through the week I start thinking "do I really want to spend another half million credits to do flashpoints?" Second - If a mob is standing next to me, I can get and keep threat. But if you have mobs spread out for 50 yards, I can NOT get threat. Some stand there and shoot my healer. Some run half way to my healer and shoot. Some run up and melee my healer. It is frustrating to burn every single tank move I have AND use a grenade on top of it, and still see 1 or 2 normal mobs hammering my healer. And while 1 or 2 normals can't outright kill a healer, they can force a healer to burn resources and gcd's healing themselves instead of the tank, which can make things extremely difficult - and again, I say this as both a tank AND a healer. I can buy that I'm a bad tank, I can buy that I'm a bad healer. I can't buy that ALL HEALERS AND ALL TANKS I've ever seen are bad, and this happens ALL the time. Lastly - you guys have got to work on making tanking fun. If the tank is decent and generally only allows 1 or 2 mobs to hammer on me while I'm healing, it's still fun for me. If I'm just dpsing, it's fun. But tanking - it sucks. I do no damage, and my ONLY possible metrics are "my healer didn't die" and "I didn't die." It still feels like fail when I see mobs banging on my healer 3 seconds into a pull. I know I'm going to get told by the "pros" that I suck at both healing and at tanking - perhaps I do. But I seriously doubt I'm far far far worse than average. So, go ahead and do your ethug posturing, it's not going to fix the ACTUAL problems faced by MANY tanks and healers in this game.
  12. That's very helpful, ethug. Why don't you go cruise highschools and look cool because you have a car.
  13. That's an excuse for me not to have pretty lighting coming out of my fingertips. It's not an excuse to allow one ac to easily do h2's and the other ac's to utterly fail at it.
  14. This is the crux of the matter. I don't use force push when I'm on my side of the huttball field because I'm tired of throwing people across the firepitt to the side they want to be on instead of throwing them off the catwalk. I've seen up to a 3 second delay from the time I hit force push to the time it goes off. That's really unacceptable.
  15. I understand your frustration - my main is a jugg and I hulksmash the crap out of stuff. However, I also have a sorc, a commando, and a scoundrel, and if I'm by myself - or I have no support, I die ultrafast. On the other hand, if I have guard, cross heals, and peels, I literally laugh at EVERYTHING that comes after me. An EXCELLENT mara may get me to 70% health if I only have guard on me, before I kill him myself. The rail shotting pt? Yeah, double dot him, then force speed around a corner, heal up, and when he gets los on, electrocute, then own him. The jugg who is about to smash? overload then feel sorry that his 6k smash hit me for nothing. But again, it all depends on having support and not rambo'ing stuff, because I will lose if I do that. Key is that if you're by yourself or you have no support, you HAVE to lose. Because if you don't, when you do get support, NOTHING IN THIS GAME can kill you.
  16. I have an assassin tank, and a jugg tank. The assassin tank has NO trouble soloing h2's, she's in orange gear with level 50 purple inserts (that she got by doing old enemies and freeing the fallen), my jugg is in 3 rakata/2 columi. My assassin never gets in trouble. My jugg... 20 seconds into the fight I can tell you, almost to the second, when he's going to die. I use retaliation whenever it's up, I use scream on cd (both spec'd). I've tried using tank gear, dps gear, and even pvp gear (for the heal) on intercede). I've tried chilling scream kiting, I've tried focusing them down, intimidating roar. Why is my crappily geared assassin - that I don't use correctly (whut u mean force lighting heals?) more durable in the same fights than my decently geared warrior? The only conclusion I can draw is that for some reason Talios is a better healer than Quinn, which is odd, but I seem to see a LOT more green numbers on talios than quinn. Quinn heals for bigger numbers (which makes sense, because he's in full tionese instead of Talios' "lol I've been a 50 for 10 minutes" gear, but Quinn seems to waste a lot more time adding his 8 dps. Also - my undergeared sin seems to do A LOT more damage, which may have something to do with the problem. If it's something I'm doing wrong - which is entirely possible, can anyone think of something obvious that would allow Quinn to keep me alive when soloing a couple elites?
  17. Ebon Hawk - doesn't happen offten, but I've seen void door bombs just disappear even with 4 or 5 guys aoe'ing the hell out of it.
  18. 100% of your matches... I very much doubt that. And the thing that you people are ignoring is that the OTHER SIDE likely has as many recruits as you do. Quitting w/o even LOOKING at the other side is foolhardy.
  19. Funny thing is, sometimes 14k healer makes a MUCH larger impact on a wz than my nearl 20k health jugg.
  20. pfft, I'm terrible, I know that, I only smash for 5k-ish, which I'm told is horribad, my reactions suck, &c. &c. &c. I've no illusions that people can beat me w/o having to cheat. But that doesn't mean I'm ok with seeing a bomb on the void door just disappear, even when I smashed directly on it moments before (ie, not possible to disarm it).
  21. I hate ALL rng because I'm ultra unlucky. Seriously, my roomate & I duo drop quests, and I *****always****** will take 3 times longer than him. ALWAYS. From 1 to 50, there wasn't a single drop quest that I finished when he did, i was always between 2 and up to 40 pulls after him, NOT an exaggeration. Likewise, with RE's, VERY RARELY I'll get an RE quickly. It's almost ALWAYS the 10th to 30th (again, not an exaggeration) . It could be that it's something about my computer, my room, I don't know, or maybe there is such a thing as "luck" and I don't have it. But whenever something has a 20% chance of success for me that really means I'll have to do it 15 to 20 times to get the desire result - and I'm kind of tired of it.
  22. There's a reason this kind of system is bad design, particularly when you throw in trash like redoubt going on dps gear and overkill/critical going on tank gear. The simple fix would be to say tht you have a base 20% chance to get a pattern, however each failure adds a small percentage to your success probability. I've gotten 3 patterns when re'ing 4 things, and I didn't want any of the 3 patterns, and then I went 27 re's before my next pattern. THAT is a rubbish system, especially when you toss in the fact that a blue metal mission takes an hour, and it may only give you 2 pieces of metal (and you can even fail and get 0, even with 400 skill), and 1 item takes 4 pieces of metal AND sometimes you CAN'T get more than 1 metal mission at a time. Its a very bad system, there's no other way to put it.
  23. While I agree with you that artifice (and cybertech, and armsmech and armormech) needs work, you're wrong that Artificer can't make augments. In fact, Artificer is the ONLY skill that can make str and willpower augments. First, I would say that it should not ever be possible to just do dailies and get something better than can be crafted. Sorry, but no, that's *********. It completely OBE's the crafting skill. I agree that you should be able to get stuff that's better than crafted items in ops - that's fine. But just doing dailies gives you BH items which is TONS AND TONS better than crafted gear. This is just wrong. Second, I've said this before, I don't understand why bw can't get this - biochem gives you advantages in every aspect of this game, pvp, pve, high end, grinding, all of it. You always have a stim, you always have the best usuable med pack. What I would suggest is that EACH craft gives you THAT type of advantage. Why can't cybertech get a buff that says "every insert yo uhave is x% more effective because you're a cybertech." For example? I hate using the wow example, but wow crafting system beats teh hell out of swtor's because there is NO craft that you look at and say "you're an idiot if you do this" Which is EXACTLY how swtor is set up - if you're not biochem on your main, you're just dumb, even after the plethora of nerfs biochem has. Why? Because every armor insert, every barrel, every crystal, enhance, mod, everything I can make I can get better just by doing dailies EXCEPT biochem. You can not cheaply buy stims or medpacks that are BETTER (actually not even as good) as biochem. Not to mention that even if you could it STILL wouldn't be worth it. You buy a barrel (or w/e) once, and it's good until the next one comes out. You buy a stim, and it's gone in 1 hour, even if you spend that hour just banging around in fleet waiting for a wz or lfg pop.
  24. Also, those idiot RE's we get when I have a dps ear with defense or a tank ear with power or crit, can I at least hide those idiot patterns?
  25. You're 100% wrong. Biochem is STILL hands down the best. First, the grenade does less damage than the health pack heals for, the health pack has 1/3rd the cd, the health pack is instant cast, and the healthpack doesn't just heal you it gives you a minilast stand by increasing your max health by 15%. Second, you're GUARENTEED to have whichever stim you want running. If you're NOT biochem, stims are HIDEOUSLY expensive EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BIOCHEM ALT. the blue stims are very difficult to make for what they give and honestly, they're not worth it for wz use unless the wz queue CONSTANTLY pops, but if it's like a 5 or 10 minute wait, you're better off not wasting a blue stim. people keep saying "omg I can't use my over the top adrenal so biochem sucks" - no, it's STILL a head and shoulders above every other craft. The ONLY thing that you have to be a cybertech to use is the purple grenades, which, as a juggernaut, I don't give a damned about the grenade, I smash about 5 times harder. Everything else a cybertech makes is not bop, and therefore you can simply buy or make on an alt. tl;dr if you're not a biochem on your main, you're STILL doing it wrong, and that's true if you grind pve, grind pvp, competitive pvp, do ops, whatever, every single aspect of this game you are far better off if you're biochem.
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