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Everything posted by Liquor

  1. I've been running 3 gear sets on my immortal jugg High hp Full mit Dps Generally I use the dps set with dps utilities. Works great. While guarding, I use the mitigation set Huttball gets the high hp set. Works fine, better with a healer, but I'm usually doing the Solo-Q Regstar thing. Crits won't change much. What needs to happen is defense, shield, and absorb need to work properly Oh and removing guard from dps specs. Make this happen PT Translocate needs to be instant A critical band-aid won't fix anything. Hybrid builds are still a thing, yet no one discusses it. Some still use the old lvl 50 set bonuses. If Eric and devs are interested, I'll be on the jugg most of the day tomorrow .
  2. PvP Streamers at oh, right game is dead . . . TLJ and SOLO killed any SW fandom
  3. Only when they meet an agenda. When posts and threads that are helpful and very descriptive get squelched via edits, deletions, topic moves, burried, and banned, they don't push the game into the future. There are counteless other topics that received more replies and deeper discussion that all have been burried, editied, members banned/silenced. Bully the community pushes the community away. Something SWTOR doesn't need right now. Regs doesn't need a deserter time out. It would be detrimental to the game. Just as command ranks and command gear has bled away subscribers and the community. The PvP community is a small dedicated few. Strong opinions and know it alls. Many have played other games and have watched some be success stories while others games imploded by a Dev change in direction. Watching SWTOR follow failure has many on edge. Frustrated, feed up at time spent in game vs reward. Pushing players away is the sign of a quick money grab due to SW movies, tv, comics hype before exiting.
  4. Bring back started companion gear. Make them as weak and strong as you want. . Problems solved
  5. Game is hard, change game to meet my wants. F those that understand the maps and work together. Careful what you ask for. BW knee jerk it and screw over the community, instead of tweaking the root causes. Besides, it's been years, nothing will change when the game is in sunset
  6. Cool story brah, Actually I main jugg tank and operative healer.
  7. #NerfOperatives Play sniper and you'll quickly find it's weakness. Use those weaknesses against the sniper. Oh, that's the core of learn to play.
  8. Operatives aren't burst healers. They are group maintainers. Filling HP pools with constant HoTs Hitting 26K HPS in an ops is easy when everyone has HoTs and recoup is running. Probes, cleanse, recoup to keep the group topped off. It does get boring
  9. Sin right? Pull them into fire? Stealth and knockbacks? They can't be entrenched all the time. Make friends, get on comms (like they were) and work as a team. L2P & #NerfOperatives
  10. Do harder content. The companions were better when we could gear them with started gear and they had more abilities. Companions are garbage now and can't take burst DPS. they melt Used to have HMFP on farm with started companions, can't do MMFP with the post 4.0 companions. They have less abilities, all are the same, don't have their original unique abilities. They only have more HP. That's it. If you think companions are better than you, well, L2P. Learn your class abilities, interrupts, cleanse and DCDs Stims, adrenals, grenades, food/drink buffs Companions are only a shadow of what they used to be. When they used started gear and we're geared effectively, they could tank, heal, and DPS properly. The game was dumbed down to a simple minded casual player-base. The minority wanted this and the devs responded to the few crybabies with the current trash meta
  11. BW devs don't tweak a little. They knee jerk on the other end. Instead of correcting the root cause, they band-aid a band-aid that was band-aided 3 patches ago. Instead of fixing stats, they Nerf DPS Instead of fixing reflect, they Nerf DPS Instead of fixing knockdown, they removed it from the game I could go on and on as to what devs have done instead of listening to the community. It's worse when they remove abilities, merge abilities, and change abilities from active to passive. ie. The 2.6 patch
  12. Leave it to BW Devs to stay the course and ignore community feedback on tanks. Hurt PvE by reducing damage and push true tanks further away from PvP with these changes. 10 pages of WTH!!??! It's quite comedic but expected. . I was really hoping to see guard removed from DPS specs and defense, shield, and absorb actually count for something, especially in PvP
  13. My spec is better than the current tanking sets. Off tank in HMops was in the dps gear most of the time. It's rare that the group needs me in high HP or the mitigation sets. The reason I use the dps items while tanking is absolute control of agro. Burst dps can't pull agro off me. Your best high HP or full mitigation tank can't pull agro off without a taunts. Works great for tank swaps. I haven't had complaints about healers. They don't have trouble keeping up. You would be surprised how well the spec performs There haven't been HMFP or "master mode" FP solo completions since before they removed companion started gear. No one has done it Please more L2P tips. You've been most helpful
  14. Banned multiple times for saying it, companions have always sucked since they took their gear stats away. Those that say they were OP need to do harder content. The companions melt during high burst phases. They have very little protection, even in tank stance. I used to have HMFP on farm with a geared companion. Would run HMFP solo and complete them easily. Can't do it in the current companion meta. Since they took the stats out of companion gear, companions have healed less, dps less, burst less and tank less. Only the ignorant would say companions are too strong. Skank tank. What's that? A dps jugg wearing a shield and tank armorings? Or do you mean Immortal spec using tank armorings and off-hand with DPS mods, enhancements, ear, implants and augments? These are 2 very different builds. Only 1 is a true skank tank. BW would have to fix shield, absorb and defence ratings to move players from dps tank builds and skank tanks. PvP is about how much dps you output while PvE is about protection and maintaining agro. I don't remember the last time I used my mitigation set let alone the high HP gear set. I'm always in my tank armorings, dps mods, enhancements, ear, implants, relics, augements and using more dps utilities. Even for pve content. I pull agro off tanks in operations without taunts. Out of 2 sniper builds, 2 operative builds, 1 PT, 1 sin, 1 sorc, and I use my jugg more. It have 4 sets of armor. High HP, full mitigation, dps with tank armorings and a full dps specced set (for those rare times I'm not immortal spec) all 248s. It just took over a year to get 11 sets to 248 and a **** ton of game time. I miss 2.0 times. Make SWTOR great again!
  15. Ikr Threads like the op are mostly troll posts because they don't understand mechanics, their class abilities nor how to counter tanks using dps mods, enhancements and utilities. Most of the threads like this are from bads that could use some assistance in the L2P area. But that just ruffles their feathers
  16. wont come close. have a 2nd account my wife is using now and spent over 30k CC unlocking character perks and such for her. but hey, GL
  17. If you think tanks using dps mods, enhancements and augments are a problem and need a Nerf, you need to learn how to play. Only a handful are actually good at the build. But it would be nice if a full tank was viable. Then the QQ will turn to guard. Tank stats aren't built for PvP. That's the root. Not the dps they do. Generally they only do 2k-3k DPS. Good ones will push 5k DPS. But that is still half what a true dps class can do.
  18. Mara is fine. Learn when to DCD, interrupt and CC. Many are trash and blow through their rotations into reflect and bubble
  19. Buy crafted 246 and augments Do ops for the unassembled If you don't have 208s for set bonus grab the 230s. Otherwise press with pvp weeklies, do them all and the ops. It's quick on upgrades and you can hold off on purchased 230s if you spend a weekend doing it and have most of the armorings for the set bonus. Ops rewards (if you get the rolls) helps a lot for upgrades. When I do ops, I pass on the gear since I don't need it. Many others do the same. They there for mats and rare drops/weeklies
  20. Liquor

    Nerf Guard!

    First 2 caps means nothing when I'm online. I'll take it everytime in a 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2. Know your class and utilities. Understand how to use it to maximize your performance in objective play. I can't count how many times I load into a reg and my team is behind, and we win or make a comeback that stresses the other team out. Reading this thread and the many there concerning gaurd and it always comes back to L2P effectively .
  21. Liquor

    Nerf Guard!

    If shltters knew their roles, abilities, and how to play objectives this thread wouldn't exist Guard isnt an issue when you know how the mechanics works. 1 player can melt guard to 1/4 HP while the tank has 1/3 HP. Make it a 2 vs 2 fight and guard means nothing. I did this all weekend. PT tank guarding a jugg. PT tank guarding a sin. Jugg guarding a sniper, sin guarding a sorc. Sin guarding a sin. Every 1 vs 2 fight I entered ended either me killing both or dieing with the 2 being at 1/4 and 1/3 HP. When I got some help, both defenders died before help could arrive. Knowing when to use a dcd, stun, root, push is a must. If you don't understand the basics of your class and the classes you're going against, you might as well /stuck it, logoff, and uninstall the game Tank tunnel, healer tunnel or dps tunnel. 3 selections and not all correct. Depends on player skill, comms, and meta. Guard alone isn't the issue.
  22. 2018 is going to be an interesting year for Microsoft, EA, and Disney
  23. I use RAZER keyboards, keypads, and mice. Unlike what many say is the "majority" of reviews I've never had an issue with any of my RAZER products over the years. All have worked great. Haven't had this issue. I'm able to map using Ctrl, Alt, Shift and any combination of the 3. Shift+Alt+1 CTR+ALT+NUM1 With a keyboard without a number pad, I might have to open the virtual keboard to enable Numlock. Usually after a fresh Windows 10 install. There are also apps that can rebind Windows keyboard functions.
  24. Voice comms help to coordinate Sin and I on my dps geared immortal jugg worked a few off nodes and main fights over the weekend. Either I would engage and slowly work the defender away so he could cap, or he would do the same. Sneak in behind and steal it while the defender/s were occupied. Use push/pull/root and CC effectively
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