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Everything posted by RandyL

  1. As someone who actually enjoys the Rakghoul Resurgence event and paid attention last time it came around I can tell you that the first time it popped up on Alderaan Bioware was teasing it 8 days before the start date with lore posts about reports of attacks. If it's to start on the 5th of August we've had no lore warning of it, so that's a departure from the previous event. If it's to start on the 12th they might start teasing it this week. And finally if it's to start after the launch of GSH that would be strange. 'Hey, we just launched an expansion. BTW, there's also an event going on to distract you from spending money on the new expansion.' Seems unlikely. It would be equally as strange to have the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife, the Bounty Hunter Week and Rakghoul Resurgence Events all going on the same week. So logically we should see it on Tuesday August 5th.
  2. I've known ever since they announced the summer of SWTOR update that it would be the week of August 12th. I can't really play either.
  3. On the Harbinger server, the following elites only spawn after a server reset after maintenance. Once killed you must wait for another server maintenance. Otherwise they will never appear. It would be nice to have this issue fixed as this cannot possibly be working as intended. Additional elites may also be affected. Nar Shaddaa - Berserk Hutt B0-2S Battle Droid Ilum - Commander Ardot Can't confirm but also looks like Yozusk Platesmasher on Dromund Kaas might be another.
  4. I don't really understand people that are like "NOOO fleet chat in my stronghold! I want peace and quiet." It is NOT going to be quiet with planet chat, you do realize that right? And as someone else mentioned DK chat is often worse than fleet chat. I'd rather have no gen chat then have to listen to the drivel that will be going on in planet chat. This just makes players of the game even more socially fragmented. /cjoin isn't a realistic option as many of us are already in several channels and a lot of people aren't going to join whatever channel or the channel drops them and they don't realize it (it's buggy). But it is likely the appeal will fizzle pretty quickly so it may not end up being much a problem on non-RP servers. Hopefully strongholds isn't the only place we can access our legacy bank.
  5. Yes, you have to go under Collections, on the left-hand side there is a section at the top called "Cartel Market" and then go to "Special" and the Treek mercenary contract is under there. They did refund the 300k for me but it took two tickets for them to do it. Make it clear you are NOT asking for a refund of the cartel coins, just the credits since you already paid for the unlock.
  6. Yes...if you purchased the unlock through collections. I put a ticket in to get refunded the 300,000 since it shouldn't deduct those credits from those that unlocked but of course instead of actually reading my 3 sentence ticket they just reply with a form letter about refunding cartel market purchases which is NOT what I asked at all. I hate how the character perks screen doesn't ask for confirmation before making an unlock. Accidentally clicked something? Credits deducted, bam. Worse, I hate that they designed a system to double-charge you then refuse to credit you for the second charge. SMH. (EDIT: See post below)
  7. I didn't know you had to go through collections to unlock Treek on other characters. I thought you could just unlock her via character perks, but that cost me 300,000 credits. Can you remove the cost on the character perks screen for those of us that purchased the unlock? It's confusing. Thanks!
  8. I couldn't narrow it down to just 10, but in order of priority... 1.) Mini-games. Pazaak, swoop racing, dejarik etc. 2.) Please address loot rules in some fashion to reduce ninjas. They are especially prevelant during event operations and the most annoying then because of the rare nature of the drops. One way would be any rare items (including barnacles of the eyeless) get randomized automatically. If someone wants to trade an item to another group member because they already have it/don't want it, then so be it. 3.) Increase frequency of events and add 1-2 events similar in scope and story to the Gree event or Rakghoul Resurgence. Every 3 months or so would be good for these events, so you're eventually rotating one per quarter. And don't be afraid to take a risk and try something original and creative for the new events. 4.) Ranked GSF. Only viable if and when cross-server is ever implemented, which it should be, for PVP. Ranked GSF should have seasons and rewards like ranked ground PVP. 5.) Improved rewards for GSF. Adding fleet comms and the boxes was a step in the right direction, but the boxes generally drop cheap mats or fairly worthless gear that doesn't do much good. More people could be lured to GSF and would continually play it for better rewards. 6.) Improve seeker droid interface so it's not so tedious. Love the idea of treasure hunting and having a rare chance to find something. Hate the fact that I've gotten 0 items of worth after hours of digging. Make some new craftable item that gives useful information, like the one you use for the HK-51 parts (but with an approximate range of distance AND the direction). Some argue the seeker droid does indicate distance but this is in dispute and is definitely more ambiguous than the HK-51 scanner. If you Bioware folks think it's fun do a livestream of digging for 2 hours. 7.) 1-2 more tactical flashpoints for leveling. HOWEVER, do NOT allow people who are not, say, at least legacy 25 to do these. New people need to learn how to play their class and get appropriate gear from SM flashpoints so they are not complete fools at endgame. 8.) Figure out a way to make 16m operations in group finder work without breaking the server. Rotate 16m and 8m ops so we can get both sets of achievements easier. 9.) Speaking of operations, please add the classic ops (EC, EV, KP) to group finder for 55s with options for difficulty setting. 10.) Make more stand alone items in the cartel market. Not really interested in gambling packs. I think you can have both, but you'd have to start combining things for the gambling packs - which you've already started doing. And I still want the festive tauntan - like seriously. 11.) Continue the class stories. Yes, I know it's expensive. Charge $30-60 (subs/f2p) for an expansion if you want. But make it legit. If you're going to charge us that much it should be better than 2.0. 12.) Fix longstanding bugs. (examples: 1.) Kill it with fire achievement 2.) Multiple bugs in the GSI Makeb heroic). It reflects poorly on Bioware to not have fixed them 1+ year later. 13.) For the love of Revan, please add a legacy ignore option. As in I can ignore someone's entire legacy and that ignore list carries over to all of my characters. Also, add the ability to add comments on an ignore list like we can with the friends list so I know why I ignored someone. and /unignore or /stopignore should be a command. If there is one to do this, IDK what it is. Finally, a request of content NOT to add. No nightmare flashpoints of the existing HMs or those Korriban/Tython ones. Half the people playing the new FPs are clueless (probably because of KDY) and I can only imagine how "fun" they'll be with increased difficulty. And I was bored with them the first time I did them. They lack the charm of earlier FPs.
  9. They've said a lot of what people are posting in their top 10s isn't happening. However, not only should they add joystick support because it will increase the player base of GSF and thereby bring in more money, but they can sell SWTOR branded joysticks and make even more money.
  10. I agree it might be more interesting, which is why you can skip over the ones that comment on others if you like.
  11. 1.) YES, though I have a feeling they're already working on this. Pazaak and swoop racing (both PVE and PVP) would do wonders for this game if done right. 2.) I think they were going for this idea with KDY, but I find the scenarios boring. Even the first time I do a scenario that has me blow-up or free 5 of something, and then repeat it again makes me roll my eyes. It's lazy design and lacks any creativity. So yes, if they do write something that actually has some thought put it into it, that would be great. 3.) The F2P restrictions speak volumes about the insecurity of the bean counters. They don't want to ease restrictions because people might reconsider their subs. I think they are making enough money on the cartel market though that they can and should relax restrictions. 4.) Yes. I've heard players mention that they would play if there was joystick support. They could make a good deal more money on GSF if they added joystick support and new FUN game play modes. Ranked would be good too, though only if they ever decide to implement cross-server or some kind of mass consolidation of servers (again). 5.) This really gets back to the core of what the game is about and what made it moderately successful. They don't want to spend the resources on making 8 different story lines, but they really should. If it means you need to charge $30-40 for an expansion, then do so. PVE players are here basically for the story and doing the same generic story line gets old fast. If they're going to go down this road though, it shouldn't be "very small." That wouldn't really be worth the dev resources. 6.) I agree. There's a lot they could add in terms of little vendor droids. Would also like to see the quicktravel cooldown lowered to 5 minutes for legacy 50. 7.) Meh. If they added turret support to a PVE GSF component that would be good. 8.) Personally I don't find companion customization a high priority and would hate to see resources put into that over more pressing issues. 9.) This doesn't sound like a bad idea but sounds way too resource intensive. I'd like to see them increase the occurrence of events to every 3-4 months and add a new event along the lines of Gree and Rakghoul Resurgence. The BH event is lame and I thought that within 5 minutes of starting it, even though I have 100% of the achievements from it. I'd really prefer not to see more lazily designed events like it. 10.) Yes. Crafting can and should be much more than it currently is. This is the type of thing that keeps people in-game and subscribing and should absolutely be made a high priority. Crafting pretty much went to the wayside with the introduction of the CM. Big mistake. They are doing something with crafting and housing, but that remains to be seen if it will be worthwhile.
  12. I have a character parked there, but I am doing other things in the meantime. I'm thinking maybe when the server gets reset with the next patch or the Gree event like you suggested. In any case it definitely appears bugged, at least on the Harbinger.
  13. I may actually watch this to see if this ends up being a disaster like I hope it will. ::Gets popcorn ready::
  14. I think it's more likely he's currently bugged and MIA. I put a ticket in.
  15. Anyone have any idea what the respawn timer is for Infantry Commander Ardot on Ilum? Have been camping his spawn location (851, -154) on the republic side for hours and no sign. He doesn't even drop anything special, wondering why he's a rare spawn.
  16. I wouldn't say the -910, 130 cave is a good place. It's an okay place that will take you forever to farm 1000 kills from. That said, I've not found an area that is better yet. From my experience farming kills on other planets, this is going to be among the slowest to farm.
  17. Hate that sites like Torhead don't give coordinates for locations or NPCs. I spend so much time trying to find things because of that. Some droids for the "Wiping Away the Remnants" achievement can be found on the Republic side at coordinates (-1036, 10). There's not many there and they don't have a fast respawn.
  18. You might be right since I can't seem to find the pickup anywhere. Oh well - I guess I'll have to do it on one of my other characters. Thanks anyway!
  19. I think you're referring to the Maximum Security Section Ops Center as that has the southern-most Rakata Transport.
  20. I must have abandoned at some point as it is not in my quest log and I couldn't have finished it because the World Razer lore achievement isn't in my codex or achievements. Seems like it's just a matter of picking up where I've left off, but I've been to all checkpoints and speeder points and have not seen a pickup anywhere.
  21. I think you are correct about that. The problem is that I don't know what part of the questline I left off at. I could visit the NPCs to see which one I stopped at, but don't know their locations. It seems like the only alternative it to start the planet questline from scratch on a different character, but that's what I'm trying to avoid. EDIT: I can do dailys on Belsavis and I thought you had to have had completed the planet storyline to be able to do them.
  22. I'm working on lore achievements on my 55 commando and am stuck on World Razer on Belsavis. I've completed my class story, but leveled this character up 2 years ago, so have no idea how much of the planet questline I've done. It's my understanding you have to get so far on the planet quest line to be able to pick up this lore achievement. Any idea of how to see where progress was left off short of going to all of the mission pickup NPCs?
  23. Looking for maps that have all the different types of mobs on them for the achievements. Like elite droids, etc. For example, I'm on Balmorra right now, working my way down the planets alphabetically and I see the achievement Balmorra: Demolishing Imperial Droids. There's an area 4 quest on Balmorra, Trash to Treasure that takes place in Sundari Flatlands (665, 1192). The pickup happened for me at 549, 1362. This is a good location for Republic players looking to complete the achievement Balmorra: Demolishing Imperial Droids as it has a lot of elite droids.
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