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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. it's called endure pain aka fake health, and most jugs don't know how to use it because they are trash


    also sorcs have an OCD called unlimited power that increases endurance

  2. y'all overanalyze regs too much. people just queue whatever they feel like playing and sometimes friends queue together and stuff. I recommend spending less time on the forums and more time practicing your classes
  3. The 5th stack isn't worth delaying rail shot - or anything else - to be honest. In both pve and pvp, I generally use rail shot at 4 stacks - unless I'm at a part of the rotation that uses 3-4 tracers, in which case I'll have 5 stacks by the time RS is off cooldown. Holding out for a 5-stack rail shot will result in a DPS loss because you are forced to cast more tracers, which deal less damage than rail shot; tracers also cost more heat, forcing you to use more rapid shots. My pve parses use 2-3 more rail shots than all the other top performers.


    In PvP, I pretty much always use it at 4 stacks unless I'm going super tryhard to set up burst. Your opener is fine, and it's the same exact opener that Chasso and I use. You use priming shot first not to get it on cooldown, but to apply the ranged damage debuff.


    I agree with using blazing bolts before your first tracer:

    (1) Blazing bolts hits someone 4 times, so you'll get a better chance of proccing your relics early for your first burst phase.

    (2) Blazing bolts pairs nicely with supercharge - you can build all 6 stacks in the span of 2 GCDs instead of 3.

    (3) The armor debuff for tracer missile would make the first blazing bolts hit a couple percent harder, sure, but it's also nice to have that second blazing bolts right away - especially if you are kiting melee.


    My "ideal" pvp opener is:


    PS > Supercharge/BB > Insta Tracer > Hardcast Tracer > Heatseekers > 4-stack railshot


    Tracer and heatseeker both have travel time; the former is hardcasted at the end of the gcd while the latter is instant cast at the beginning of the next gcd. Rail shot has virtually no travel time. This means that the tracer and heatseeker are launched nearly simultaneously, and thanks to their travel time, the 4-stack railshot will hit the target at the same time for insane combined burst. This is why it's important to hardcast the tracer before heatseekers. You want to make them panic. If your relics proc early, you can skip one of the tracer missiles and go with a 2-stack railshot so that the entire burst phase lands within your relic window.


    If you really want to go tryhard with burst (as I just talked about) then you'll want to open with: Supercharge/BB > Hardcast Tracer x1 or 2 depending on relic procs > Heatseeker > 2 or 4-stack railshot > PS > TM > BB. This will allow you to get the entire burst window inside your relics while maintaining your triple hit of hardcast TM/HS/RS.


    The opportunity cost of rail shot is pretty much the only interesting wrinkle in the arsenal rotation these days. They gutted blazing bolts, which completely ruined the incentive of maximizing barrage procs. GG bioware.


    Oh yeah, don't use rapid scan at 5 stacks unless you reaaaly need the extra 20 percent on the heal. Use it at 4; you get an insanely fast cast time (.3 seconds!) and can move into your next ability right away. Sure, the instant rapid scan at 5 stacks will heal you for a tiny bit more, but then you have to wait the FULL GCD (!!!) for the next move.

  4. I've verified this with at least 4 other IO mercs. On dummies, IO is parsing on average about 300-400 less DPS than it did in December (after they had already nerfed the set bonuses). I was averaging about 10k on a dummy in late December, and now, with the same gear and rotation and everything, my average is down to 9600. The other mercs noticed a similar drop-off. Has anyone else noticed? Is there some sort of ninja nerf at play here?
  5. Appreciate you and shyroman pointing that out! Is the key just not to drop below a 1.4s GCD or is there an optimal Alacrity value between the 1.4 and 1.3s breakpoints?


    I haven't done enough parsing to really figure out the optimal point yet, but it's probably in the range of 1200-1300 rating. I just came back to the game after taking a few months off to focus on IRL stuff, so I haven't had much time to test it out.

  6. Not worth the loss of gcd reduction, io is the only exception due to how important tiny energy differences can mean.


    Yeah, I can pretty much confirm that my average IO parse is slightly higher at an alacrity rating between the 1.4s and 1.3s tiers. Fewer rapid shots, more thermals, no issues with procs, etc. It's the only instance where it's beneficial, I think.


    Great writeup! A couple suggestions:


    "Melee disciplines (e.g., Carnage Marauders) typically have a lot of melee-type attacks; ranged disciplines (e.g., Marksmanship Snipers) typically have a lot of ranged-type attacks. Mechanically, however, melee and ranged attacks are identical. Similarly, Force and tech attacks are treated the same."


    I would mention that the two groupings are color coordinated within the flytext (e.g. white for range/melee damage, aka weapon damage; and yellow for force/tech). I'd also mention that mechanically they aren't quite identical: for instance, priming shot applies a debuff for ranged damage only, not melee.

  7. The specs are pretty much fine; it's the defensive that needs adjusting, because you waste too many GCDs trying to keep yourself alive in pvp.


    The damage isn't too far off the mark. With the new augments, a passable madness parse is like 9800; a passable lightning parse is like 9550. That's not too far from the other ranged classes. Madness only needs about a 200 dps increase; lightning needs maybe 50 at most. If bioware simply buffed Demolish overall damage by 11 percent for madness, and buffed Thundering Blast by 2 percent, they would hit these targets.


    Moving static barrier off the GCD (and giving it a 4 second cooldown) would go a long way. Better yet, move resurgence off the GCD as well (but extend its CD to 9 seconds). This would still emphasize kiting while rewarding players with high apm by increasing their DPS under pressure.

  8. Hey Hoppin, I have a question about your accuracy setup. I have been thinking about running 730 accuracy after the new augments were added but still have my doubts. I made a post on reddit about it and most people said that they'd rather have guaranteed 110% than risk missing for a bit of extra Crit rating.


    I checked your Arsenal parse and I see that in the whole parse you missed only once - on one tick of Blazing Bolts. So it doesn't seem like a big deal. On the other hand, if you miss on one Rail Shot or Heatseekers that could have crit for 20k... That kind of sucks.


    So do you really think it is worth going for <110% accuracy? How has it been working for you in real fights?


    I quit swtor today, but I was often running 109.65 percent accuracy prior to the new augments without much issue at all. I was still in the 99th percentile for virtually all fights/pulls regardless of spec. If you are unlucky and miss a 20k hit, it's still ultimately only a 50-100 DPS loss (depending on fight duration).


    Rolling with 109.93 percent accuracy means you will miss 1 out of every 1,428 hits. A 2.5 million dummy parse simulates average fight duration, and for arsenal we're talking 600-650 hits on average during a fight of that duration. Half of those are irrelevant offhand hits, so you're left with like 300 "main hand" hits that are directly affected by your 109.93 percent accuracy. In other words, you'll only miss a single tick once every 4 or 5 fights or so - and the odds of that being one of your heavy hitters is very small at best - remember that only 90 of those 600ish hits will be rail shots/heatseekers/priming shots. The rest are tracers, rapid shot ticks (170 ticks on average per average boss fight/parse!) and blazing bolts ticks, all of which are fairly small hits. In other words, you will only miss a heavy hitter once every 15 fights or so. Even missing an autocrit will only drop your dps by 100...and the two extra crits you'll perform due to higher crit rating will make up for half of that. Gaining 40-50 dps every fight at the cost of losing 50-100 DPS once every 15 fights is hardly an issue, especially since it's very rare that your group will wipe to enrage when the boss is at like 20k health.


    I'm not sure how accuracy works for offhands, but missing an extra offhand attack once in a while is irrelevant.

  9. Sorc dmg relative to other ranged:


    Madness with high alacrity is almost as good as IO - flawless parses will be between 9.5k and 10k depending on crits (whereas IO right now, played flawlessly, is between 9600-10.3k - a wider range).


    Lightning is still lagging behind a bit, doing between 9300-9800. Arsenal and Marksman do between 9300-9700, so lightning is a little ahead of the curve. Virulence and Engineering are way overperforming (10k+) but are rng-heavy.

  10. Can't say for Arsenal, but for IO, we use around 1280 alacrity for a reason. If you use more than that, you will break your procs, your dots will burn faster than you can renew them and you will screw your rotation in the end.

    IO has a very precise rotation and stats, really annoying to mess with. I've tested a lot of new things over the years, and right now, the best stats I've came up with are around 1800crit and 1280 alacrity (1300max).


    About the rotation, I've made some adjustments over the years as well and I've a kinda of unique way of doing it now, for a few parts of it.

    Marise rotation relies on dividing everything into 3 parts basically, Opener, High rotation (2 pwr shots, thermal), Low rotation (2 rapid shots for GCD as fillers).

    It works really well, but the problem with this is, in certain situations it can be a problem, as you have too many casts to do and as a result, less mobility in a fight with too much movement. Also higher risk to overheat if not executed well.

    What I did was, I broke it down to just 1 part instead of 2 (High and low). More stable and mobile. I replaced 2 power shots for just 1 power shot and 1 rapid shot. Every GCD I'm able to use thermal and keep up the pace, manage heat better and keep moving more easily as I've only 2 cast skills instead of 3. As a result, I find that it can perform slightly better with this rotation, whether it's in a dummy or in a real fight. At least for me. Well, you can see the results at parsely over the months.


    And like I said before, they fixed the set bonus bug at December 12th with the latest patch, and its not a 500dps difference, more like 200~250, as we can still reach 10.4k or with some luck, more, today with IO.


    Depends on RNG. Could be anywhere from 0-500, since it's a 20 percent crit chance on mag blast. And yeah, high alacrity does mess with the procs (unless you delay a few moves by a tenth of a second, which is flirting with dps loss), but I am now 100 percent convinced that it also streamlines the heat management compared to lower alacrity levels (and arguably higher alacrity levels as well) for the reasons I mentioned. Yet another reason to run lower alac as IO.


    Your rotation is solid, and seems to be on par with marisi-fascinate currently.

  11. I have not played this game in a while and am a bit behind on min-maxing these things since the new augments hit. But I noticed you have a pretty high sorc parse up - what are your general observations on best results with the sorc specs? you can post that on the sorc forum though. I have not crunched the exact math but knowing that the new augments give extra alacrity and crit it is probably possible to push the dot sorc spec up to the next alacrity level without sacrificing an unnecassery amount of crit - and there is no resource issues there unlike with io merc.


    I'll post quickly here. For Madness, I'm sitting at just over 1860 alacrity - just enough to reach the next rounding tier. Like Fury Marauder, this alacrity level facilitates a rather fluid and static rotation, much like the old one from 3.0. I'm running about 1630 crit, and of course 109.93 percent accuracy. For Lightning, I drop a few pieces of alacrity (the equivalent of about 5 percent since you get a stacking alacrity buff in the rotation) and replace them with crit. I end up with something like 2k crit as lightning.


    I use all new augments and full 248 gear. Queue group ranked for mats; I was able to augment 3 toons fully after about 100 matches with decent pug groups (and 75 wins or so due to all the bads queuing), plus command crate drops. The elo system is generally working due to the high volume of teams in queue; if you are just farming mats, you'll generally get up against mats farmers only (or bad "serious" teams).

  12. inb4 "who cares" "Dead game" "pve ***" etc


    tl;dr version right off the bat:



    109.93% Accuracy (730 rating)

    16.3% Alacrity (approx. 1500 rating + 3 percent passive)

    Approx. 2000 Critical Rating




    (This was the build I used for my 10k arsenal parse, which took me 3 tries to get. I averaged 9800 DPS over 10 parses, but this was with the ghost set bonus so it would probably be about 500 DPS lower now.)


    EDIT: On Christmas Eve (well after the ghost set bonus nerf) I parsed 3 times with this build and averaged 9480 dps with a peak of 9560.



    109.93% Accuracy

    11.74% Alacrity (1281 rating)

    2142 Critical Rating


    http://parsely.io/parser/view/339711/0 (sloppy; could've easily been 100-200 higher with better execution)


    (This was the build for two of my three 10.3k parses last night, one of which I achieved on my first try using the Marisi-Fascinate rotation. These parses were done after the ghost set bonus nerf last week. I averaged 9850 DPS over 10 parses using a mix of rotations.)




    A few interesting findings after a round of ten IO parses tonight:


    For Bounty Hunter classes, high alacrity builds that reach the next rounding tier (15.5 percent) are very resource-intensive. Nevertheless, you want to hit the higher tier of alacrity for Arsenal (15.5 percent) plus a little extra because it smooths out the barrage procs, which are the backbone of the Arsenal rotation. Moreover, you can afford to waste more GCDs on Rapid Shot in Arsenal spec; the difference in DPS between Tracer Missile and Rapid Shots is far smaller than that of Thermal Detonator and Rapid Shots. In other words, you can afford to overheat a bit more as Arsenal, as it's much easier to recover and far less of a DPS loss.


    For IO, you don't want to be at one of the alacrity rounding tiers (720 rating or 1860 rating). Why? For resource-intensive specs that rely heavily on alacrity for resource replenishment (such as IO), you want an alacrity rating somewhere between 720 and 1860, because you'll get a higher resource generation rate relative to your GCD activation time. In other words, you get heat back faster than you can activate abilities over the long run.


    Let me lay it out:


    Alacrity rating: 711


    GCD activation time: 1.4 seconds

    Resource replenishment rate: 5.4/sec


    Alacrity rating: 1281

    GCD activation time: 1.4 seconds

    Resource replenishment rate: 5.6/sec



    With the bottom setup, you will be using fewer filler moves (such as Rapid Shots), replacing them with hard-hitting but resource-intensive abilities like Thermal Detonator. It seems to be a net positive DPS gain, and it makes the rotation far more forgiving.


    Some more details: the top IO parser (pre-setbonus nerf) runs 1281 alacrity as IO, and so do I. I tested his rotation (as well as the Marisi/Fascinate and Chernova rotations) and I found myself using five additional Rapid Shots when my alacrity rating was at the usual 720 or 1860 tiers: a total of three fewer Thermal Detonators and two rapid shots replacing an Unload. By switching to an alacrity rating halfway between these tiers, my resources replenished faster than my GCDs activated, giving me extra heat to work with over the course of the parse and allowing me to emulate his rotation without issue.


    With a more forgiving resource replenishment rate, it will be far easier to recover from a mistake during a raid. Forgot to use Thermal Sensor Override on Unload, for instance? No big deal: use it on Thermal Detonator, carry on as normal, and you'll only have to use one or two Rapid Shots to recover down the line (as opposed to three or four with an alacrity rating that's close to the rounding tier).


    As far as crit goes, I've had the best success running around 2k for both specs (remember that you don't need to stack alacrity as arsenal because of the passive 3 percent alacrity bonus, which will take you to the next rounding tier by default). You want higher crit as a Merc DPS due to the Advanced Targeting passive.


    Your accuracy rating should be 109.93 percent (5 superior accuracy augments). Anything more is a waste and anything less is a bit risky. With this setup, you won't waste tertiary stat (by over-compensating above the 110 percent accuracy threshold) and you'll only miss 7 out of every 10,000 attacks.


    Please note that any Arsenal or IO parse between November 28th and December 18th (or thereabouts) is going to be about 200-500 dps higher than now due to the bugged set bonus. In full 248 BiS gear with new augments, you should be averaging around 9350 DPS as Arsenal and 9800 DPS as IO. Your high-crit parses should be around 9500 for Arsenal and 10k for IO.


    "When do I use adrenals?!?!?!?!"

    You will have the ability to use two adrenals during a typical parse/boss fight. Use them as follows:



    (1) Opener, right before electro net.

    (2) During electro net, supercharge, vent heat, and an autocrit heatseeker. This scenario usually appears halfway through the parse/fight, or the third electro net.



    (1) Opener, right before electro net and supercharge.

    (2) During the execute range (sub-30 percent HP) when electro net, missile blast procs, and supercharge are available. It must be in execute range because your dots will be ticking harder due to skill tree passives; you want to capitalize on this extra damage potential. This kind of logic applies to most dot specs.

  13. tl;dr version right off the bat:



    109.93% Accuracy (730 rating)

    15.42% Alacrity (1379 rating + 3 percent passive)

    2044 Critical Rating


    1379 Rating gets you to the 1.3 second GCD tier (because Arsenal has a built-in 3 percent alacrity buff)


    As far as crit goes, I've had the best success running around 2k for both specs (remember that you don't need to stack alacrity as arsenal because of the passive 3 percent alacrity bonus, which will take you to the next rounding tier by default). You want higher crit as a Merc DPS due to the Advanced Targeting passive.


    Your accuracy rating should be 109.93 percent (5 superior accuracy augments). Anything more is a waste and anything less is a bit risky.


    Please note that any arsenal or IO parses between November 28th and December 18th (or thereabouts) are going to be about 200-500 dps higher than normal due to a bugged set bonus. In full 248 BiS gear with new augments, you should be averaging around 9350 DPS as arsenal and 9800 DPS as IO. Your high-crit parses should be around 9500 for arsenal and 10k for IO.

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