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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. So you get three overcharge sabers during a parse. Wouldn't it be best to save your second adrenal for when your third overcharge comes off cd so that you can further buff its triggered effects AND capitalize on the dmg increase during execute phase? Or is that a net dps negative compared to using adrenal to push the execute phase faster and get more dots in the execute phase? Has anyone done the math?


    The top parses do not seem to pair adrenal with their last overcharge (or use it a couple gcds earlier to not waste any adrenal uptime before the end of the parse). Is this just an oversight or is there a method to their madness....

  2. I figured out the problem: I was using the old marisi-fascinate rotation. I forgot I had switched rotations to allow for extra thermal detonators, which is more optimal in the wake of the new 5.0 passive. Back to averaging 10k again.
  3. These "srver records" are funny (peeps and their fake trophies, smh). Seriosuly nothing impressive damage wise, since all the screens shots show a lot of heals, and all of the major heals, show multiple heals. Do damage with no heals, then you have something to brag about.


    no heals on which side?


    also, I'm sure you are very impressive

  4. Level 70, to be honest. You need to get all of your utilities, passive, and abilities and understand how they all work. You'll get the gist of things by mid-60s though. For rapid-fire sampling, you really need to play until at least 42. Most classes have their most essential abilities and procs by then. Still, some classes kinda suck until you get their high-end utilities.
  5. prot is comprised of:


    (1) damage reduction by taunts (e.g. 30 percent of outgoing damage not directed at the source of the taunt)

    (2) damage reduced by guard (e.g. the 5 percent flat dmg reduction on guarded targets)

    (3) damage taken by the tank through guard


    these numbers are registered as protection (and damage taken in the case of number 3. numbers 1 and 2 are not factored into an attacker's damage; this is why your damage numbers are lower on the scoreboard when there are a ton of tanks)


    static barrier absorbs incoming damage. absorb is a different mechanic. it calculates how much damage is absorbed and collapses when that threshold is crossed. the attack is still credited to the attacker at damage AND credited to the sorc as healing.


    this is a good thing, because you want the scoreboard to accurately reflect player performance. you have to pop a bubble; the better your dps, the faster you pop said bubble

  6. offsee is close. you want to use TK wave after turbulence in your opener, as it refreshes your dot... when you refresh the dot two gcds after it is previously refreshed/applied, it will stand a greater chance of ticking twice


    use force speed on cooldown; the instant lightning bolts activate .1 second faster, so you'll end up getting an extra gcd or two by the end of the parse/fight.


    when fully min-maxed you should average 9500 on a dummy, with high crit parses around 9800. expect more or less in raids depending on the amount of cleave

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