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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. It's been a few months since I even played lightning, but I was at 109.93 percent accuracy, around 1300 alacrity, around 1900 crit, and I believe 1-2 mastery augments.


    For utilities, the only ones that really stand out for dummy parsing are Force Mobility (in case you derp and need to move during a parse) and Surging Speed (for reduced CD on force speed + force speed reset).


    For PvP, sorcs have a ton of viable utilities and it really depends on your playstyle and what you're going up against. In solo ranked, you'll want max survivability (Sith Defiance, Empty Body, Suppression, Emerson, and Shapeless Spirit are pretty much mandatory. Force Mobility and Surging Speed are really good for kiting. Torturous Tactics, Stun Bubble, and Knockback Root are good for kiting/control as well. If you're finding yourself having to offheal and support a team, you might also want to take Dark Resilience. And if you take that utility, you might as well try and take Unnatural Vigor as they have really good synergy.).

  2. The issue is twofold: raid leaders are dumb, and most people can't push buttons fast enough. Sorcs are capable of clearing all content, especially considering how over-geared everyone is. Keep in mind that the content was balanced for 242 gear; 248s provide approx. 5 percent extra damage. Players also have access to 236 and 240 augments, which add 3-4 percent to DPS over their 228 predecessors. Players are therefore pumping out 10 percent more damage than they were in early 5.0, a time when guilds were still clearing this content with ease. Lightning now, in all its nerfed glory, pumps out as much damage as Lethality was doing back in January 2017.


    If players can't make the checks as a sorc, they need to improve. It's not (solely) the class, it's not bioware, it's 100 percent their inability to play the class at the bare minimum level.


    Both sorcs and mercs bring a lot to the table. With that said, though, merc (IO in particular) is better at virtually every fight for four reasons: (1) IO parses around 4-5 percent higher than either sorc spec and has better synergy with the more frequently played DPS classes; (2) IO still has a respectable dot spread/cleave if the player is disciplined and doesn't mess up their heat; (3) IO is just as bursty as lightning, and is arguably just as bursty as arsenal; and (4) mercs have reflect, allowing them to cheese certain mechanics while pumping out extra damage.


    There are a few exceptions, thanks to sorc's respectable levels of mobility and on-demand damage reduction from its utilities. On council, I kite Raptus on both sorc and merc: I require less healing on my sorc and my DPS is roughly the same. Sorcs are better at cheesing slams on TFB, giving them more uptime in second phase; the problem is that merc can just barely survive all slams as well, and merc is far superior in phase one.


    Sorcs are also really good at cleaving the crystals on Calphy...and for pulling clueless players into the portals.


    tl;dr: mercs are generally better, but sorcs are arguably more survivable in pve and their dps is still capable of clearing all content

  3. trauma regulators isn't a heal to full. it's not even a heal to half, and overlapping dcds to get a full healthbar isn't quite how they should be used.
  4. the force is stronk with my sorc


    edit: yep, force barrier for the extra two instants during a polarity window at the start and end of the parse (or, in the case of 500k dummy, at the start). instant lightning bolts activate faster than the casts + seem to proc your extra forks more often. credit to malocath for figuring this out

  5. lmao carnage is way better than that in pvp. figure, most people can't play carnage worth a darn due to the (relatively) high apm, so its average is lower than madness


    I mean sure, there's some correlation, but it's not the only metric that should be used


    even in pve it's kind of a bad metric. for instance, arsenal, madness and lightning are very cast-heavy and tend to lose just as much "uptime" as melee in fights that require a lot of movement. that's why bioware's balancing is kind of a head-scratcher


    in pvp, though, melee tend to lose more uptime than ranged unless said ranged is getting tunneled and forced to kite

  6. I like the actions being taken against exploits, but you wouldn't have to nerf objectives if Time-To-Kill (TTK) was low. Your extremely poor balancing decisions and the laughably high HP-to-DPS-ratio is turning warzones into stalemates, forcing you to make objectives easier...and objectives are already easy. You don't have to have any skill at the game to stop a cap or click on a blinking object.


    I PvP so little that I don't even understand most of these changes, but the one quoted feels kinda bad to me.

    I tend to die A LOT in any and all WZs, and already feel a bit guilty over my noobness. But so far, I at least feel as if being cannon fodder and dying means the better players have a few seconds longer to live, and maybe they can do some good in those seconds.


    If my death reduces my team's score, I'll PvP even less. I already feel like a burden to any team I end up on. This change would make that feeling worse.


    Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, why don't you try to improve?


    But then again, out of the thousands of people I've played with or against, only about ten or fifteen have actually improved noticeably over time. And that includes both pve and pvp. It doesn't help that the devs continue to make the game easier and easier, thereby providing little incentive for casuals to improve. Even Nightmare checks are a joke.

  7. arsenal and concealment


    fury is pretty good too but it's non-stealth melee without much in the way of self healing so you need to understand how your dcds work


    lethality is also great but it doesn't have dat troll roll


    snipers are still tanks

  8. I just started and made a Madness Sorc because I love the feel of the class, but have been really put off by how the community seems to view any DPS sorc.


    How does a 10k parse sit with the rest of the DPS classes?


    I tend to play my classes at a min/max level, what tools will I need to accomplish this? (set bonuses or other)




    Madness is basically the 4th lowest parsing spec in the game. A good parse with optimal gear is around 9.9k-10.1k, which is a whopping 800+ DPS beneath the top parsing specs in the game. The three specs that parse lower than Madness (Arsenal/Lightning/Marksman) are only a couple hundred DPS behind.


    Madness will parse higher in fights with two targets because the spec has plenty of Force to keep dots rolling on both. If you can't dot spread, you can simply replace your Lightning Strike and second Force Lightning cast with Creeping Terror/Affliction on the 2nd target. Doing this will lead to a DPS increase of several hundred (since dots deal more damage over their duration than Force Lightning and Lightning Strike). This is virtually mandatory on multi-target fights with a tight enrage, like Firebrand/Stormcaller....and would be mandatory on Sword Squadron if the check wasn't a joke these days.


    Min/max may have changed since 5.9 and I haven't upgraded my augments yet, but you'll want around 1880 alacrity, 1630 crit, and 110 percent accuracy. To get the accuracy you'll want 5 of the new accuracy augments and an accuracy stim. I can't remember the rest of the gearing off the top of my head since I'm not home atm. Set bonus should be fairly self explanatory - when you exchange the gold tokens you can sort the wares by spec.

  9. no other spec in the game double dots as well as madness except maybe leth/viru


    death field is a versatile dot spread, if a little too small in radius - it can be paired with the final charge of recklessness for disastrous results


    its rotation is simple and forgiving now that it's force positive

  10. Hello :)


    standard operating procedure is 1629 crit, 109.93 percent accuracy, and 1876 alacrity


    to reach 109.93 percent accuracy, you'll need and accuracy stim and 5 of the soon-to-not-be-new 236 augments

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