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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. Flesh and Steel does not update. I just wasted nearly 2 hours of my life; the fights are also borderline unplayable due to lag. If you are going to impose an insane gear grind on us, at least make it bug-free.
  2. I am having the same issue. I just wasted nearly 2 hours of my life and the missions didn't update. The fights are also borderline unplayable due to lag. If you are going to impose an insane gear grind on us, at least make it bug-free.
  3. Sorc DPS only needs a 100-200 DPS at most - and if they keep the tuning of all ops as it is, it won't need a buff at all until 6.0. People vastly underestimate the utility of sorcs, especially the defensive powerhouse that is Lightning currently. Both Madness and Lightning can clear all checks in 248 gear (and could probably clear all checks in 242 gear w/236 augs). Now sure, the fights might be tuned super tightly at the start of 6.0, but we'll see...


    And if they start gutting more skills, I'll leave. If you want to play simplistic action games, go elsewhere.

  4. Anni does not need a buff, or if it does, it would have to be a very minor one; it's easily one of the highest performing specs in NiM ops - alongside pyrotech, lethality, vengeance, and perhaps a few other specs in certain situations. It's more than capable of lighting up the scoreboard in PvP as well. It just has a skill cap on par with IO and Pyro, so you don't really see it used as much.


    Fury's performance on a dummy doesn't translate very well to actual nightmare-tier operations; Anni and Carnage are both higher performing in raid, as it should be. Fury only needs one change, and it's for PvP: the cc immunity should be made a bit more salient to encourage better counterplay.

  5. I'd prefer classes that can actually pull their weight in a fight. Mercenaries/Commandos seem to be the most powerful, but Fury/Concentration Marauders/Sentinels seem to be very nasty lately. Sorcerer/Sage damage seems to be outpaced by the majority of classes. It should receive some sort of buff in the next big update.


    Fury is strong in PvP, but it's not quite as good as Anni or Carnage in NiM ops. And in pvp it's less about its damage and more about its cc immunity and flexibility.

  6. I'd be fine with this, but ONLY if all nim content (or at the very least the dps checks) is buffed to 248 tier in 5.10 (and preferably 252 tier).


    Simply put, it's way too easy to get the top NiM rewards as it currently stands, and it'll be even easier in 5.10. Nobody should be entitled to Nightmare titles and mounts. The same sense of entitlement can be applied to the ranked scene (and the win trading that plagues it) but I digress. Participation trophies are lame.


    NiM is already laughably easy to DPS; people should have to be the best at their classes to clear the hardest content in a game. When a dot spec can sleepwalk through the calphy orb or raptus challenge simply because they have 3 teammates who are can push their buttons, that's a problem. You should have to plan and save your offensive cooldowns for raid challenges and respec from fight to fight based on the dynamics of the encounter. I mean, you can carry Captain 7k DPS through NiM content now - WITHOUT popping crystals! Why should someone get NiM rewards for free when they are too lazy or inexperienced to parse more than 9500 on a dummy in full gear (and yes that includes Arsenal), let alone in a raid scenario.


    I realize that Brontes is still a difficult fight relative to the others, so I'm fine with a 100 percent drop rate there. DP should be 50/50 since it's pretty easy (even roles that have personal accountability, such as kiting Raptus or Bestia, are fairly easy after a bit of practice). Titan 6, hyperpod, and ec tank should all be a 33 percent drop with the current level of difficulty (and a 10 percent drop in 5.10 if the content isn't upgraded).


    MMOs should reward hard work and dedication, so either buff the content and provide consistent rewards, or keep the content easy like it currently is (from a DPS perspective) and give people tokens so they have to grind content to purchase mounts, like ranked.


    Or, even simpler, create a Nightmare+ mode with new titles and a 100 percent drop rates on EVERYTHING. How hard would it be to program? It would probably take an afternoon.

  7. I mean, madness sorc can do 200k damage on the raptus raid challenge and it can probably kill the calphy orb with an appropriate burst spec (and healer contributing max dmg). Madness is honestly one of my favorite specs in DP as a whole.


    Both specs can frontload damage for fights like Brontes and Operator IX where there are shields that get in the way of dps.


    Shock is a great filler for when you have to interrupt casts and move - 1-2k more dmg than rapid shots for merc or rifle shot for sniper.


    Phase walk is amazing for squeezing out maximum uptime and is one of the most underused tricks in the sorc arsenal.


    I would also argue that sorcs are the best ranged raptus kiters. Force speed lines up with the raptus cleave perfectly, and you can get creative to maintain dps on the run. Plus, you can use your static barrier as a filler and get an extra 7k hit out of the deal each time.


    Sorc REALLY shines on fights with two targets. It has perhaps the best double dotting of any spec (and lightning's affliction refresh is no joke - that's an extra 400-500 dps at least).


    I also use sorc pull generously - mostly to drag people where they need to be on fights like Tyrans, Calphy, TFB, etc.


    Lightning can cheese a ton of mechanics - there are points where you can have nearly 90 percent damage reduction for several seconds.


    Honestly, after being involved in the nightmare raid community for 4 of the last 6 months, I can say with confidence that sorc is an amazing class in pve as long as it doesn't have to carry the DPS by itself.

  8. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, "activation" was a typo. It's an instant ability on a 6-second cooldown since it replaces Shock.


    For Lightning, the idea was that Shock would retain its buff under the Crushed window (since Static Crush is replacing Crushing Darkness). It might need a slightly higher buff just for emphasis. A 4-second burst window might make the spec a little too bursty in pvp, but the numbers can be tweaked to compensate.


    Corruption isn't a spec I play that often these days, and I only really sampled a couple people for suggested changes. I think there's definitely a lot of room for refinement there.

  9. Might be intended (would be pretty stupid though). Instead of giving 3% + your base 5% for 8%, it’s 3% OF 5% for .15%. Granted even if it was additive instead of multiplicative, 3% defence is about as worthless as .15%.


    Yeah, it would be far better as just a flat 3 percent damage reduction. Would actually be worth taking at that point, given that the dot damage reduction is pretty decent as well.

  10. mvp votes is probably the worst possible metric they could use. most people "vote down", randomly, or out of pity -- or even vote for the guy who can't actually play his class but stands at the node for 10 minutes


    should be a combination of


    win/loss percentage, output + obj points (to avoid screwing over node guards too much), and damage-taken-to-death ratio


    the weight I'd assign to each is probably 60 percent to wins, 20 percent to output + obj points, and 20 percent to survivability

  11. that put a smile on my face


    edit: I've actually thought about how they can tie all this kinda crap into the lore


    SWTOR PATCH 6.0:




    The Hutts are taking over and imposing harsh taxes on the Republic and the Empire! Will you be able to help your faction keep the greedy Hutts at bay so you can get back to the business at hand? Indulge yourself in this awesome prelude to the the final chapter, 7.0, which will begin (read: be developed by Bioware) once the "Hutts" (read: Bioware) receive(s) enough money to feel compelled to stop their silliness! Think of it as a galactic Kickstarter....


    1. All companions have to feed their families, so they have become mercenaries: they have to be paid with credits every week, just like normal people.


    2. Credits can now be bought on the cartel market.


    3. All costs are increased tenfold.


    4. Gearing a toon in 6.0 will cost about 300 million credits.


    5. All subscribers gain a new passive called "Hutt Tax", in which subscribers do not gain the perks of subscribers unless they pay cartel coins daily.

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