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Everything posted by QuiDonJorn

  1. Hello Devs, Hoping you guys could please fix the enlarged rear end on the Agile Reconnaissance chest piece, it looks normal in the preview window but when you put it on the butt area just sticks out way too much. I realize this was done to prevent clipping through the character model but maybe it's time to revisit these armor models (there are several) that make the butt bigger than it should be. Please? Pretty Please? http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/drone808/Screenshot_2014-11-21_23_06_24_146496_zpsf56b96b7.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/drone808/Screenshot_2014-11-21_23_06_12_278817_zps9b1408a2.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/drone808/Screenshot_2014-11-21_23_06_37_262246_zps468cabb9.jpg
  2. A bunch of Edgar Allen Poe fans, ya think?
  3. Yeah, I kinda figured that was the case. It is really like the author and the dialog choice people didn't talk to each other at all and none of it makes any sense if you don't play it lightside.
  4. I currently use the lightsabers on 2 of my characters just because I liked the sounds, but the hilt model is rather simple and kinda boring. But oh well, they've done better or more detailed modeling before. Really not something to get upset about and start making ridiculous threads about.
  5. What I got from all this was that OP just wanted a KotOR 3, right? Too bad there will never be a KotOR 3 I guess.
  6. But what if they went ahead and fixed the bug for now but have already started working on a completely new character select screen with a +/- zoomable view and shiny new backgrounds, borders, fonts and whatever else to be released with 3.0? HMMM? What if??...What IF??
  7. I've often thought over the course of the last 2.8 years, after seeing comment after comment about the timeline of this game, (on a few forums) that Bioware really should have just made KotOR 3 sprpg for the KotOR fans, and then just made their MMO in the timeline of the movies, it would be more recognizable to the general public as "Star Wars".
  8. The first one on top is not in the game as far as I can tell, and would be really awesome for a sage or shadow..and I want it. Second one is actually the Verpine Force Lord/Force Healer set.. Third is the trooper's Verpine set.. And the fourth one down is the smuggler's Black Market set.. But the rest dont look like they are in game..Inquisitor's looks really good, Warrior's looks good, interesting black fur coat actually..and that Agent coat is awesome.
  9. Let me guess. You have a Mirialan Smuggler?
  10. Meditate already is an emote. It just dosen't work as far as I know. It does nothing.
  11. I'm actually kinda curious as to what gear and/or enviroments the OP considers Star Wars-y. Let's see pics OP. What are you talking about?
  12. Not going to argue with you. Bye.
  13. Tacticals weren't meant to be a challenge. They were meant to be a fast and easy comm/credit grind. You can do the whole weekly in a couple hours on Tuesday and not go back the rest of the week.
  14. I say that since it does indeed have the exact same sound as the etched dueler's and they couldn't even come up with a new sound for them that they are not worth the 500cc. They do look cool though and I'll probably get one for cheap off the GTN for my Shadow, since he is somewhat of a collector.
  15. um, wasn't he talking about Darth Plagueis?
  16. Just turn around and keep walking, quickly.
  17. Well, at any rate, if the OP desperately wants to believe TOR is canon, just let him. It dosen't hurt anyone else really, does it? Maybe himself? I dunno. Though I agree the spreading of misinformation should be addressed. Which it has as far as I can tell.
  18. So if TOR is stated as definately NOT canon. What will that mean exactly? What happens then?
  19. What are you talking about? What is it you think I'm upset about?
  20. Swiiing and a miss! I don't care what they do with him. That's kinda my point. As for the lie statement, read below. Proof of what? I said "as if", which implies speculation on my part. But I can not tell you how many threads I read on other forums at the end of 2011 where fans were furious at the idea of Revan being killed by 4 Republic/Empire players. Not to mention all the posts in these threads on LF an DeadlyStream about how they should have written Revan's story. What do you call it? Mary Sue? Is that correct? Not sure I'll have to go look that up. Correct. Now, I'm not going to say the tears were delicious, because - again, I couldn't care less, but to me, the tears were annoying.
  21. I don't think Revan is hated. Revan fanboys on the other hand.... I personally don't hate Revan, he's just another character. I'm not emotionally involved with him. Revan fanboys on the other hand,... ...seem to want him to be indestructible and infallible. That's where it gets annoying. Of course, I say this but I have never read any comics or other novels with him in them, so I don't know all there is to know about the character or his presentation. Just the 2 rpg games. Yeah, they were going to just kill him off originally and the fans raged..because, ya know, indestructible and infallible etc etc. As if he shouldn't be killed because their logic states 'I'm Revan, I'm a bad***, I can't be killed." I lead to think that fans of the character had so many years to build him up in their minds into this unstoppable god-like figure that when Bioware wrote something different than what the fans came to expect they freaked. Man, I heard so much rage on LucasForums and DeadlyStream back at launch it kinda made me want him to die off just for spite. Seriously, it gets pretty annoying. Hopefully this go round won't be so bad and the fans will accept his death. But I know of Revan fans that still won't touch this game "because of how they treated Revan". Seriously, gimme a break.
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