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Everything posted by NoaFlux

  1. I guess the "mane" on some Cathar makes their heads look bigger. Cause some of their head seem bigger...making them look more unique and less human.
  2. Is this cheating? I am trying to read my combat logs. I am trying to find evidence of cheating. Unfortunately I only know about my own class. I don't know much about DPS. if someone is getting 5000 consistently is this cheating?
  3. THE WORST PART IS....what else do they do? If they do this "duel faction" crap than in what other ways can they use this to their advantage. Talking back in forth in AIM? or a chat client? to other players on the opposite side? It is no diff than someone with two accounts and two computers...it's actually better. and BW said they can do nothing about this. again...What else do they do? AFTER YOU SAY GO EAST....do they tell their friends? even when they aren't trying to level the playing field?
  4. It's tough. I had a great 2 weaks finishing in the top 2 or 3 all week than today I did horrible...worst than you can imagine. Point is it's tough for tanks. It's always been like this. One think I hate is the gear...its really complicated...it knocks down your accuracy at higher levels... My advice is this; 1. AOE fest. This will help you a ton. Don't use AOE's unless at least three are close, 5 is better. Don't get used to using AOE's to the point that you use them on one or two opponents...it can happen...especially since some AOES are good for stopping just one from getting a turret (Force in Balance). I checked my combat log, and as long as you have at least 3 people these always do the most damage. 2. Stand by your healer while protecting, on the sideline's and communicate with one another. I have won so many matches doing this...and either me or the healer get first place..the other gets second. 3.People will hate your guts. I am a Shadow Tank. People hate me to the point that I am constant target. This is where the inconsistency comes in. I stand out, people hate my stuns and force pulls...they also hate force wave...they will stalk you...they also see you going for the nodes all the time since you can stealth. try to lay low.
  5. unfortunately your biblical quote is very true for SWTOR
  6. yeah but im a real tank. when i here kills.....kills...kills i think this is just to make DPS happy. i won't get any kills. Again no help for real tanks. about to leave this game. fix the real tanks BW
  7. I have to admit I miss pre 50 too. It seemed way more fair on average. But I have to say it's not all about gear. It's about beliefs, and BW too. Let me explain. There is friction from gamers who have different points of view...like those who say " go all DPS! no real tanks!!' than you have the ones who believe the opposite. When you have two opposing beliefs there are problems like this game. This is BW's fault for not helping the tanks numbers...even if its fair..it doesn't look fair on the "numbers" medals screen. At max a REAL tank can get a total of 300,000 when you combine their numbers. A good DPS can get 700,000. So we look bad...but I know nothing about DPS...maybe they are cheating....which is my next point.. BW does nothing about cheating. need anti hacking. For one reason. Faith.We How am I supposed to have faith in a company who doesn't out rightly try to stop cheating. When there are many forms of cheating (someone with three accounts..feeding info to the other side etc.) that can be stopped, BW must show us that they are trying to stop the forms that can. I don't feel supported. Than there is also the problem of valor not involved in matching up teams. This is unfair in and of itself. Many like you start playing WZ 's at level 50 and, no offense, have little experience. Therefore mixing those players , with no experience, with those that do creates problems. The game should not be base on your in game level, which can be determined by PvE. it should only be based on your valor (PvP level) AND regular level when being queued. They are just three of the major problems. But gear is def a big one too!! Please read my horrible WZ experience I had today maybe you can help... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=522749
  8. i have to agree with you here. how about all out war? in one room? that sounds more fun than more nodes...god help us. I mean add some variety, give us creativity, anything different would be nice. I would seriously like all out war in one room more than this. How hard is that to make?
  9. agreed. please see my post...http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=522749 maybe you can help me. i played 40 today and only won 4. during the weekdays i do fine...why now?
  10. So I play WZ's a lot. I played from 7am to 7pm today. I only won 4 of 40. I play every weekday and almost always get between 60,000 and 160,000 damage, and between 40,000 and 120,000 protection every match. It's very rare I get less than that .I play 7+ matches a night. Today I was getting below 40,000 i would say 50% or more of the time. It was bad. This is the worst I have seen it since before the server switches happened. I need help understanding my combat log. I want to find out if they were cheating, if someone hacked my account and messed something up,if these teams are really great (didn't notice notable guilds), or if all the good players left (as I was the leader more than usual and only have 71 valor). Any help/advice would be great, as there aren't any good tutorials on the internet for using ACT. Real tanks struggle enough as it is. Please help. Serious comments only please.
  11. I did want to say I would rather be a droid or a Jawa, but hopefully they are saving that for the future...maybe all new story lines:)) that would be awesome!!
  12. It's not a KOTOR only thing. My wife never played any SW games besides this and she thinks the Cathar its awesome, so do I, and so does a friend at work. The problem is the customization. If we can truly customize, adding whiskers, facial hair, manes etc. that will be cool. It would also help if we can choose the style of voice acting... Either way, choices are what will make this fun. If we get the "face painted" trailer video version, and we can't customize it. That won't be too much fun. I mean the quests will be the same too...so all we got are looks.
  13. I just want to stress that I have had a lot of great matches, and that for the most part the repub pug teams seam to win 50 percent of the time. There are good and bad days, and you can't count it if everyone is wearing recruit gear, but in general I have lot of fun and winning is even...yet I communicate like crazy. To the point that some people tell me to shut up...which i do. So here is my suggestion to some of you. Life, and in this case, SWTOR is all about communication that's it. Without that in life would have we have nothing and be vegetables. We would also never win a WZ. It would be utter chaos. Point is. You have to communicate, and do it nicely! Being nice goes a long way. out of 7 other players someone will help you, and agree with you 75% of the time (the other 25% might be you...and you have to learn from your mistakes). Also keep in mind, a lot of people read what your saying, but don't write back. So keep asking them. They will come through. Also keep in mind they aren't perfect, all 7 players may have all been killed and are waiting at re spawn. There's nothing they can do about that. It happened to me today too. So just consider that they might WANT to help, but CAN'T, and that on average some people will ALWAYS HELP you...but they might be distracted, or just plain trying...but get killed. ALso remember that when you win medals it kicks the chat window up and they could miss what you say.
  14. who cares. make it work. ...stretch out the helmets...in your 3d computer program. copy paste. copy paste. not hard. hey my jedi shadow hasn't ever been able to wear head gear...at least not since 1.2, 1.3 didn't fix it either. ..anyway...so i would rather take the cool looking Cathar head over a human with Cathar face paint. A Cathar that can wear head gear that will cover his face is almost pointless. Players won't like that anyway. You can still equip it, just don't let it show up...like on my jedi shadow.
  16. Maybe there is some confusion on my part. I watched some Youtube videos and MANY CATHAR HAD FUR. Than I realized...I guess when you customize the Cathar...you will be able to add hair (mane) and facial hair/whiskers..etc Let's hope this is where the confusion comes from. I'm just worried we won't be able to customize much. When you throw a mane and whiskers in the mix Cathar actually stand out and look more unique
  17. Umm...this fan art is way better than the Cathar in the game. I wish I got them mixed up.
  18. agreed. the only problem is than sometimes guilds might be already to go and have no one to play with. so this can be adjusted a little bit. but not a lot. BW should add up the stats and try to add people based on stats to make it more even. I WOULD SUGGEST BEING ABLE TO BE A PART OF TWO GUILDS. A PVP and A PVE GUILD. That might help too. though I agree there should be some discretion.
  19. The Cathar is awesome. This was igniting lots of hope for SWTOR. Than comes the video....it's not a REAL Cathar it's just a human with Cathar body paint. BOOOO. Now my firends won't come back to play. Take your time and fix this Bio Ware. I'm getting scared. Maybe I will have to go to that other game...
  20. I was really excited for the Cathar!! So were some of my friends. I was hoping this would revive the game a little!! Some said they would come back just to play as the Cathar...but I doubt they will now. The Cathar does not look as cool as I remember from past experiences. The one in the featured video looks like a human with tattoos on it. My wife noticed too and pointed out that the other ones had fur. Big let down!! **On top of that the new planet looks like every other planet, I really hope it actually has things to walk up and down on and has nice special effects and cool creatures, We need unique!!! Maybe hills to slide down...avalanches? something...give us something...please!!
  21. Good point. I was thinking more along the lines of a new move...that you could earn etc. And it wouldn't necessarily use blood, it could be as simple as throwing some one off screen or pummeling them into the ground. A little blood on the 30% below would def add some intensity though. I'm down.
  22. NoaFlux

    Dueling queue!!???

    tell your friends!!
  23. You don't understand. My character is maxed out. I have tons of gear I like, but it's not strong enough. There are only about 4 modable pieces per class for WZ gear, and for my character there are only about 6 decent looking modable chest pieces. When you add in the fact that you can't change the color (only match) that causes a lot of problems. I'm not too worried about this anymore though, I'm sure cosmetics will be a huge part of P2P!
  24. I play with a tank a lot and I had this happen a couple times last week. There is a difference though between them being smart players.....knowing to take the tank and the healer out first....and just plain cheating. I saw both situations occur on my server, Droogas Pleasure Barge. Last week too.
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