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Everything posted by PulseRazor

  1. You can than the companion buffs for that, a whole lot if people playing are being trained by their companions to disregard their skill rotations and defensive cooldowns because it doesn't matter if they play their class' mechanics properly or not they are going to win every time even if they only use 4 of their 20some skills, or just click anything that isn't on cooldown. - Even if they are resourveful enough to read the skill tooltips on their specialization tree, we don't really get an chance in open world content to use the rotations or defensives because the companion takes care of the situation long before we need to react. Playing open world content IS your 'proving grounds' that prepares players for playing in group content in the progression of difficulty. Naturally tactical flashpoints lead to HM, and learning how to be successful in HM would prepare you for Ops. 4.0x has completely removed the 'training' for entry level group content. To make things even more interesting, there seems to be an idea in TFP's that one person needs to man the kolto stations as if they were some kind of healing cannon.
  2. I suggest you do a full uninstall of razer synapse, unplug the mouse and re-install synapse and see if that changes anything. Don't plug in the mouse until you have reinstalled synapse. If for some reason you aren't even using synapse... you need to download Synapse.
  3. All chaps are assless, that's what makes them chaps.
  4. Be a subscriber on December 2 to receive Nico Ocarr's Chaps.
  5. I don't mind pvp, I just choose not to do it I swtor. That said 10 or 20 matches does seem a bit tedious, especially since I don't get the chance to pick this quest up until I am lvl 65 and I have gear that Is past your magical bolster scheme. So now to compete and not make a total fool of myself I have to go and buy a full set of 190 gear modification to slam into an orange shell and spend credits on an earpiece/implants/relics so I can have 1936 expertise, the highest amount of expertise I can have without owning pvp gearThen I have to drudge through 10 of 20 games of pvp that I really didn't want to be in a single one of to begin with. It is tiresome. Nerf the power by 50% and I think people will be happy, not one single person has ever said: Hey, wouldn't it be cool is it was 15-30 games? Come to think of it, I am not sure anyone has ever even said 10-20 was okay - the only people who would think that would be pvp'ers, and they were going to pvp anyway. Bioware if forcing people to play a game-mode they don't want to do, which is tasteless and risky. Will they force us to play Galactic Starfighter next?
  6. I take it this is the TFP que? He will get bored of it, or realize that he isn't going to get the group he wants. What he is likely doing is declining invitations to groups with he doesn't want to be in because they don't have a healer or a tank, or enough level 65 people he is manipulating the que priority system to try to stack his odds of being on a team that can complete the run. If you catch his name and it doesn't showcase his capacity for original thinking and creativity with a plethora of accent letters, you can ignore him and not be offered a team with him by the matchmaker system.
  7. Gear is easy to get. When you reach level 8 you will have access to a vendor that sells a whole set of orange moddable gear, and each shell tokes 6 data crystals to fill, you get twice that for doing each class mission, so that is 2 full pieces of customized per class mission. With these companions we have now, you would only need to update your gear evey 10-5 levels, provided that you upgrade your hilt/barrel for 2 data crystals a time every few levels, as it has the most impact of any modification. If you only keep your hilt/barrel upgraded and upgrade the rest of your gear every 10-15 levels you would have enough when you reached 60 to get a nearly a full set of 208 gear. Gearting couldn't be easier, and fyi when you get higher levels, but well before 65 you will get blue gear in crates every time you do a heroic. Just play the game, and stop looking for things to complain about.
  8. I have come to the conclusion that gaming just isn't what it used to be. There was a time when gamers were people who were resourceful enough to have the best equipment that they could buy to enjoy their hobby so they had an invested interest in being good at the game, and being friendly with one another. Now everyone has a computer, and everyone has access to games, from the most intelligent and thoughtful people to the the brattiest 7 year olds. And everyone games now. My mother games, she is almost 60. All kinds of people game now, infants to seniors, geniuses to mentally handicapped, athletes to physically disabled people, amputees, blind people, and games have to cater to them all because they are customers. And bioware will do whatever they can to make sure they can get through content in swtor.
  9. Tell me why it is superior in every way, I must have the best things.
  10. Line of sight them together in the hallway: discharge> creeping terror> leeching strike> death field> demolish> lacerate until Discharge/creeping terror dots are up (18 seconds) then reapply the dots, use leaching strike and death field on cooldown, demolish whenever it procs as a free instant cast, and Assassinate whenever it procs. In short, I used the optimal damage rotation that was suggested by the tooltips of the skills themselves, and the passives that I chose to use. I have level 10 alliances, and I did collect all of their bonuses, but I didn't need to use them, my companion was lvl 30 influence. The elite mobs are just stacked with mountains of health to give us the illusion of difficulty, they don't hit harder.
  11. Your point is irrelevant in a game with a market. Everyone needs the same potential to use the game's mechanics to their best advantage to compete in the market, or else the economy wouldn't work. If making use of the mechanics is consequentially boring, then it is more likely that the people would just stop competing in the market entirely and leave the game rather then handicap their ability to compete just to find a sense of satisfaction in game play. 1111w, loot.... 1111w1, loot..... 1111w, loot.... is not rewarding game play. Its a spectator system. Even the people who are advocating for the game to be accessible to the lowest skill possible are going to get bored of it, I am not sure the current state of the game is going to encourage people to pay $15 a month, and invest in the cartel market.
  12. Where exactly are these transparencies of EA's financial records that people are able to claim with such certainty that subscriptions are being cancelled? Where is it that they are posting that they are losing money, because second quarter results last I knew were released before KoTFE and indicated a 33% increase in subscription sales alone. Anecdotally, I have not noticed any drop in population.
  13. Been playing this game: Everytime RMT spam happens, take a drink of water. Everytime "Republic's Most Wanted" recruiting message spam happens, take a shot of liquor.
  14. John Williams soundtrack, lightsabers, the force, blaster rifles, and silly aliens. Also Trandoshan > Wookie.
  15. What about the corpses in the [Heoric+2 for Shock Doctrine]. These corpses have a 15 second despawn timer, and they are the corpses we need to plant Ulgo Tokens on, the plant takes a 3 second channel, and there is a cooldown of 3 second cooldown on it, which means after you kill a pack of three you often don't have time to plant the tokens, and you have to plant 20 of them. This makes Shock Doctrine the most annoying heroic in the game. I didn't notice these corpses despawning so fast until I notices the other ones not despwaning at all, I wonder if it is related?
  16. So does this mean they have to make it not challenging for the absolute lowest skilled player in the game, someone who only uses their basic attack, perhaps? Because this is what we have.
  17. You would want to use scrambling field to mitigate damage for you and your companion, flash grenade to interrupt and soft stun opponents, distraction to interrupt, and diversion to reduce the target's damage by impairing their accuracy. Most importantly since there are some dangerous ground mechanics in play you want to keybind companion skill #2 which is their passive/active toggle. Mine is Z so I can hit it quickly. Passive companions will move to your side so you can guide them away from the 'bad', just remember to take them off passive.
  18. Your user id is #2,555,612, and there weren't 1.7million subscribers until February of 2012. It was certainly NOT the "selling point" for the Xpack, that is the most ridiculous thing I have read on these forums to date, and that is saying a whole lot. No one even knew about the 4.0 companions until 7 days before the expansion was released, and they only lasted for 20 days after the release. It didn't even warrant attention until the excitement over the expansion had time to cool down and . You are making all this nonsense up as you go.
  19. OMG I cant believe you waste money on BEER I mean... RLY
  20. For your information, those 60000 trophies you have are worth just as much toward your stronghold completion and its contribution to your guild as any 2 million credit barstool, the game doesn't offer your stronghold more influence based on the market value of the decoration you have, every single person playing the game can have a maxed stronghold for free, it just wont have the charm that someone who has put some thought and creativity and invested time and resources into it would. You have to decide if that charm is "worth it" to you. Take your flashpoint trophies, and slam them on the wall in every open hook you can find, you will get 100% completion.
  21. For fun! I paid real money for the Arneclin Masterpieces art collection because I though a classy painting would look cool in my character's personal suites within my stronghold. I looked at the bare wall and said: I think there should be a painting there, and there happened to be a pack of 8 of them n the cartel market! It made me happy to decorate my stronghold, even if I am the only one who will ever see it for as long as the game lasts. While everyone else is doing their tedious grinding which apparently they hate, and ranting on the forums about how powerful their companions need to be for them to be able to survive an elite mob, I am in my stronghold re arranging furniture giving exactly zero ***** about how fast I can max out my companion's influence. I max out my fun, and if spending $10 on 8 silly paintings makes that happen its money well spent, and frankly it lasts longer then a case of beer would and causes a lot less problems.
  22. I think subscriber #227 has a bit of a better grasp on this situation then you know, you can use your all the fan-boy tropes you want it doesn't diminish the fact that your reaction is selfish and emotional and your opinion doesn't mean a fraction of what you think it does. I hope you do unsubscribe, because this game doesn't need people who are going to cry for the return of something that the developers have unequivocally stated was a mistake, just so they can have a chance to play the game. Its funny how the amount of reason that a poster has is directly proportionate to the lower their user id # is.
  23. Are you so sure about that? There has been some very large talk on these forums lately about how much money EA is losing over these companion changes and how many subscribers they are losing over it while not a single bit of that information is public knowledge. To begin with, no changes in game mechanics are going to not going to have an noticeable impact on the game's revenue because the largest factors of the revenue have been determined by the fact that an expansion was just released contingent on subscription fees, so any 'cancellations' could very well be because people have played the content, and now there is nothing left for them Lets take it a step further, if I may be allowed some conjecture of my own - Many of these alleged un-subscribers may well have taken their ball and went home because the companions were so overpowered that after they consumed the latest content there was nothing left for them to do because their companions do it all for them before they get a chance to contribute. See how conclusions work when they have no facts to back them up? The game got far enough to be able to fund KotFE and SoR pretty quickly, so It is unlikely that it is unhealthy. The companions were just fine before 4.0, fine enough that people weren't quitting because of them, so if they are quitting now it has to be because the game mechanics have changed for the worse. See how conclusions work when they have no facts to back them up? The difference is that some of our grievances are based in reason, but most of them are seeded in emotion and egotism. I don't think these changes do anything to inspire players to subscribe as long as there is a free to play model.
  24. There are still people on fleet who think it is worth their time to spend a half hour putting together a 4 man team to do Tatooine planetary heroics.
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