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Everything posted by AscendingSky

  1. Given how everyone save Theron who had a kill/dismiss option has been 'bricked'--and Theron has received a grand total of 2 lines (1 if you don't romance him) since his kill/dismiss option--I suspect Charles is just telling people what they want to hear, if not outright lying. As for a potential NPC replacement for killed off characters, I vote for the return of that noted thespian Biff the Understudy!
  2. Despite Musco telling us the change was not intended, I doubt EA is in a hurry to fix the situation. They'd rather you spend real money in their cash shop than give you even one cartel item for free. Something something sense of pride and accomplishment.
  3. I've been compiling a full list of all the decorations broken in 5.10 in another thread on the Bug Report forum, for easy reference. Please let me know if anyone finds a broken decoration that's not on that list. It is my hope that collecting this data together in one post will make it easier for the devs to get these decorations fixed sooner rather than later.
  4. List updated again! Anyone who wants to contribute screenshots of the glitches they see would be welcome to do so!
  5. They have different recharges, AND they apply different snowflake buffs, so you can use both on a target for chances to win parcels/Life Day tree decos.
  6. There's having time off for the holidays--which is totally fair and EA employees definitely deserve, 100% behind that--and then there's dropping broken content that bugs out huge chunks of the game on players right before going on 6 weeks of 'holiday break'--which is what they routinely do. Remember their initial completely kriffed up version of CXP and Command Crates? They dropped that right before the holidays too, then didn't start working on fixing any of it until the following February. And people wonder why sub numbers keep tanking.
  7. Whew, okay, so... I loaded through different characters, still had the shrapnel. I picked up a few decorations that were near the shrapnel, still had the shrapnel. I restarted the game, still had the shrapnel. Then I did a complete reboot of my computer, logged back in... aaaaand the shrapnel appears to be gone. I'm doing a runthrough of the place but I haven't found any of the debris fields so far. I'm happy to admit my suspicions were wrong, because it means I can stop panicking now! I still have no idea what caused it. Could have been my computer was having a very... special day, or some sort of server/instance hiccup that resolved itself. No clue. But at least I do have evidence now that it was apparently a glitch and not someone at EA deciding to 'dirty up' Rishi again. Thanks everyone, sorry for the alarm!
  8. There's a link to an Imgur album full of screenshots in the OP.
  9. I am not a coder/developer/anything like that, so I couldn't say. However, what I CAN say is that the debris fields are not simple repeated patterns or copy/pastes. The arrangement of the shrapnel appears unique in every location I've found it. That's one of the reasons this feels like a deliberate action on EA's part. To me it seems like someone decided Rishi was 'too clean' (after everyone gave feedback on the PTS that all the trash originally piled everywhere looked awful and so EA removed it) and decided to sneak some garbage back in. Because who cares about player feedback, right? Now, could this still somehow be a glitch? Maybe. Maybe a glitch could produce random, unique patterns. I'm trying to calm down and not jump to conclusions. But this is still a new texture I can't recall seeing anywhere else in the game--and it's only on the beach in the Rishi SH, I've looked all over to see if it's just embedded in all the rock/dirt/sand meshes and nope. In case it is a glitch, I'm trying to see if maybe it's caused by some decorations I've put down, or by what character I'm logged in on. No luck so far though.
  10. I discovered this earlier today, when I logged into my Rishi SH to redecorate part of it (due to multiple glitched decorations following the patch). I went to the beach to start... only to find out someone at EA apparently wasn't happy that decoration enthusiasts received the pretty tropical beach we'd pushed so hard to get with the Rishi SH. Said someone decided to add some code that dumped a texture of orange and white metal shrapnel all over the beach, ruining it: https://imgur.com/a/Td5Sa4Y Why would you do this EA?! What possible purpose would it serve to destroy one of the few nice things you've given us this past year?! This feels outright vindictive on your company's part, to do something like this without warning or reason. I want to believe it's a glitch, but why would this texture only exist on the Rishi SH beach and no where else if it's just rotten code? I'm hosting my RP guild's Life Day party tonight. It was supposed to be a beach party on Rishi. I've been organizing and planning it for a month, and working on decorating Rishi for all the months since it came out. Thanks for ruining all that too, EA. You've done so much to me and other players of this game over the years. I think this is the last straw. I am livid. Decorating is one of the few reasons I have left to stay subscribed. I want to maintain access to my credit hoard to buy the new shiny decos when they come out. If this isn't fixed ASAP, this is what will make me finally unsubscribe after 7 continuous years.
  11. Apparently the video game company that brings in billions upon billions in profit every single year couldn't afford to rent two datacenters. Short sighted, penny pinching cost-cutting is the only reason I can see for why EA chose to move all the servers to the East Coast, especially considering the highest pop server at the time of the last mergers was Harbinger on the WEST Coast. So it's not like there was a lack of players on that coast.
  12. List has been updated with all your reports. If you find any more, let me know!
  13. No lie, when I looked at that screenshot, my first thought was "Go home EA, you're drunk." My second thought was a more recent meme: "Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?"
  14. Both the enhancements AND the mods in each piece of new gear is bound to an armor slot. It's ridiculous. EA apparently thinks our toons are still TOO EFFECTIVE after the dozen nerf bats they've beaten most specs with, so now we're not allowed to optimize our gear. That 252 tank set piece has an unlettered mod and a low endurance enhancement? Sucks to be you! Your 252 piece is in effect a downgrade from your optimized 248 gear, AND the set bonus doesn't even stack! Apparently this was reported repeatedly on the PTS and Musco/the devs never clarified whether this was intended or not. This probably means it was intended and EA didn't want to own up to it, like their many, many other stealth nerfs they add to the game that they never mention in patch notes or dev posts.
  15. Doc's voice actor reflects similar changes. I watched the Ossus cutscenes on YouTube and at first I thought they'd switched out Doc's VA too. Then I compared it with cutscenes from the original Knight class story and it does indeed seem like it's the same guy, but with an 'older', scratchier, deeper voice. Maybe both VAs smoke? Not to mention it's been 4-8 years since these voice actors read these characters, so they may well have lost the old 'groove' they had for the person in the intervening time.
  16. Theron actually didn't come back until the end of KotFE Chapter 9. Until then it was The Lana Variety Hour (with special guests Senya and Koth). So that's half an expansion's worth of content he didn't even show up for, while Lana had the spotlight and called all the shots. Hearing this makes me want to keep avoiding starting Ossus even after the (likely) next patch on Tuesday. I was happy with the ending scene I got on Nathema with Theron. I don't want to ruin it by having him sad or leaving. I'm extremely worried the devs will pull a fast one on us despite their assurances and end up taking Theron away for good so they can focus 100% on their Star Wars waifu as they clearly so want to do and have been doing so for years. Oh EA, why do you do this to me? Why do you hurt me so? Why twist the kinfe? :cry: I love Jonas and always wanted him as a romance option on my Trooper (or at least for female!Troopers to be able to get their own fade-to-black with him like male!Troopers did with Jaxo). But It's not worth giving up Theron for, not after so many years worth of relationship development.
  17. You're doing it again. You keep bringing up your trauma and your triggers over and over, and you want everyone to respect your feelings. No, not just respect; you beat people over the head with those feelings, and you have done so in multiple threads, both about Doc and about other companions. Yet as soon as any criticism is leveled at Lana the character OR of the amount of focus the devs have put on her for over three years is brought up, you're right back to "Lana fans still have it worse because of X," "You are misinterpreting Lana's behavior," "You're being unfair to Lana," etc. You insist she's better than (insert any companion being compared here) rather than give everyone the same respect you are asking for and accepting other people disagree, sometimes quite strongly. Some people are triggered by Lana, and they find it insulting that you keep trying to tell them they're wrong about the character. You don't seem to understand that. Yet you would no doubt not hesitate to cry foul at someone trying to convince you that Doc is funny, cute, charming, or misunderstood. The double standard sword cuts both ways. So I give up. Okay, I get it, Lana is your Star Wars waifu, Lana can do no wrong, Lana getting the lion's share of dev attention and LI interactions for over three years is perfectly okay, etc. Your opinions are your own. But don't expect me to care about your feelings anymore if you don't care about mine or anyone else's--and you show you don't care by trying to convince us that our feelings are wrong, bigoted, or unfair.
  18. That's like saying someone who's starving should just be happy for someone else who has always been well fed because a friend of the well fed person took them out to an expensive dinner and they were able to eat so much they could barely walk afterwards. Lana has been shoved in the faces of both her lovers and her haters for the entirety of KotFE, KotET, and the traitor arc. I've liked Lana ever since Forged Alliances, but she's been forced on us so hard for so long that even I'm starting to get sick of her. Lana fans have had the lion's share of dev love and attention towards companions since October 2015. It's absolutely not fair of them to expect players who have received far less--or even completely nothing, in the case of the fans of class story love interests--to not speak up about how unhappy they are that one companion is a clear writer favorite. Especially when all the other companions (and their fans) are being treated like chopped liver in comparison to the designated Star Wars waifu. ...you know you aren't required to do ANY of Doc's on-the-ship chats, right? I know some people think that you have to do those chats to continue the story between chapters, but they're actually completely optional; you can leave that gold blinking triangle above his head forever and never touch it. That's where most of Doc's flirtatious/smarmy/harassing lines come from, and you can entirely skip that content 100% after you recruit him on Balmorra. You don't even have to take him out questing anymore because any companion can heal! So after the couple times Doc hits on a toon on Balmorra (which both Teeseven and Kira point out in-game as unpleasant), you can basically shut him up for good after that. Now, I get that triggers aren't rational, and I'm not saying you have to like Doc at all. Point of fact, I didn't like Doc myself that much on my first Knight runthrough. Your opinion is your opinion, full stop. I'd never try to convince you that you're wrong to find Doc distasteful. I totally get why you and other people don't like him. That said... I see you always going on and on about how Doc drives you to tears, yet you constantly tell people who find Lana creepy/annoying/even triggering that they're being unfair, that they're misinterpreting Lana's behavior, that they're exaggerating/making stuff up regarding Lana's actions and motivations, that Lana fans actually have it worse because X, and so on and so forth. It's hard to respect your preferences and your triggers when you seem so insistent on trying to tell everyone else they're misinterpreting their own opinions and reactions towards an NPC that happens to be your favorite. The double standard sword cuts both ways. Just some food for thought. Also, not trying to judge, but if you choose to bring up your personal issues and their severity over and over on a public forum, people are going to offer you unsolicited advice. People hear someone else is suffering and they want to help, which often leads to them trying to give advice. Yes, it might be annoying, but that's how people work.
  19. You know what I find triggering? People who try to claim they know me or the life I've lived simply based on the fact I don't fall to pieces in real life when a character in a video game hits on my protagonist. Especially when they do so in a way that insinuates I don't care about people who have gone through any kind of trauma AND that I haven't gone through any type of real trauma myself. That's both personally insulting and a form of gaslighting. The fact I can keep real life and video games separate does not make me a horrible callous person; it makes me capable of functioning as a competent adult in the real world. Keep your unqualified psychoanalysis to yourself, please and thank you. You don't know what trauma I've gone through, so you can shove your assumptions down the nearest hole. +1 +1 again.
  20. Since more and more people keep finding glitched decorations following the most recent patch, I'm going to try to compile a list here of all of the decorations broken by 5.10. If you see a broken decoration in one of your strongholds, please reply to this post with both the name of the decoration as listed in the Decorations interface as well as the specific sort of glitch you are seeing. I will update the OP with new glitched decorations as they are reported/discovered. ETA: Many of the glitched decorations originally listed here were fixed with 5.10b. The list has been edited to reflect the fixes. All decorations now listed remain glitched after 5.10b. Ambient Machine: Birds - The holo image on the panel has been restored; however, the decoration continues to appear upside down in the preview window. Ambient Machine: Party Chatter - The holo image on the panel has been restored; however, the decoration continues to appear upside down in the preview window. Ambient Machine: Techlab - The holo image on the panel has been restored; however, the decoration continues to appear upside down in the preview window. Crystal Light - Available for purchase from the Ossus reputation vendor, but it does not show up in the decorations interface and cannot be previewed or placed in strongholds. Hanging Vines - There are two decorations with this name. The 5.10 patch fixed the orientation of the Hanging Vines decoration that goes on a wall. However, you can no longer search for the Hanging Vines wall decoration in the decoration interface; attempting to do so will only pull up the ceiling version. This always happens when two decorations have the same name. One needs to be renamed. Also, the texture on the wall Hanging Vines decoration is extremely low-rez and pixellated, even when seen from a distance. Holofire Jedi Knight Shrine - Available from the Ossus rep vendor; preview is bugged, and decoration does not appear in the decorations interface listing normally. The only way to locate it is to search for it while you are currently editing a stronghold and have selected an eligible hook. Holofire Jedi Padawan Shrine - Available from Ossus rep vendor, statue in the decoration is missing its head, left arm, and lightsaber, both in preview and in game. Iknayid - Decoration says it's from "Source: Zakuul: The Eternal Championship" instead of the Exotic Creatures Personnel Bundle as it did previously. Those who have previously purchased and used an Iknayid decoration no longer have access to it; the change of the source has deleted all learned copies of this decoration. Considering this decoration is purchased with Cartel Coins, this is robbing people of something they spent real money for. Irrigated Garden - Drops from one of the Ossus world bosses. The decoration covers the entire Centerpiece hook; the edges of the hook are not visible because of deco’s size. Once the decoration is placed, it cannot be removed, even by the 'Reset Decorations In Room' option. (Note: I do not have this decoration yet and cannot confirm the glitch myself. According to the thread the issue was reported in, the decoration remains glitched after 5.10b.) Paxton Rall - Holding an invisible weapon in a fighting stance when placed in strongholds. Scorpion TK Weapon Rack - This decoration can no longer be donated to guilds with credits. Small Jedi Padawan Fountain Shrine - Cartel Market decoration, missing left arm. Small Jedi Padawan Shrine - Available from Ossus rep vendor, statue in the decoration is missing its head, left arm, and lightsaber, both in preview and in game. Stoneray - The creature from the Exotic Creature Personnel Bundle has the same name as the pet from Blood Hunt, so it can't be seen in inventory, donated to guild, placed in strongholds, etc. Considering this decoration is purchased with Cartel Coins, this is robbing people of something they spent real money for. Torch Jedi Master Shrine - Available from Ossus rep vendor; purchasing and learning this decoration actually adds to the decoration count of the Torch Jedi Knight Statue decoration instead, with the Torch Jedi Master Shrine remaining unavailable in the decorations interface. Torch Jedi Padawan Shrine - Available from Ossus rep vendor, statue in the decoration is missing its head, left arm, and lightsaber, both in preview and in game. Vinn Atrius - Name appears over the decoration's head. Holding an invisible weapon in a fighting stance when placed in strongholds. Weapons Display: Satele Shan's Dualsaber - Available from the anniversary vendor; the dualsaber's rotation will randomly stop and the decoration will remain locked in place. (Note: this is an intermittent issue and I cannot confirm yet whether it was resolved in 5.10b, I will need to continue to observe the decoration in question for some more time.) *** There are some other issues with decorations from this recent patch that don't directly glitch the decorations or prevent their use, but that are most likely mistakes, which I will list here: All Crystal Containers - These decorations can be placed on Small and Medium Floor hooks, but for some odd reason cannot be put on Medium Narrow hooks. Blue Crystal Container - This decoration can be placed on a Small Wall hook, whereas all the other Crystal Container decorations can only be put on floor hooks. Green Crystal Container & Storm Crystal Container - Assigned to Civic - Structures subcategory instead of Civil - Sculptures like the rest of the Crystal Container decorations. Jedi Knight Monument - Available from the Ossus rep vendor at Legend rank. The statue used in the decoration is the same one used in other decorations labeled 'Jedi Master' (e.g., Jedi Master Fountain Shrine, Small Jedi Master Shrine, etc.). The decoration works just fine, the name is simply a bit confusing. Jedi Master Monument - Available from the Ossus rep vendor at Legend rank. The statue used in the decoration is the same one used in other decorations labeled 'Jedi Knight' (e.g., Jedi Knight Fountain Shrine, Small Jedi Knight Shrine, etc.). The decoration works just fine, the name is simply a bit confusing.
  21. Just what the title says. I completed multiple daily repeatable Conquest objectives yesterday (the Bounty Week event one and the rampages), and they are still showing as completed today. I can't repeat them for points, not on the character I originally did them on or any other character in either faction.
  22. I've logged into 12 different characters now--some who have done part or all of the KotFE/KotET/Iokath/traitor arc, some who have only completed SoR, and some who haven't started any expansion content. I haven't started Ossus on any of them. All of their companion lists appear to be fine. It really does appear that starting Ossus is what makes things get wonky.
  23. I have the same issue. All of those Cartel Market reputation tracks were previously consolidated into the Underworld Exchange reputation. However this bug-riddled patch seems to have not only separated them out again, but wiped out all your ratings in those old reputation tracks. GG EA. ETA: I just double-checked, and it appears these old CM reps showing up again does not interfere with you buying anything from the old rep vendors. All those items' rep requirements have shifted to the Underworld Exchange rep. So at least this glitch doesn't seem to affect gameplay. *crosses fingers*
  24. I'm wondering if maybe the hotfix applied yesterday shifted the usual reset time. I'm asking because I completed some of the daily repeatable conquest objectives yesterday on a toon (Bounty Contracts: License to Hunt and all the Rampages) before the usual reset time, and they're still showing as completed today. They have the gold triangle, they should be daily repeatable... so I'm hoping the server reset time has simply been changed and it's not that Conquest has become even more borked than it already was.
  25. THIS. The bricking is real, and I'm tired of it. I can't make myself care about the story or the characters anymore because EA's devs cheap out on creating content for LIs with a kill option, so all the NPCs I actually like end up taken away in favor of their Star Wars waifu Lana. I've always liked Lana, but that's starting to change now that she continues to be shoved in everyone's face while Theron gets one single line and other LIs don't put in any appearances in the new story. Between that and the fact EA refused to beta test their story content, I still haven't started Ossus yet. I haven't wanted to bork anything up in case there's another hotfix patch soon. I've just been reading the forums and listening to my friends. Nothing I've heard from anyone has made me want to rush to play it--especially the new extra-grindy gear treadmill that will no doubt be made obsolete when an actual expansion will drop. And the set bonuses of the new 252 gear don't stack with the bonuses of the 248 gear, so if you want to keep your set bonus with better numbers you have to acquire 6 whole pieces of the new set! And the fact you're required to PvP for a PvE planet weekly is just wretched. The gear grind is bad enough without forcing players to do something many of them hate.
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