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Everything posted by AscendingSky

  1. I wouldn't judge server health based on how the ranked PvP queue pops in particular. People don't play ranked PvP because of the toxicity of the community there, not due to a lack of server population. Why would anyone want to sign up for a bunch of PvP arenas where the whole time you'll get yelled at, insulted, threatened, and told to kill yourself if you're not 100% perfect from the start? No thanks. You can't blame server depopulation for people not wanting to touch ranked PvP with a 50 foot pole. As for the other queues, as previous posters have stated, there's only so many times you can play through the same flashpoints and operations before you are just bored of them. I'm still a subscriber, but I rarely queue for anything anymore. Most of the content in this game is 4-6 years old. I've done it hundreds of times. I don't have interest in repeating it forever.
  2. It can be; I have that decoration (been crafting Mk-4s like mad) and the button is there to donate a copy to your guild. I think it costs 50k, but I'll have to doublecheck next time I log in.
  3. I've been taking care of RL stuff so I haven't had a lot of time to decorate. Most of my Rishi is very much unfinished. I think I'm satisfied with how the Overlook deck turned out though, so I'll go ahead and share that! It's set up as an outdoor patio/dining area, complete with grill and minibar. View 1 View 2 View 3 View 4
  4. I'm sorry to say, but your efforts to reason with them are in vain. They always think EA is right; you can see it in their post history. Save your fingers and your time.
  5. So that's three days wasted of the double XP/CXP event with the game in an unplayable state before we get the next 'concrete update'... and then who knows how long after that when the problem will actually be fixed, because no doubt all the EA people will clock out on Friday and not be back until Monday as usual. Wonderful. Good job, EA. You managed to turn the release of something I was eagerly anticipating (the Rishi SH) into a source of frustration and disappointment rather than joy. I think this might turn into the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
  6. Proof yet again that some people simply aren't happy unless they can come up with something to complain about. As the poster above me said... it's a joke. Relax.
  7. Also agreed. If you wanted a legacy title so badly that you were willing to sacrifice the life of Rishi's adorable stronghold mascot to get it, you don't deserve to have him back! Speedy was too pure and good for your sinful legacy! *sniffles*
  8. 2 days of the double XP/CXP event wasted because the game is unplayable. I can't even decorate because the lag gets so bad that it doesn't register when I put decorations down, or I put them down but then they don't show up in game. I would have hoped with them pushing back the patch to do more testing and finalize additions to the stronghold that there wouldn't be these sorts of issues. How long are we going to have to deal with this while the event timer runs out?
  9. No. Illumination Probe Crate does not drop period, even in solo mode. It hasn't for quite some time. There are also several flashpoints without solo modes (Lost Island, Mandalorian Raiders, Hammer Station, Cademimu, Athiss, Red Reaper, Kaon Under Seige, both Czerka flashpoints, and Colicoid War Games) where the flashpoint decos do not drop in any group difficulty of them anymore (or if they do it is exceptionally rare), so they have effectively disappeared from the game.
  10. Twenty hours? For one character? Are you insane? Most people who play this game (especially 'casual' players) have jobs and families and social engagements that obviously take precedence over gaming. They are lucky if they have 20 hours total in a week to play this game at all; most can't manage nearly that much, maybe just a few hours once or twice a week to raid or RP with friends. And you think it's reasonable to tell them personal Conquest goals are forever unattainable by them unless they spend every single moment they can spare on this game on a single character doing nothing but grinding repeatable Conquest objectives and even then they might not obtain it because you think TWENTY FRACKING HOURS is a 'fair' time investment to demand from 'casual' players? From ANY kind of player? If EA wanted to tank their subscription numbers, putting reaching personal conquest goals out of the reach of 90% or more of the subscriber base would be a good way to do it. You must really want this game to fail. Either that or you're one of those gamers who hate 'casuals' so much you just want to drive them out of shared gaming spaces. Because TWENTY FLIPPING HOURS PER CHARACTER PER WEEK is not a reasonable expectation.
  11. Yes, but this issue was happening even before they restarted the servers earlier. I even asked in the thread Eric started for them to look into the issue if they weren't already. So I admit I'm a bit frustrated that this issue has been ongoing all day and it wasn't addressed before everyone clocked out this afternoon. Especially now that it's getting worse and making the game unplayable for some. I just bought this shiny new SH but I'm lagging out so much I can't even work on decorating it.
  12. I'm having lag in all of my strongholds. I've been avoiding Rishi, thinking maybe it was just bugs there, but I'm seeing lag in DK/Coruscant/Tat/NS/Yavin. It seems a bit worse in the NS stronghold than the other ones, but the lag is becoming progressively worse by the hour in all strongholds.
  13. I am experiencing all of these problems as well. Sometimes my decorations do not appear when logging into strongholds. Trying to leave strongholds kicks me out of the game. There's a 5-20 second delay on almost every activity. I'm also running into invisible walls in my strongholds, like what happens sometimes if your ping skyrockets, but my ping has remained stable at 45-50 ms all day long. Server is Star Forge, on both Empire and Republic side.
  14. My lag issues are getting worse. I am loading into my strongholds and the lag is so bad that not only do my decorations not load in at all, but I see floating names of other people in their own strongholds. It's like the instancing in strongholds is breaking down. Trying to initiate any action can lock me up for 15-20 seconds.
  15. The lags don't happen as often now, but I'm still getting it regularly. My ping remains around 45-50 ms at all times. It's got to be something with the game servers.
  16. I'm glad to hear it's complicated... I've been paranoid about accidentally clicking on something while decorating and getting that cute little turtle eaten unintentionally!
  17. I experienced the same issue this morning when I bought the Rishi stronghold. It's the same bug that was on the PTS, that we were told only happened to people who had bought the SH on the PTS before the button was added, and it wouldn't happen on live servers. Apparently that wasn't the case. :/ I'd also like to ask for you guys to look in what's causing the repeated lag while attempting to take in-game actions, if you aren't already going to be looking into that during the maintenance.
  18. I am experiencing the same sort of lag times on Star Forge. I've had it happen both on Fleet and in multiple different strongholds. It happens when I purchase something from vendors or the GTN, when I try to set a companion to craft or gather, when I move items between inventory and my banks, and when I try to search on the GTN. My ping has stayed between 45 and 50 ms the whole time, so I know it's not my Internet acting up.
  19. Yep, the one missing Inquisitor companion has been given a 'replacement'. Inquisitors also have all their romance options back too. Whereas Knight is still missing Kira (male LI), Scourge, and Doc (female LI), while Consular is missing Nadia (male LI), Zenith, and Tharan. No love for Jedi companions and Jedi romances. We've been told Kira and Scourge will be back 'soon', but EA's version of 'soon' is usually in a year or more.
  20. I wish I knew why the devs seem to hate the idea of Knight and Consular characters ever getting their crews (including three class story romantic interests!) back. No other classes have the amount of companions MIA (3 for each Jedi class), and some classes have long since had their full crews show back up. What did us Jedi players ever do to you, guys? In other news, I am happy to note that GSF matches will also be cross-faction now. That should help pops, which makes me happy as it's the only PvP type game mode I enjoy. I am wondering how matchmaking for ground PvP and GSF both will be taking into account player skill. Valor rating for ground PvP and number of mastered ships for GSF? Or will it be based on something like achievements? I'm curious as to how this will work in action.
  21. Adding a 'Galaxy' chat is just the same request as asking for Fleet chat to be usable on other planets with a new name. I'm kind of ambivalent on the idea since Fleet General tends to be toxic and full of random spam, though so long as there's an opt out button for it like there already is for General/PvP/Trade I'd be alright with it. What I think might be more useful instead of a game-wide General channel would be game-wide channels labeled 'Looking for Group' and 'Looking for Guild'. Sure, players have made custom private channels for things like finding ops groups and whatnot, but not every player--especially newbies--know about them. If they were default game channels available to everyone without having to seek them out, I think that would help players. A lot of people say they want Fleet chat accessible other places to help them find groups and guilds, so that would provide them the functionality they wanted. Sure, people could just post random crap in those channels in the end, but I think more people would use them for their intended purpose. Such channels should also have opt-out buttons in Preferences as well, of course. Put down my vote for account-based /ignore as well. There are too many jerkfaces out there with a couple dozen alts who seem to have nothing better to do than sending nasty messages to people they don't like or troll RPers. As someone who's been a target of stalking and harassment in this game, it's a pain in the neck to have to ignore all their alts on every single one of my toons in order to get away from them. Players who are being targeted by said jerkfaces shouldn't have to go through all that to get some peace, or have to deal with their harassers/stalkers simply making new toons to continue the harassment.
  22. You just can't make some people happy. They enjoy complaining too much. And I say this as someone who has been a very vocal critic of EA's decisions with this game. Getting mad at them for finally listening to feedback on a new game feature/content for once before implementing it, for finally using the PTS again for its intended purpose, is counterproductive to say the least. Not to mention an extra week of delay is nowhere near a year of delay. OP is comparing apples to oranges. Also, I think the new stronghold has plenty of use to me, thank you very much. I'm an avid decorator and I'm looking forward to a new space to work with. Just because OP doesn't care about or like strongholds doesn't mean other people aren't psyched about it.
  23. They did ask you for feedback. They asked everyone for feedback. That's why they opened the PTS in the first place and made threads on the forums for people to provide feedback. If you or other PvPers turned down the invitation to provide feedback over the past couple of weeks, that's on you/them, not EA. It's not EA's job to track down people on their private channels and interview them. I know EA has been awful at listening to its players in the past. I get that. We've all seen that in action for ourselves, trust me. But turning down an actual opportunity to have your voice heard just because EA hasn't listened in the past is counterproductive, to say the least. It teaches them they shouldn't bother asking for feedback or utilize the PTS because some people will not provide any feedback or even go on the PTS to try out the new content, and then get mad at them for not listening to the theoretical feedback they never gave after the fact. I guess EA are supposed to read minds across the Internet now? That's not a realistic expectation. It also sounds more than a bit entitled to say "If they wanted my opinion they should have had to come to me for it!" You're just one player; why does your opinion matter more than everyone else's? Why does your opinion matter more than those who actually took the time to test out the PTS and provide extensive feedback when invited to? Maybe you're popular in the PvP community, but we all pay the same subscription you do. Also, don't bash on the decorators expressing their concerns. Our playstyle is just as valid as yours. We took advantage of the feedback window for a reason: we cared. We wanted to have our concerns heard. So we actually went on the PTS and gave feedback. That's the exact same thing you and other PvPers could have done if you cared enough to. If you didn't, that was your choice; no one else made it for you.
  24. The toxicity displayed in this thread is why many people (including myself) want nothing to do with PvP, especially ranked PvP. People who get this nasty and personally insulting towards fellow players over an extra week of wait for virtual rewards and PvP matchmaking fixes aren't people I want to deal with on a team in-game ever. I play games for fun, not to get screamed at or denigrated.
  25. As much as I love collecting legacy titles, I couldn't stand losing Speedy permanently to get one. If there's no way to bring him back, then that achievement shall remain un-achieved for me forever!
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