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Everything posted by Ivanblood

  1. "It's easy to kill" Lol. No... it´s not. I even made a tread about it.. At least, not in real life. "It´s far more rewarding to spare a life and save a life." Naaa...I don´t know...people are ungrateful by their nature. They don´t even bother to send you a Merry Christmass card.
  2. Well...I actually believe in afterlife, and I am not naive or religiously blind or brute person. Albert Einstein believed in afterlife too. I don´t belive in traditional interpretation of hell and heaven. I guess it all depends from a personal perspective of the universe. My personal vision is leaded by the phisical law that nothing desapears in the universe, but it´s transformed into something else. But returning to our main debate. Nobody refuted my earlier post
  3. As a sith ? Because Jedis can´t have even a girlfriend.
  4. Do you have any proof? I´d like you bring some sources that point to this. Besides, THEY CAN doesn´t mean THEY WILL. In SWTOR, I read some codex about dead Sith lords, and basically all of them became one with the force. "No eternal damnation" is mentioned. And I bet that those guys weren´t good makers.
  5. Have you heard the expression "It is from Ashes we Come and Ashes we Shall Return To" Well... replace ashes by force, and we have the same meaning. Loosing your identity and conscience is equal to no afterlife.
  6. I just analized the SW religion and I came to a conclusion that Sith filosophy is better Read it here.
  7. I started to compare the population by Nar Shaddaa, generally the weakest planet. On Fatman, the population there is steadily arround 90. The strongest one I have ever see. I tried many other high pop servers, but many of them had Narshaddaa arround 40. Why is impoertant. Because Nar Shaddaa has 3 heroics from Bonus Series. And it was impossible to complete them for me on my previous server. It´s very difficult to find a group to complete them with the population arround 40.
  8. If Vader and Revan would be a couple, then they would be called REVANADER.
  9. East Coast. Fatman. PVP. VERY HEAVY to FULL Playing from Argentina, no lag, no queues to date. The population is astonishing. Empire Hutta: 120 Dramon Kass: 190 Fleet: 240 Nar Shadda: 90 (even Nar Shadda) And yes, these numbers are during weekdays, except some morning hours. GTN is huge. I sell anything I post there, and I rerolled recently, and people still buy anything, even the 9-level items
  10. Well... I red all posts above, and all this lead me to one conclusion. It actually doesn´t matter if you are sith or jedi. They all will become one with the force, loosing their identity or conscience. Well... there are some slight differences: Jedis will float in a pieceful state, and Siths, in a maddening one (the latter is not quite certain). But as I, devoid from my identity, will not even notice it. Because identity implies memory of what I am, and what I did. From what I deduce that Jedi/Sith pilosophy is lacking completely the charma concept. And a problem is surged. Being Jedi sucks. Being Sith I can be anyone: I can be emotinal, I can do what ever I want, I can indulge all my whims, I can have girlfriends, I can love and be loved, I can hate and be hated. While being a Jedi is basically being a monk. NO GIRLFRIEND., no strong emotions, no joys. Is it a life at all ? And for what, to be even more tranquille in the afterlife ? THEN I CHOOSE TO BE A SITH.
  11. No. No. No. I don´t think that force is composed by atoms. It´s some sort of energy or maybe is the dark material. But then a question surges, by what mean siths or jedi manipulate the dark material. But from what we know the force allows to manipulate atoms and molecules. For example, if a sith shoots a bolt from his finger tips, it means that he used the force to distabilize molecules in the atmosphere creating the electron migration from his finger tips to the target, in this way creating an electric current. But the force itself is not made from atoms or molecules. And, as I will be one with force, my essence will not be made from them either. Actually do you that a sith would be unable to shoot electricity in the space. Because there is no medium there, no atmosphere, no atoms to propagate.
  12. When the Force Ghost finish to help those they once knew, if they helped already to everyone, what happens then? They float in the force invisible in lingerie shops for all eternity ? And if they have too many people to help, do they have some schedule ?
  13. SWTOR Forum sucks. Censorship is abysmal. Steam forums are much better. It´s mostly a miracle if you wrote a thread and is not shut down in a hour. It doesn´t matter what thread you wrote: positive or negative one. It certainly will be merged with other dude´s one. The difference is you spent an hour writing a full page trying voice your opinion, and it will be merged to a single line thread like "When server will be merged" or "We need a better balance" or "I love SWTOR", despite the huge diffrence between the contexts. If you expressed an opposite idea, it doesn´t matter, it will be merged and lost forever in hundreds of pages of threads one-liners. Maybe only five or six people will see it. If you post a thread "SWTOR vs an other game", it certainly will be closed for discussing "other game".
  14. Still unfair. If you are not powerful enough, you will die for good. Now I understand Anakin who was seduced to dark path by the possibility of eternal life and using his power for keeping his loved people alive too (The third episode). Does siths can become Force Ghosts too ? I just remembered that SWTOR they do. If you played a sith... PS. I am not a SW expert. I may be mistaken.
  15. Well...Let´s cross the fingers. Wikipedia says it´s under development by Vigil Games.
  16. I think Star Wars needs to incorporate some other religions for variety.
  17. SWTOR vs WARHAMMER 40K MMO | Today , 06:58 PM Report Post I know...i know...This clash is pretty hypothetic because no WARHAMMER 40K MMO exists. There is some negotiations and plans on behalf of THK but nothing definite yet. But many gamers play SWTOR becasue it´s the only AAA Sfi MMO arround. Would SWTOR have a serious competition if WARHAMMER 40K MMO appears in the future. In my case, I am a huge fan of both lores, SW and W40K, so my preference would be quite divided. Both universes are huge, exciting, and very sfi. So definining the combatants: On one hand, SWTOR developped by Bioware and published by EA. WARHAMMER 40K MMO would be certainly developped by THK and published by Ubisoft on another side. Both Bioware and THK are experienced developpers famous by their high quality games. Bioware, by their RPGs and narative. THK, by their best looking RTSs with RPG elements. Does somebody remember Company of Heroes ? Multiplayer of Dawn of War 2 ? Both developpers are heavily PC oriented. Both EA and Ubisoft are the biggest shark gaming companies capable of providing huge budgets for their developpers. So.. if WARHAMMER 40K MMO is realeased would it be a strong competion for SWTOR ? Whould you switch the sides ? Whould you stay faithful to SWTOR ? Or the whole my post is stupid ? What you think ? PS. WARHAMMER 40K MMO is under development by Vigil Games. Vigil Games is an Austin, Texas based game development company owned by THQ. PS.PS. This thread has been closed on General Forum due to we were discussing a game which wasn´t SWTOR. It´s very strange decision for me because how we can discuss the topic "SWTOR vs WARHAMMER 40K MMO" without mentioning WARHAMMER 40K
  18. Still sounds awful. It´s like there is no afterlife at all. If you are not powerful enough, this it, game over for you. And ones who managed to keep theirselves as a manifestation of the force, what are they doing ? Play cards ?
  19. I've got some high hopes for THK. This company never dumbed down their games for a mainstream. And I expect that they reused the Company of Heroes engine for the MMO. It´s one the best looking and optimized engines I know, exclusively made for PCs. I remember when I was playing Company of Heroes, you could zoom it in untill it looked like you played Call of Duty. COH came out in 2006, and still is the best looking RTS.
  20. Yep. Orks are number one. And in W40k you wouldn´t have to choose Republic or the Empire. There would be only EMPIRE. For the Emperor. Lol. W40k Empire looks very alike to SWTOR Empire. Just Observation.
  21. Jesus. It looks like hell to me. If this is the afterlife I would become sith and would search for inmortality by any means. This is an extract: "However, most Jedi including Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn, believed that people who died and were not able to become Force ghosts lost their consciousness and individual identities and "became one with the Force." What are they doing in the force ? Just staying..floating there ? Pretty depressing. And what means "became one with the Force." Being force ? Will siths shoot me from their fingers !? And will jedis pass me through their bodies ? If I kill myself being in the force do i com alive in the real world ?
  22. You see, you cant go pure dark either and then you say that game choices doesn´t affect you. You are just choosing the easiest ones. Going neutral is always easier.
  23. There is very little information. I found some articles in gamespot. "THQ CEO Brian Farrell revealed that the publisher is "actively looking" for partners to help it launch the long-in-development MMORPG Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online." "Originally announced in March 2007, further information was released as well as a teaser trailer at E3 2010.[1]"
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