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Everything posted by Miyi

  1. Is this post for real? @_@ My husband keeps his companion lovers in his cargo. >.>
  2. Oh yeah. It actually is more of a satisfaction to me to ignore them. I don't know it's a nice feeling. :3
  3. Today someone called me 'bud' in game. I moved on with my life. Although I don't know a single guy who would want to be called 'bud' by an anonymous person. That's something you call a 5 year old when he scores a goal in soccer.
  4. 24, I would say I am online a good 8 hours a day but AFK a lot. Maybe a total of 4 hours of actual play time.
  5. Nothing bothers a troll more then a mass ignore and no one responding to it. When you respond to trolls that's what they want. I am sure people know this. But just try as hard as you can to make do without talking to it.
  6. I have only reported a few people that absolutely deserved it due to what they were saying to other people. Never heard anything back so not sure if they got a ban. If it's minor trolling I ignore them. Best thing to do is not to respond to them and report/ignore. They will get what is coming eventually.
  7. My server it pretty bad. I think everyone who talks in General says something degrading or troll like. The people that ask for help or say something constructive usually get trolled. Bad. :/ It's sad that gaming is coming to this.. where one person feels the need to talk down on another.
  8. Yes. I am part of his 'boys'
  9. I come in peace! I am from WoW. I have been with WoW since 2004 when it released. I have 15 level 80's and 8 85's. I don't really play the game anymore but I still have my subscription going. Thank you pretty horse and free copy of Diablo for sucking me in. But I have a hard time letting go because I spent what 7+ years of my life in that game. It's great for logging in when SWTOR is down and running a few raid finders.
  10. In-Game Photography is a great name to call it! I have been using "Artistic Screenshots" due to lack of a name. But yeah. Maybe have to nab that title for my work. xD
  11. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7157/6750356785_54bc010022_z.jpg
  12. I want a cat.. my husband won't allow it either.
  13. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7149/6742424215_8971f8d558_z.jpg
  14. Here is my opinion on the matter. Would love feedback on how others feel about it. http://www.jeweldaab.com/post/16181787692/swtor-group-forums
  15. I wrote up a post on my personal opinion on the new Group Forums. Would love to hear what others have to say about it. http://www.jeweldaab.com/post/16181787692/swtor-group-forums
  16. I tried to make my character look like I do. Me: [X] Character: [X] [X]
  17. Actually I made a vlog yesterday about this. Since it's related to your question feel free to check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI0GeGrWkt0
  18. You mean "Getting Awesome at the Disney Store!"
  19. I use to love Huttball and grew to hate it the more I had to play against my faction. People who tend to know you make your life hell in Huttball.
  20. C Student Laughter sucks at proofreading. ;_;
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