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Everything posted by Miyi

  1. Awesome. I was trying to figure out if it was yarn or a mop.
  2. Is that a mop in your car? Cute picture.
  3. I almost gave up in SWTOR. Voiced my opinion quite a few times. I decided I was being stupid and or immature. Decided to give it another try by re-rolling on a populated server and now I am quite happy.
  4. I love when the female Imperial Agent is still in the stater zone. One of the scenes is she gets to flirt with a guy several times then kill him. Ahhh I don't know why but it always makes me smile. >.>
  5. I totally agree! She looks like a girl I was friends with all through school.
  6. I play with my husband. (I think I may of already posted that a while ago. Too lazy to check!)
  7. We are a fan community for female (and male) gamers to hang out and chat about all their favorite MMOs. We started off as two different websites. Due to the amount of requests I received asking to create Ladies of <insert game here> I decided it was best to just make one big site then have different forums for each game. The main purpose of this site is to enjoy MMOs as a whole. You always see strong female communities for console gaming and my goal is to have a strong community for the MMO players. Feel free to check us out. Ladies of MMOs
  8. I would love to be able to change my legacy name. Even if it meant losing all my progress on my old one. I picked a legacy name of one of my old characters from another game. I don't really like how it works with my "First" name on each of my characters and it would be awesome to fix it.
  9. Drunk healing is the way to go. Spams Self. Thinks whole raid is being healed.
  10. Sometimes I drink red wine.. I love a good dry red but lately been quite fond of a red called "Red Velvet Cupcake" it's really delicious. If I am not drinking wine it really depends on the beer I have in the fridge.. I switch it up from Hefeweizen, Killians Irish Red, and a few local brews. Another I really enjoy is Strongbow. As for normal drinking.. Ice Tea, Coffee, Water.
  11. I run a female friendly MMO Community (It's not a guild) figured if anyone not just females were interested to check the link in my signature. Nice post. :]
  12. It's got Stephen Reid's John Hancock on it as well.
  13. http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5031/6897376792_8359331585_z.jpg
  14. I actually took a break. Came back and picked the highest possible server when it comes to population. In hopes of maybe being able to enjoy the game a bit more. I really want SWTOR to do well. :/
  15. My goal plan was to be FRISKEY WHISKEY. The galaxy drunk.
  16. In gaming it seems like whining is the only way to get the message through. Look at PvP for example. Most PvPers whine and moan until they get what they want.
  17. No the man is right. Bioware could really lose a few servers and populate some of the highly under populated.
  18. Miyi

    St. Louis Area!

    Might you be on the Missouri side or Illinois side. I'd love to see other St. Louis people say hello! I am on the Illinois side about 30 minutes from downtown.
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