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Everything posted by Midgen

  1. Hello, and welcome! I would suggest you post in the Server forum for whichever server you are currently playing on. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=309
  2. Whether or not you personally like or dislike the cartel market is a moot point. The game would be dead by now if it weren't for people being willing/able to spend money on cartel coins. There will always be a subset of people who dislike the cartel market, and its affect on the game economy, or the perception that it gives people with more real money some kind of an advantage. This is true to some degree, but it's a fact of modern gaming life. Especially for a game that is as expensive to develop for as this one is. Bioware and EA have to pay for the game operations, support and development somehow. The monthly subscription model is all but dead. Many people just don't want to pay for a monthly subscription to a video game. Many gamers have come to expect something (i.e. a great gaming experience) for little or no expense of their own. There are also people who have a chip on their shoulder about paying for a subscription. Just a few days ago I was chatting privately with someone about their Free to Play Experience. They were proud of the fact that they had never subscribed to the game, but in the same conversation, they told me that they had paid for enough cartel coins to get all of the unlocks to re-create the subscriber experience, and continued to buy enough to get weekly flashpoint and operation passes. It's like he felt like he has outsmarted EA by not subscribing,and instead spending a small fortune (far more than the cost of the sub) unlocking their not-so-free to play account into a subscriber level of service.
  3. I don't think this is exclusive to Warzones. I've had it happen numerous times when changing instances within a planet as well. The strange thing is, it doesn't always happen. I haven't figured out how exactly to reproduce it (I have a theory, I'll try to remember to test it when I'm online tonight).
  4. They have already said that this is a bug and will be fixed in an upcoming patch...
  5. You know, FANG! The giant pet you get with Bioanalysis during the Cademimu flashpoint? I *Love* that little *BIG* guy, and would *LOVE* to have him as an actual PET! However, he must be the actual size of Fang! No sub-miniature unidentifiable colorless blob like the rest of the pets are! GIVE ME FANG PLEASE !
  6. Holy cow... Is are you punctuation keys missing? That mess is completely unreadable...
  7. I am frustrated by this as well. My bank is growing full of rep tokens for reps I have maxed. I refuse to destroy them, as I suspect that at some point in the future they will add new gear and a higher tier of reputation to these. I only assume this because it only took me a couple of weeks to max out GSI and Makeb. I can't imagine that they are done with it. I would be angry with myself if I destroyed those tokens only to have them add an additional tier of reputation and have to start grinding all over again...
  8. I posted this in the bug reports forum, but I thought I should mention it here as well. The "Cartel Market Certificate" item dropping from the Archon packs do do not stack. I received three or four of them from a set of hypercrate packs, and was surprised to find out they didn't stack. Considering they have a number (1) in the corner, it is safe to assume this is unintended?
  9. I opened an Archon Hypercrate this morning after the patch, and received a few of the cartel market certificates. I was surprised to find out these items don't stack (they have a number (1) in the corner, so I'm inclined to believe this is unintended)!
  10. Makeb is worse... After finishing Makeb on my five republic toons, I switched over to my Marauder and wow.. I thought republic Makeb was bad... Imperial side is MUCH worse. And it's not just trash mobs.. Elites, two to three strongs.. etc.. It's an easy to way to up the difficulty I suppose, but the curve is rather steep from the early part of Makeb to the last three (or so) missions, where it really ramps up... "Welcome to Makeb.. Leave your speeder at the Orbital Station, you won't be needing it here!"
  11. I'm 52. I have a guild member who is 71, and is a very active player. I'd say the average age of my guild members is somewhere around 41 to 43
  12. I'm not sure how they will be paid for, but I I suspect will happen is that there will be transfers to/from certain servers, but perhaps not all, depending on population. They will have to have a way to control the population of the servers, as we've all learned, server population is crucial to the games viability... I think if they allowed server transfers as a free-for-all (even paid),eventually, most people would want to transfer to the higher population, most active servers.
  13. I would much rather they tell us what their plans are, with the understanding that they are targets, and not written in stone. It keeps me and my guild mates interested in whats going on, and what's coming up. The alternative is to be left completely in the dark... No thanks...
  14. Thank you, I missed this post. I've not been able to find these cards, and the folks in the stores don't have a clue what I'm asking for...
  15. Wow, if I had known the swtor.com forums were trolled by so many amateur psychoanalysts, I could have saved myself a lot of time and money! Thank you all soo much for showing the the err of my ways. I only wish I had posted my question sooner! /sigh
  16. If you had read and comprehended my original post, you would know that I did call CS, and was told that they cannot tell me what the lockout parameters are (I understand this, it's fraud prevention), and that there is no way for me to validate my account/card/purchase status and restore my ability to purchase coins (this I don't understand).
  17. Not everyone who plays video games is living paycheck to paycheck.
  18. That's part of the problem. No one knows what the actual mechanics are of the lockout. The CS rep informed me that there is a short term lockout (presumably 24 hours), which is completely undestandable. This is to prevent fraud from credit card theft, etc... There is also some kind of long term lock out (presumably 30 days), that is a rolling lockout. If you exceed some unknown threshold in any 30 day period, they block any future purchases until you roll into a 30 day period where you are under that threshold. I understand the need for fraud prevention, but I do not understand why, after I've called and verified my identity, and that the purchases are legitimate, why they cannot remove the lock. Can we please get this thread back on topic (and stop accusing me of being a gambling addict)? I'd love to know how others are obtaining cartel coins from external entities like best buy, walmart, gamestop, etc...
  19. What the hell? I've never gambled on anything in my life, except the occasional lottery ticket. Can we stay on topic please?
  20. This is unbelievable. Apparently Cartel Coins are so popular that (based on the number of posts in the forums) a lot of us are exceeding either a 24 hour, or 30 day rolling lockout threshold, and are unable to buy more coins. This system is inflexible to the point that despite calling CS and verifying that the purchases are legitimate, they cannot unlock the restriction.. it has to time out on it's own. Then I was referred to Best Buy, Walmart, and Gamestop. None of this is working. BestBuy: I was able to buy one code at Best Buy, but apparently they are no longer available in their sytsem. I have the SKU I used for the original purpose, and it's 'not found' on their site. Their customer service chat and phone reps can only tell me that "We must have run out", or "We don't carry those any more". So Best Buy was a Bust (not a surprise here). Walmart: I am unable to find anything SWToR related on the Walmart.com site except the game itself. So this weekend, I drove around to all of the stores within 50 miles of me, and not one of them sells anything resembling a Cartel Coin card. They kept trying to sell me the game itself (seriously, why are these still on shelves?), or time cards (I have a recurring sub, so don't need this!). No amount of begging or pleading turned up a cartel coin in their system or on their shelves. GameStop: I was able to purchase one pair of cartel coins from a local gamestop, and successfully redeemed one of them, and got the coins and pet a few hours later. However, upon attempting to redeem a second code, I got an error indicating that I had already purchased that item, and it wouldn't let me enter it into their system (gamestop has a proprietary code redemption system, that is apparently geared towards one time purchases of DLC, etc...). So here I am, trying my damndest to give Bioware/EA my money to support their game, but am unable to. I realize that starting this thread will not change anything on the BioWare/EA side of things, so my hope is that the community can contribute their success stories for purchasing cartel coins at third parties, where/how, etc... so that others can benefit.
  21. End game encounters are all about coordination, and understanding the tactics of a given situation... Unless you have an encounter down so thoroughly and are so used to playing with your partners that you can communicate what you need to do with a few lines of text pre-fight, you really need to be talking to people.. Or at the very least be able to listen to the raid leaders describing roles... Watching and typing in chat during a difficult encounter is impossible. There is already too much going on with watching the screen to avoid boss mechanics, Also, when things don't go according to plan, you need to be able to react quickly. Voice chat makes surviving a bad pull must more possible. If you are looking for a guild that is just doing casual PvE stuff, leveling, etc.. Chat is absolutely not necessary. I'm a guild leader and don't even log into chat except on raid nights, unless someone asks for help with something, but getting through the hardest content pretty much requires voice chat.
  22. The best you can call this game is 'Pay to Improve' (using OP's example), or "Pay to Skip a few dailies". You aren't winning by converting cartel items to credits. End game raiding, especially the NiM 16 man stuff, more than anything else, requires a good, coordinated team of players with BiS gear. No amount of real money or credits it going to make that happen. It might make the path getting to that a little easier, but it's not going to let you 'Win the Game"...
  23. Not sure if this qualifies as a UI improvement, but I think with the addtion of the Makeb and GSI dailies, I would want to see the Mission List expanded beyond 25. I know there are performance concerns. Perhaps put a limit on the number of currently trackable missions (15 or so) but allow like 40 or so in the list.
  24. Not sure if this is intended, but when you click "RESET APPEARANCE" in the Appearance Kiosk, it unlocks the sliders. It probably shouldn't, especially since the lock toggles are so close to the slider arrow, it's easy to accidentally click the wrong thing... A separate "Toggle All Locks" might be nice to have
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