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Everything posted by Chemic_al

  1. I would suggest it's because sorcs and sages don't use accuracy, so whilst that's not an issue early levels, it certainly would be in higher levels. You'd basically miss far too much for it to be useful most of the time. But even taking that into account, still no reason not to give willpower to damage.
  2. 1,2,3,4 and 5. A lightsabre/vibrosword that is bound to legacy, which is long overdue since we can transfer barrels but not hilts between alts.
  3. No, not at all, with a gear mako been absolutely destroying in pve, and pvp been top damage since level 12 near enough
  4. Well, apart from the channel dps being lost if you have to move during a Thundering Blast channel say. I've found lightning can also suffer from lack of rng procs - i've seen times where 7 or 8 straight lightning strikes fails to proc chain lightning, and with no affiliction crits didn't get barrage either. I don't think I recall a time as madness when wrath has never procced in time for crushing darkness to come on cooldown. Personally either way, I don't think it makes a while lot of difference, sorc dps a whole needs a buff. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a 5% damage increase on death field, chain lightning, force lightning, thundering blast, lightning strike and 10% on dots (affliction, creeping terror, crushing darkness), frankly.
  5. Yes, quite, my apologies re weapons, you know I always thought it was the hilt/barrel that governed the weapon damage, but oh my this just makes no sense at all given that all the dps WH offhands have 649 force/tech power. But this is just means there's even less reason to deny sorc/sages willpower to melee damage.
  6. First off even with will bonus to melee damage, they wouldn't surpass shadows and secondly you clearly are unaware of how advanced classes work and their relation to bonus damages. *sigh* Sages don't, and adding willpower to melee damage, still wouldn't change that. Force power does NOTHING for melee damage. Plain Power does, not force power. And plain power even gives sages bonus melee damage. Here's the bit you clearly seem confused about. Adding Willpower for Sages, buffs Force Power, does nothing for melee. For Shadows, they also get the same bonus to Force power, but they get their Will and a bonus for Str added on to their melee damage. Adding Willpower to melee damage is not the same as adding Force Power to melee damage.. You really, really need to understand this, because all I can see is it seems to fly over your head and you are making comments based on ignorance. Willpower - is a buff for force for all inquisitors/consulars, but for shadows/sins it gives them melee bonus damage. It should really be changed so sorcs/sages benefit too. Force power - only affects force abilities. Force bonus damage, is a combination of Willpower, power and buffs (such as inquisitor/warrior). This is the same for all inquisitors/consulars. Power affects all attacks (melee and force) And by the way they'd get the same bonus damage if they used a normal lightsabre instead of double-bladed with the same mods, only thing is it would prevent some abilities working, but not change their bonuses at all.
  7. What utter rot. You seem to be oblivious that whether the other advanced classes are range or melee, they will get mainstat bonus to ALL their attacks. If they are ranged they get their bonus on melee and vice/versa. Sorcs/Sages do not, and if you think just because they get willpower to melee attacks it would make them OP and require rebalancing, then you are clueless about Sages and Sorcs and class balance in general.
  8. Nonsense. A sorc has what two abilities, thrash and sabre strike, no talents to increase the damage or crit chance of them either. It would not make them OP in any way, because sorcs/sages don't want to be in melee range, but it at least means they can do a hit or two if rooted etc before trying to escape, because competent melee will interrupt their casts. As for the damage, it's meh, and only sorcs/sages are the advanced class that don't benefit from main stat to weapon damage. As a shadow you benefit not only from willpower but strength to a lesser degree too, so tell me how that is fair? I'd also point out, since you seem oblivious to many things about reality in this game, that sorc/sage dps is the lowest there is, even with 6% to willpower. So before making your unfounded suggestions that "oh noes, sages will become so uber", you might want to try looking at the facts. But since you want to quote lore, how about the fact that Jedi/Sith are trained to use lightsabres, so your point about Palpatine is moot, but you know he seemed pretty capable with his sabre when fighitng Yoda in case you forgot. In ToR sabres are basically glorified glowing stat-sticks for sages/sorcs... awesome, and there isn't one good reason why this should be so (and you haven't posted cogent argument as to why it shouldn't change).
  9. To be honest, it doesn't really matter. I'd also just level up as dps until level 25+ anyway, you have more than enough healing already, and bubble is huge at low levels.
  10. If you can't get hold of a 26 resolve armouring then the BH Striker's generator even though it's unmoddable will be superior to a 25 resolve + 61 mods and power crystal.
  11. As opposed to "cheap" like teams throwing grenades.... Lol, so true, I can't imagine maras have ANYTHING to complain about with their stupidly OP defensive cooldowns and crazy dps, hell they even got ezmode smashspec for the bads.
  12. Oh what? Something is interrupting your lolsmashtrain is it? Diddums...
  13. Well guarded by the force is a broken ability - and first of the changes shouldn't be damage reduction to huttball hazards, but your point is taken. And sins do the same already with shroud.
  14. Madness dps got nothing. Lightning is still too easy to shut down. I don't want to play a lightning/heal hybrid just to be competitive. We still have no proper defensive CD, although granted the self-heal is nice, but it's still not an "oh ****!" button cf dps like Marauders with Cloak of Pain, Sabre Ward, Undying Rage and Force Camo. We don't have shroud like our Sin cousins. For PvP burst is king, and sorc DPS just doesn't have it. We have no execute move. Our dots are weak, again cf an anni mara where dots auto-crit or a pyro tech CGC dot which tick harder when target is under 30%. All in all, the pure sorc dps specs are not really viable and no rated will take a sorc dps over a marauder, powertech or sniper. We maybe slightly above mercs for PvP, but make no mistake Bioware have done nothing to address the real issues that concern sorcs in PvP and we are still way below other dps classes. You can see Bioware have no clue because they went and buffed a class that didn't need it like Warrior Rage spec. It needed to be made instant, that's it. Now it's just lolsmash spec for n00bs and sorc still remains a class with an unfeasibly high skill threshold to survive for the pitiful damage we do. If we are to be a glass cannon, at least give us a cannon.
  15. Thanks for the tip, but I already switched to lightning because of this bug. I might well switch back to madness if this issue is addressed properly.
  16. So, not sure if you can see the paradox you throw up here. On the one hand you say "L2P, a powertech can kite a mara" then on the other you say "except me," which I'm sure reading between the lines of your own bragging, means that presumably because you have L2P a mara, and thus there is nothing they can do at all, because you know you have enough anti-kiting tools to stop it happening. So clearly, what you are saying is that mara's can't be kited by powertechs assuming perfect play, and thus it isn't a L2P issue. Of course, having stated a powertech has a knockback, one wonders whether we should be seeking advice from you in the first place. In any case, maras are a broken class, amazing dps coupled with amazing defensive CDs, that aren't even needed in PvE, and even less so for PvP, to maintain some sort of balance between classes. But that's another issue.
  17. Oh my condescension and a thinly veiled L2P reply without any substance at all. The wisdom that pours forth from you is truly inspiring.... Well done padawan, the fail is strong with you.
  18. Yeah, except jugs aren't that squishy either.
  19. Eh? Escape when rooted for 2 seconds, which can be chained? Leap, Sweep, Stasis, when the next knights can still leap and sweep? Interesting....
  20. Yeah perhaps a single warrior/knight on its own isn't that bad, but when you get 3+ just jumping to a person and pwning them before they can react it's just broken. The spec is broken for PvP, and was fine before 1.4, perhaps needed making the smash instant that's all, it didn't need this quite frankly ridiculous buff. Ah well it's Bioware's class balancing at its finest.
  21. I am! And yeah I found this really annoying. I just use shock now instead of DF. Not worth the waste of time in dps for it not to work reliably and the time lost trying to place it. And even then when you think you placed it right, and it does nothing.
  22. Well since, we are talking about specifics ie the situation proposed by the OP, then you can absolutely determine "which is better". I'm sure it involves some pretty clever mathematics and simulations and other stuff, but you are in no more position to say that it is inherently false as if your own absolutism trumps mine. The simple, paper napkin maths suggest power is better in this situation. You are free to pose it as preference but the maths doesn't back you up.
  23. Incorrect. Look at the numbers as you go from 0-100 expertise, it's ALOT more than the jump from 1200-1300 because it's on a curve that really starts to flatten out past 1100. Yes that's true but the difference is so small now that's you're talking about 1%. But the point is if you're compensating for that loss of exp with around double main stat/power, you are coming out ahead damage wise. If I swap a bracers with 90 main stat 80 expertise, with one with 130 main stat, 40 power and 30 exp, I'm going to be way better off. Er only the ones with <1100 or so expertise. After that high end PvE gear and power becomes better.
  24. Yeah, life in recruit gear really sucks. It sucks in BM and it only sucks marginally less in full WH. They turned sorcs into a kiting class. And only viable pvp spec is heal/lightning so if anyone jumps you they are cced by the bubble burst. You then overload so they are rooted again for 5 secs. Do a bit of damage, LOS, heal up and repeat. I know, awesome right?
  25. Yeah but you're well into the diminishing returns area of expertise with that much. Personally I'd go power once you hit 1100-1200 or so.
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