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Everything posted by Chemic_al

  1. Well in what category do you place an ability that makes you impervious to damage for 5 seconds, yet still allows you to be healed? Please do enlighten us to it's intended purpose... but I guess you are happy to abuse another broken game mechanic. Oh and others please stop with the straw man 50% health cost rubbish, no sent/mara is going to pop this until they are nearly dead. Health cost is neglible.
  2. I don't want in removed, but I am totally in favour of them being unable to be healed whilst it is active.
  3. I would cry a river here, but you know, maras/sents have gap closers. Really? See above. Leave combat on it's own terms, you mean run when you're being pounded into the ground. You like setting up these what at first seem plausible statements and then explain that you do actually have that ability. Please, maras and sents are far from useless. You can apply DPS to any class, why should maras and sents be any different? a 99% healing debuff is EXACTLY what it need. "Delaying death for 5 seconds" is more than other classes get. Allowing healing while immune to damage means this ability goes from defensive to top tier offensive capacity. For instance the OP has a pocket healer, you know you can heal maras and sents too before they get to the stage. And when they do, it's basically 5 seconds to keep alive when every other class would be in the respawn area. And here's the kicker, when the ability has ended - you can heal them again too. Say what now?Continue to be a threat. When UR/GBtF ends they will still be alive and can keep on being healed and they are still putting out high dps. Even with the healing buff that's 5 seconds of immunity and plenty of survivability. Please stop making it out that maras and sents aren't flattening people when this ability is up. They don't take long to bring someone down. And please assassins and shadows even have to take skill points to be healed when using force cloak.
  4. Meh, she respects power (and the power a force wielder has) whether used for lightside or darkside aims. And quite frankly the only thing she really seems to have a problem with is needless slaughter of peasants and jedis. And there is a rationale behind that, true power isn't about wanton slaughter of people that can't fight back. The jedi can fight back, but what she has "emotional attachment" to her former allegiances? You mean she isn't a two-dimensional cardboard cut-out. What were BioWare thinking? Nevermind that if you bother to get her affection up, she starts seeing wisdom in the Sith Code. She sees "Peace is a Lie". I like Ashara alot, and if you bother to read between the lines, she's a top class companion who is slowly falling in your presence (assuming you go DS).
  5. Yeah, Ashara kitted out properly is an absolute tornado of dps. And Andronikus has ranged dps covered. Only question mark for me is why SIs get Talos so late, Assassins could use the help earlier. And why we get Xalek at all....
  6. So glad someone pointed this out. Right on the mark.
  7. Chemic_al


    Leap is exploitable too you know....
  8. +1. This really is the truth of it.
  9. Personally, no real problem with that, it's their disappearing act as they are about to get smashed that annoys me. They are melee, not stealth. It's totally insane. But yeah, troopers. Nerf grav round, it's just a total joke. One button wonders. Takes no skill to play and totally unsurprisingly there's at least two of them every wz. Go figure.
  10. What utter nonsense. HP are a reflection of the gear they are using - not the skill of the player. As with all forms of the internet, such attitudes come down to the e-peen waving brigade snobbery. "Lol I has BM gear and you don't, nubcake!!" It's quite frankly pathetic. I a joined as a new level 50 WZ with 11.5k, as the second round in Voidstar was starting, my friend was with me, same position. Neither of us were in PvP gear, even with half a match my friend came 3rd in the ranking in damage, and I was 5th - and this was with the rest of the team with 16-20k HP. But whatever, I find it's usually the players taking this line, are the ones that need high-end gear to cover their own deficiencies as a player, because on level playing terms, they'd probably realise how crap they really are.
  11. As an assassin I switched to Ashara and found things alot easier. Specced out in might mods. And compared to a friend who was levelling up a sorc, the fact that you can heal him is a huge bonus over an assassin. Whilst being perfect for a sorc, Khem is less than ideal for an assassin, and you're stuck with him for a long time. Andronikus isn't really that good either, so you have to wait until Ashara. Ashara does the DPS and can take on strong opponents solo - but the problem is she can't always hold aggro like Khem can, but in any case I fare better with her than I do Khem. Elites with good AI wail on me rather than Ashara, I often end the fight clinging on for dear life and Ashara is barely scratched, but hey whatever works.
  12. Yeah - an answer for any type attack PLUS heavy armour, heals and absurd DPS too. Oh wait, that's right, they even get an ability that makes them immune to knockbacks and interrupts. It's a bloody joke - and people defending the class with 'L2P' just sound like people who don't want their class nerfed, all the while knowing that it is hideously overpowered. Personally, I'd advise rolling up an imperial class, find a pvp where you are facing a couple of commandos with a sage buddy all keeping everyone alive, and just see what's it like from the other side of the fence before your 'L2P' comments. I played a commando - in fact they are so cheap I gave up. It gives absolutely no satisfaction to play, the pvp is effortless. I know when I do win against such a combination - I feel like I've actually done something useful.
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