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Everything posted by lironBD

  1. Just bought pillars of eternity + the expansion pass for 15$ at black friday sales. why should someone pay 15$ for swtor sub at current state?
  2. refund for my entire subscription since the release of ROTHC.
  3. Mr Musco, as this is an MMO, multiplayer game... with monthly sub. No group content or new content until february? from october to february nothing new ?! that's just plain wrong.
  4. dude how about to let us as subscriber do something in the game? PVP\PVE lacks new content and are utterly broken. Past chapter 9 you have 0 content to do. Now they said we need to wait until mid february for new stuff to do. so why again I'll pay for a sub? This month instead of shelling another 15$ for swtor I got pillars of eternity + expansion pass for it at 15$ during black friday.
  5. stream was horrible so let's pass the time until chapter X with free Jade Empire: https://www.origin.com/en-ie/store/free-games/on-the-house
  6. yes the stream was elaborate scheme to get an excuse for some popcorn munchin! now pass me some please with extra butter...
  7. utter joke. I won't subscribe until september and that only for 1 month.
  8. it will be something useless as always like new deco for free or some other crap.
  9. the one with as many interrupts as possible.
  10. as many have said in this thread the survivability is mediocre at best. my main is sorc healer and in pvp I can fend of entire enemy team for few moments and survive most 1vs1 tackles. Lately I settled with arsenal merc as my new focused toon while I play swtor. I love the BH story and companions (BH was my first toon on swtor) and the gameplay of arsenal is lot of fun. But in pvp I noticed two things, if I'm left alone for 3-5 seconds I can burn any player in moments with huge instant high damaging abilities. in 1vs 1 I may survive with all DCD used. if more then 1 player is focused on me I'll die horribly in moments.
  11. it's scaled. the intro mission from the carbonite can be done only once. you can pick up 1 bounty per day + 1 kingpin per day. gl hf and remember killing them is more fun.
  12. hmm well I'm old school. when we played back in 2012 after doind everything along the way you reached like level 19 at the end of dromund kaas. this is much much better. also because of level scaling I don't feel it's a snooze fest to do the missions on lower level planets like it used to be. actually in 3.0 without hte 12xp I was higher then max level of each planet before I reached it. but point is, leveling is much much easier. it's also much more fun.
  13. iirc before 4.0 you could keep both abilities and if someone interrupted let's say blazing bolts you could still use unload or full auto instead. can't remember if it did but I remember vaguely.
  14. Cheers bioware this is better then 12xp! So I made new toon with following boosts: 25% boost from general XP consumble. Sub + rested 10% from guild. My thing was to explore all the map on each planet I get to, find lore items along the way and kill stuff in my way (merc, no stealth). I also did EVERY mission I got along the way including heroics, FP, WZ, GSF and space missions. it was an experiment to see how good the new leveling system is. Right now I'm past dromund kaas and before going to balmorra. I am level 50-almost 51. This is glorious, I finished hutta almost at level 20. Thing is when you do heroics now you get that blue box with 2 random items scaled to your level so no need to get gear at all, companions gets boosts from legacy and don't need gear at all. Had nico on hutta from the token then I switched t othe probe droid (with probe droid pet). Space missions, PVP, GSF and FP intro missions and dailies gives LOADS of xp as well. and best part is each mission, mob and rewards seems to be scaled to your level so more stuff I do the more xp and money I get. well done bioware! *slow clap*
  15. at least I hope they will get the option to sell junk items... bare minimum.
  16. don't get me wrong I am traveling with the probe droid all the time. he have a massive feature > unlike treek he makes no sound at all... utter silence. it's soothing. but seriously, if we pay CC or massive millions for that rare companion shouldn't it at least have the same gameplay features like all other companions (crafting\sell junk) ? it's annoying to switch them mid gameplay to sell junk or to have rasie their influence... I'll note here that each gift is 3 sec and even with alacrity gear (I got full alacrity and alacrity augmented set) just to give companions gifts it take way too much time...
  17. I was thinking it will be nice to have the probe droid companion with probe droid pet on my bounty hunter for looks so I got one from gtn. then beside the obvious no plot which I knew about there are this: 1. Cartel market companions can't craft (they are not on crafting menu). 2. They can't sell trash items. 3. The intro video for this specific companion (probe) was 3 lines with that piggy alien without me saying a word... So, Considering we are getting around 30 companions by the end of chapter 9. What's the point of this cartel market companions? They are gimping the gameplay experience by the fact you need to raise their influence so they'll have better stats but otoh they can't craft so you need another companion to raise in influence as well. They can't sell trash items so you need droid perk from legacy ot QT every now and then to a vendor. Also they don't have any plot or quest or anything special. Truly confused about this... they doesn't seem to be more powerful then the usual companions so why would one want to purchase those guys in the first place (beside the must have them all pokemon attitude) ?
  18. IT is. Eric said himself that companions are count for the 2 part in the heroic 2 name. he said various times you should finish solo every heroic post the nerf. look it out it's on this forums.
  19. there is level scale now. when you travel to a plnaet your level is lowered to the max level of that planet. so let's ssay you go to DK or Coruscant u get lowered to 18 etc.
  20. what bioware did to BH classes? hadn't had the chance to test yet.
  21. 2 pt tank 1 pt ap \ 1 pt io 1 merc arsenal \ 1 merc io 2 merc healers the most OP team in existence.
  22. I was bored so I decided why not... let's make a full raid group from only inquisitors. the plan was: Tanks - 2 Sins tank spec Healers - 2 Sorcs Healer spec mDPS - 1 Sin Hatred \ 1 Sin Deception rDPS - 1 Sorc Madness \ 1 Sorc Lightning I decided we should do some easy stuff first help some people level their alts for this then see what we can tackle. we started last night.... so firstly > Intro video [spoilers for inquisitor class story), why? cause I'm an Inquisitor fanboy. Karagga's Palace 8 man storymode Dread Palace 8 man storymode Lightning.... lightning everywhere.... Some people here brought low level under-geared alts and used bolster, some never did any ops before and some playing a spec they don't know for the first time so it should be kinda hilarious to watch.... if you have any tips of feedback feel free to share.
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