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Everything posted by lironBD

  1. when he goes god mode on you with yellow lightning you need to raise the zakuul shield you got earlier. once you gain 10 stacks of something you can shield bash arcann, do it 2 -3 times and you win the battle.
  2. close enough. next time try without name calling and trying to shove insults. Now be serious you really think I "Demand" to remove the logo? the writing style of this thread was meant to create bit of shock at the level of the negative feedback I've given here. if you can't see that through the text you have a problem. In general if you wish to be taken seriously attacking other people and insulting them will not get you any positive reactions.
  3. quote a single line where I wrote a threat toward bioware. Koth plotline in the overall expansion story was minor one. when I'm shown an option to take action [kill x] multiple times in same chapter and my choice is nullified by plot armor it makes choices not matter.
  4. didn't you say you would not post again? go back to your EA overlords and supply them with your DLC sales numbers. Well you are just rude. I was subscribed for a year in advance to give KOTFE and bioware new decision making a chance. after today when the expansion is concluded I can give my humble opinion on this matter. was it fun to some degree? bit. was it "Bioware Grade" story and quests? nope. now either leave, post constructive opinion on the subject. trying to harass me personally will not get you anywhere.
  5. you presume negative feedback is not valid feedback?
  6. Said the Bioware employee with the fake account, have some nerve to post with your main bioware employee forum account instead.
  7. take a look at other forums for other games when the game is properly treated even if there are bugs or difficulties as long as the dev team show some competence and care for their fan base they are treated with praise. SWTOR PR in general was embarrassing but this expansion was just a giant middle finger.
  8. ah the classic "I'm right and you're not so I will call you names" line.
  9. Council > affects dialogs and npc reaction to shaperd. Aid Cerberus > effects the plot such example is if you get legion or not including his many dialogs and personal quests. Quarians \ Geth > It's not minor thing at all to be in charge of a genocide. to get an option to annihilate entire sentient race is massive choice and emotional one at that. Krogan cure > this one is really really intense line with many choices from the assault on saren base (wrex lives or not) through many more missions to one of the most emotional moments in video games history... It had to be him, someone else might have got it wrong. Rachny Queen was bit meh choice I admit. but it was nice tool to reveal the rachni were actually indoctrinated when they attacked the galaxy. Leliana in DA was really big screwup but it was during 2\Inquisition which I find bit start of the Bioware decline. Dragon Age origin was masterpiece.
  10. Few choices from mass effect: kill or save the council, aid or disrupt Cerberus, cure or trick the krogans, geth? quarians? both? and 2 millions other factors. same goes for dragon age series. ________________________________ and in some part vanilla 8 classes story arches had some variety of choices as well which made replay value.
  11. So..? Bioware have... had... a reputation for games with deep interesting plot that a player can modify through choices he\she makes while playing the game. From Baldur's Gate through KOTOR to Dragon Age and Mass effect, each game gave you choices that affected the outcome of the story, each series had interesting plot. KOTFE is by far the most linear experience a bioware studio ever made. the plot didn't moved a bit - basically from release until now it's exactly same state of the galaxy and the outlander like nothing happened. Every choice you made from chapter 1 to 16 had no effect... nothing mattered. it became so annoying that choice marked in [Take Action] on the dialog wheel are ignored 100% of the time. This is not a "Bioware Grade" plot nor game. I find it offensive they tried to sell it as such. I gave KOTFE and SWTOR team my confidence and I was subscribed few months before KOTFE released up until now consistently giving them the benefit of the doubt. Chapter 16 sealed the deal for me. It is the point where I honestly decided first time since 2012 to pass on SWTOR and let my subscription to end without renewing and from now own I'm not even going to bother log in - in fact going to uninstall the game entirely. Waste of good disk space.
  12. but up until those 5 minutes you had loads of choices, Krogan cure, Geth VS Quarian, Cerberus, Aliens Vs Humans racist.... lots of fun emotional choices. Last 5 minutes were disturbing but it doesn't cancel the entire game. With KOTFE I can't remember a single choice with an impact.
  13. I couldn't care less about the major part of the ending but every choice I made is irrelevant?
  14. Counter my arguments instead of being rude yourself. There is a nice door over there if you can't be bothered to have a polite debate.
  15. It's misleading. After finishing chapter 16 and every quest related to KOTFE I must say that saying it's "Bioware" level writing and quests is pure misleading and borderline lie. You seriously compare that level of story to the vanilla SWTOR? to the Dragon Age line? To Mass Effect universe? No choice mattered, every quest didn't matter, every choice player made had no weight. In the end it was the most linear experience in RPG I've ever encountered. And Heskal character, what started as a joke became the grim realization of truth. Chapter 16 and the conclusion of KOTFE were so bad and horrible compare to Bioware products and vanilla swtor in general story\quest wise that I've even decided to give up entirely on Season 2. Get grip on yourself and straighten up yourself.
  16. bounty hunter (mandalorian) I think is actually most believable, you are tossed, ragdoll'd and people tell you what to do all the time. just like your bounty hunter background.
  17. 1. never upgrade do clean install, did you do clean install? 2. what is your motherboard model? if you have a propriety sound adapter what is its model? once you'll tell me those two bits of info I'll be able to give you further advice. in general just check volume mixer both general sound and game sound. then in game check the sounds settings of the game itself maybe they were adjusted by mistake.
  18. after you upgrade once using the offer you can install either 7 or 10 on the same physical machine as many times as you want using same key, win 10 will not ask for key to activate.
  19. don't forget we didn't killed skadge yet.
  20. you missed some skytroopers in there.
  21. I only did it to get the new companion because of my OCD. only need chapter 16 to get all the needed levels. so far I think I got 15 packs? utter trash drops nothing worth it. only thing worth was the armor with 50% xp bonus
  22. click "I lost my security key" it will send you one time password. then you can log in without. try to re apply your security key see if it is working. if not tell us which devices you have we can advice you which app to use as security key. (I got windows phone and it works, there are also for android and iOS).
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