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Everything posted by Dayfax

  1. The nerf to their regen mechanic was severe. But it had to be, because sages who managed their rotations correctly never went OOM. I'm not sure how any of that really relates to the OP's post though, since he's complaining about survivability while ignoring the fact that pugs don't peel.
  2. Last minute change before release. Her primary stat was cunning (she seems to be a Sawbones in terms of casting animations), but they switched it o Aim & never reitemized the gear. It doesnt make much difference, because you can easily swap the mods on her gun & the rest of her gear is quickly replaced.
  3. I don't disagree with your post, but bear in mind that in order to enjoy the benefits of this ability, the Sniper/Slinger has to effectively root themselves for the duration. So they're immune to CC from other players, but they have to CC themselves to get that immunity.
  4. Granted, it can be a little annoying but --- if you actually died a meter from the goal line then you need to learn to pass the ball, your teammates need to learn to play, or both. I'm not convinced your example here is 100% a design issue.
  5. Lol, mostly not the point -- but okay, enjoy you Exiled Exile of the Exile name for the duration, buddy.
  6. @OP - Pay attention, because your solution is right here. Your name is probably a violation of the ToS, because it's a direct reference to the PC from KOTOR2. To effect a name change, get people on your server to report you. If enough people do it, a CSR will flag the toon and you'll get the change free of charge.
  7. Not hard to figure out, Limey. Repeated draws with zero rewards for either side satisfy no one. This isn't a show put on by the UEFA. It's a freaking videogame.
  8. Nah, you're just like the rest of us -- eager for some of the utility everyone else already enjoys. I'd love an interrupt, but the heavy armor thing is going to be a stumbling block for devs attempting balance.
  9. ^ This. The "let them win" crowd needs to stop queuing.
  10. Derp, GG on completely missing the point of doing something like this. Really. GG. /golfclap
  11. It would be worse than having no interrupt at all. Commandos are ranged turrets that lack roots and slows. The last place they want is to be next to anyone. In order to perform a melee interrupt, they'd be forced to gimp their DPS, run over to the opposing player -- who most likely has all the utility they lack -- and hit their ability. This is assuming that the other player doesn't see this coming a mile away and either jukes their cast or just runs out of melee range, forcing to Commando to try and repeat this ridiculous process. A melee interrupt on a ranged class is non-sensical.
  12. Queue times will come back and bite you on the backside if you try and gate PvP content.
  13. Dayfax

    Is SWTOR dying?

    I wasn't just addressing you. This thread is ~80 pages long. I never said people are ranting for no reason. They've got a very good reason to be upset. Bioware hasn't managed this part of the launch well at all. But: multiple threads across multiple subforums and repeated posts by players feeding off each other's irritation achieves little to nothing. And frankly, I see a lot more posters waiting for some kind of snap fix than taking matters into their own hands, as if this kind of thing can be resolved in a weekend. Blizzard has run the most successful MMO in history for going on 8 years. Guess what? They never solved the population problem either. They just hid it with in game tools that arguably effected the game in much larger ways. But there are still WoW servers out there with severely low pops or massive faction imbalances.
  14. A ranged interrupt (and it'd have to be) on a class wearing heavy armor does sound like it's bordering on OP, though.
  15. I've heard after ~30%, it's not worth stacking because of diminishing returns.
  16. Yes. The only way o get the companions is by completing elements of the class story.
  17. Jorrd nailed it. Gunslingers have a ton more utility than Commados, who have almost none. I've found Gunslingers to be slightly more mobile when needed, because of the instant casts and procs based on the spec bonuses.
  18. Try capturing a koala bear* and putting an Ewok hood on it. Then you can play Battle for Endor in your own back yard. Problem ... Solved? * If you're dark side, try using a drop bear instead.
  19. Dayfax

    Is SWTOR dying?

    Because I'm tired of players who ceaselessly complain but yet refuse to take any action to improve their position. The people on low pop servers are screwed for the duration and that absolutely sucks. But all this wailing and gnashing of teeth -- there are about 6 active threads on this topic, two of them in this subforum -- has done absolutely nothing for anyone.
  20. Careful. Most of those are high pop right now because of trial accounts. Harbringer & Swiftsure are the only 2 west coast servers that are pretty much heavy/very heavy 24 hours a day.
  21. Given the ranks take nothing but time, how would this cut down on crap threads? Like this one for instance. If you're full of Bantha poodoo at rank 1, guess what: You're still going to be full of it at rank 60.
  22. Sure, but there are still several instances of characters "sensing to good" in others. If they can do that, why can't they also sense the bad? In this game, Mirialans have a "sense alignment" social ability at level 1. But Jedi Masters have zero idea you're playing a murdering, slave trading psychopath? Edit: Familial bond doesn't explain how Vader senses Kenobi in the first film. Given the similarity in dialogue, I assume this is related to force powers or alignment in both instances, and not blood. Other examples: Luke not sensing his own sister and Kenobi's sensing the destruction of Alderaan from light years away.
  23. Agreed. They should have copied Arathi and not Battle for Gilneas. This kind of game doesn't work with 3 nodes placed so close together. The winner is pretty much a foregone conclusion in the first 2 minutes, and it requires little to no strategy, just an endless zerg.
  24. Somehow I don't imagine hat your level 10 padawan running around Tython has the abilities of Maul, Sidious, and Palp.
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