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Everything posted by Dayfax

  1. Sooooooo ... Do Jedi clown shoes come in a variety of colors, or are they the standard earthtone red/black color schemes we've seen with the rest of the gear? >.> <.<
  2. I agree in spirit .. the details are always a witch to work out though. One thing you're overlooking: the AFKers, griefers, and jerks are all paying $15 a month too. So there's a conflict of interest on BW's side.
  3. Uh, no. That's not how API's work. Bioware could provide any kind of API they want, and it can be as broad or narrow as they see fit. The could very easily allow people to alter the base UI while disallowing access to the real time information that fuels stuff like Recount, Gearscore, DBM, and PowerAuras. They could also do the opposite -- keep the UI locked up while allowing direct access to a combat log. It's not an all or nothing proposition.
  4. Can't tell if serious. Gotta be a joke/troll thread, right? What kind of doofus refers to themselves as a "hardcore casual"? Main/Alt still holds, btw, in serious raiding guilds. Nobody is going to take you & your 8 "mains" seriously, much less guarantee any of them a slot come progression night.
  5. Good suggestions. Maybe they could do something around the KOTOR model, where being more heavily light side r darkside lessened the force point costs of certain abilities. Eg: Telekentic throw costs 30 FP baseline, but if you're Light V, it is reduced to 10 FP.
  6. I agree, and there are two ajor obsacles to changing the difficulty level: - This is a Bioware game. Their primary experience is in single player RPGs & single player RPGs are never hard, because they exist to tell you a story over a set number of gameplay hours. Bioware has zero experience tuning content. - Blizzard seriously lowered the bar on MMO difficulty over the last 2-4 years, which has changed the expectations of a whole slew of gamers. Nobody in their right mind would try & release Burning Crusade style (ie: higher difficulty) raids now, out of fear of alienating their player base.
  7. This is an excellent point. Space battles in a PvE or PvP context would be fantastic. Gimme something where my leveling Jedi can man the turrets while a gunslinger teammate pilots the ship through an asteroid field!
  8. Pipe dreams: Ability to turn companion's to one side of the force or another. Player based bounty boards on PvP servers. An alignment system that effects the game in a major way. Long quest chain to be redeemed or fall, in which the player switches factions. Interactive non-critical NPCs on every planet, whose reactions change based on faction or alignment.
  9. I just bought the game, so I'm not sure about higher level zones, but Ajunta Pall (RP-PVP, West Coast) seems to have an active Republic. Midweek, ~200 people in Fleet during prime time, about 50ish in the starter zones.
  10. Great list. I'd like to emphasize your first few items. It drives me nuts (and continually mystifies me) that background NPCs are not interactive in any way. Especially since most of them were in KOTOR, a Bioware game from 2003. It's a small thing, but without these guys are just decoration, no different than a chair, table, or picture on the wall. It makes the worlds feel that much more lifeless and artificial.
  11. Arguably, the Forsaken aren't part of the Horde. And warmongers? How would *you* react if some pink hued, blond headed weirdoes kept trying to exterminate everyone you knew? Thrall only ever wanted peace. That thing that happened in Dragonblight a couple years back? Not his fault.
  12. Agreed. I was mystified by the lack of choice with female Twees, especially considering it's one of the more interesting race options available to Pubs. Dd you notice the lack of face models too? There's something like 17 to chose from, but 12-17 are almost *exactly* the same. From what I can tell, female Twees have the most limited options out of any race/gender combo.
  13. One of the things I now appreciate about Blizzard is the attention to detail they put into WoW & gameplay experience. Small details like critters, animals chasing each other in the wild, NPCs that react to you when you click on them ("How you doin', mon?" "I've been waiting for you", "Me not that kind of Orc!"). Huge open environments that go on forever, with no loading screens. You could probably spend 45 minutes walking from one end of Kalimdor to the other without interruption. The original game had biiiiig instances. I think Maraudon used to take something like 90 minutes to complete from start to finish; it was gigantic, but you could play it through without interruption. I just bought SWTOR last week & while I'm enjoying it, I'm shocked how claustrophobic & choppy it feels. I got a toon to level 10, got a group & jumped into Esseles. It's fun, but good god, I think I spent almost as much time in elevators & waiting on NPC dislogues as I did fighting bosses. WTH? For all their faults (and they have a lot of them) Blizz devs would rather drop dead than deliver an experience like that.
  14. Point of contention: The Horde isn't evil. The backstory on Thrall & his struggles against the Alliance is something Blizzard did really well. TL;DR: The Horde are the good guy underdogs & the Aliiance are genocidal whack-jobs.
  15. Because this is, ultimately, a computer game and there's a limitation on development resources. In other words, you've got to draw the line somewhere. There's no reason why "bi" couldn't be an option. Dialogue trees & player choice would handle your apparent Twi'lek fetish. Declaring your sexuality at the start of the game solves the problem both sides of the debate seem to be having: being shown dialogue choices that they do not want to see.
  16. You gave me the idea, talking about toggles in your last post.
  17. Good thread, OP. Some folks in this thread need to move out of Archie Bunker's basement. :-/ That said, after years of playing Bioware games, I find the sex/romance options tiresome and boring. Mostly because it's usually ham handed, juvenile, or sexist. If they insist on putting this stuff in their games, they should allow players to declare their sexuality on the character generation screen, just like any other option, and then the game can display the appropriate choices. If I can choose to be a fat black man or a thin Asian woman at the character generation screen, why can't I tell the game who I want to flirt with?
  18. Because every silver lining has a cloud. Mods like DBM, Recount, and Gearscore all had a massive effect on WoW. In my mind, almost all of it bad. Mods like this change how and what can e developed for the game at best (DBM), and have a longtime negative effect at worst (Gearscore). On one hand it's frustrating to rely on BW as the sole creator of UI elements. On the other, I can understand them shying away from implementing any mod API.
  19. Lol, nicely said. I never understood the love of Fett either. @OP: They probably assumed the bounty hunter's popularity would be offset by the appeal of playing a Han Solo with your own Wookie sidekick. Better question? Why does this game have factions at all? At the very least, you'd think smugglers and bounty hunters would be neutral.
  20. Activision "addressed it" when they realized it could make them money, but outside of introducing Blood Elves & some early free transfers they've never really cared. Most of the active, heavy PvP servers (Tich, Blackrock) have had massive imbalances for years. There is no easy fix, but I think BW's first step would be to introduce more interesting races on the Pub side. You let people roll Wookies or Yodas & you'll see bigger Pub populations. That'll take an expansion, though, at the very least.
  21. ^ This x 1000. DBM made a certain other MMO faaaaaar too easy. What was worse was when the devs over there started adding DBM style arrows and indicators to the basic game, even in "heroic" modes. While we're at it, let's say no to Recount and Gearscore too, okay? Mods like that turn every player into a corporate beancounter, more focused on raw numbers than utility & group play. Dull, dull, dull.
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