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    Star Wars, Movies, Sports
  • Occupation
    Prison Warden
  1. Forgot : Trandosia Endor moon Kessel Genosian and a lot more i cant remember
  2. Kashyyk : Sith : there is an uprising and you need to demolis it jedi : help the wookies fight the oppressing Tandosians, who are trying to enslave them, fight the sith away from KAsshyyk Dathomir : fight the nightsisters force wielders Sluis van : the famous shipyard docks an epic story about new resources for fleets... here you can get the guild ship ??? Russuan : the final battle of the brotherhood of the sith against the republic. Rodia : homeplanet of the rodian race Apartos : mining planet, get the resources needed for the republic/empire for building up their armies. Story driven quests.... Dungeons... Moon Dxun : Freedon Nadd hollocron : traveling across the univers to find it and then at the end battle in the sith relic room of the tempel of freedon nadd you (and your group) need to kill this (almost) indestructable enemy, his body coffert with the crustations bane got on him..to get there you need to fight hordes of driven mad by the dark side of the force creatures
  3. New content, what do we want to see. I would like to see : * chose your own starship, not every BH needs to fly in a patrol craft, maybe some like other ships, with other specs like hull and cargoholds. * More different space missions, now you get 1 kind of mission and need to do it 200 times over and over and over again. Not realy a space experience. Maybe a space storyline ? * An ingame economic system, that you can buy resources on 1 planet and sell them on another planet * Speeder bike races, of swoop bike races, where we can participate in. * Sabbacc, play in Sabacc tournements
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