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Everything posted by Letallis

  1. The funny thing is the healer wasn't really doing much healing anyway. I thought it was rather funny.
  2. I was in a hutt ball game last night and the healer was whining about how some guy throwing the ball to her. She believes she shouldn't have to carry the ball cause she's a healer. The healer class was Sorc. The guy was being pounded by people all around him cause most of the team was death matching. She was the closest player so he passed. I couldn't get there fact enough to help. So she was the closest to him. She said she'd prefer throwing away the ball than getting it passed to a healer. I am curious on what others think of this. Keep the ball or throw it away because the healer doesn't want to carry?
  3. Get over imbalance BS. The classes aren't imbalanced so much as the idiocy of the teams. Everyone has their roles and if they understood them that powertech/marauder/fill in the FOTM here.. wouldn't be burning down everyone. I pvp on a PT and an op. I see both ends of the spectrum. If I got a good team my op does well, if I got a bad team Op or PT it can get ugly. Learn your strengths understand what those on your team can do. Work together and watch what happens.
  4. This is the best response I've read yet today.
  5. That was amazing. Thank you for the laughs and the lessons. Too bad players don't pay attention.
  6. I scored the winning goal like 3 seconds before buzzer. That was fun.
  7. I think the point of the naysayers is that this sort of thing is way too subjective. I am an operative with a mix of recruit and higher level stuff. I know sometimes I do very well and sometimes not so much. You get a crap team you're going to get hammered. I was in a WZ the other day with some other folks I know are top shelf pvper's and it makes a world of difference. Too bad you can't test this theory on a constant medium.
  8. This one is the winner. That's awesome.
  9. As far as I am concerned gear is important but it doesn't make up for clueless. I won't bust on someone for having other gear if they can pull their weight.
  10. Oy, then he doesn't know how the play obviously.
  11. The agent seems to have chairs available to sit in.
  12. 1. How do you think your Operative spec is perceived by other classes? 2. How do you perceive your own spec? 1. I am concealment and I pvp for the most part. I think we're looked at as the limping class in WZ's. I've seen rants and forums that suggest as end game PVE you're better off going with a different class. 2. I have fun with it simply because I have accepted i don't do the big damage my powertech does or my warrior. I watched my numbers and it saddens me that we as a class have such a poor showing. When i get good heals I tend to do better, but that's the same for anyone. I don't know what it was like pre nerf but it must have been fun. I also believe if you can play an operative well you can play any other class easily. Make us less clunky and give us a gap closer.
  13. Don't know the customization number, but the one that makes her sort of look like Jaesa.
  14. Letallis

    Oh the Irony

    The irony is those folks that taunt really aren't that good at PvP. And you can take the other statement anyway you want I just referred to the idiocy of the taunter. Read into it what you will.
  15. Letallis

    Oh the Irony

    Thanks for the +1. No point I suppose, just venting about the stupidity of people and hoping the folks that do taunt read this and realize they are just making themselves targets.
  16. Letallis

    Oh the Irony

    I play on an RP server for a few reasons. I like to RP, i don't see a lot of names with various offending phrases and etc. What I don't understand are the folks that are also on RP servers that taunt others in a WZ saying how they like fighting RPer's cause they are easy to beat. I get a kick out of it cause it makes them look like the sixth grader that had to come over to kindergarten recess to be the big man. if someone does that on my team I politely inform them that's not necessary if they are on the opposing faction..I go find them and continually beat them like a rented mule at an Amish drag race. Unless of course it gets in the way of our team objective. Then I remember them for later fun. Best part is, these types usually can't pvp one on one at all. They drop like a rock. It's almost pitiful... almost.
  17. Ooh maybe you need some cheese to go with that whine. OP, if you're a tank and you don't have a good group dynamic and you AREN'T a Jugg, forget it. Sorry to say it but it's the truth.
  18. Letallis

    please stop...

    I don't care if they call grass, snow, east, or west. I just get tired of seeing the node change sides then you see someone call.. incoming. So let's fight the battle that needs to be fought, just getting people to sound off when they see incoming bad guys. We get that fixed then I worry about the semantics.
  19. Thanks for the information everyone.
  20. Oops forgot to put the word RIFLE in my original question. Fixed it.
  21. Anyone know what this rifle is and where I may find it? http://i.imgur.com/Eazmh.jpg
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