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Everything posted by JDTC

  1. its been quite a while... Carth: Level-headed, intelligent, not exactly a people person. Doesn't like to talk about himself. Kind of paranoid, distant. Guilt-ridden. Later on he comes across as troubled and distracted, but he finishes out with resolve, loyalty, and steadfast-ness. Bastila: Headstrong, haughty, arrogant (trying to boss everyone around after her rescue, taking Malak one-on-one, breaking out of the Vulkar prison in her underwear)... Traditional and conservative - Starting to draw a blank, she is either a boring character or my memory is failing me. Lets see, kotor 2... Atton: Cocky, arrogant. Kind of shady. Dumb like a fox. Concerned for his shipmates (calling you like 3 times on your way to the alien CO2 bar), smarmy, kind of sleazy. When you talk to him about the Jedi, he gets very incensed, speaks about them with contempt and hate, and shows a cynical wisdom you wouldn't expect from a gambling smuggler. havent played either game in years so thats all i got
  2. ~2 hour completion time for one starter world = bioware unequivocally favors one faction over the other and possibly even incetivizes players to play on the faction bioware favors. must be a lot of alex jones fans playing this game or something
  3. i consider myself a casual at least compared to some other players i have seen. i dont really care for raiding or hardcore progression. im not a minmaxer, but i like to get new gear, new mods, more stats etc. i like to optimize my build so i can kick extra ***. i don't PVP really, ill sometimes tag along with some guildies if they need an extra (same with flashpoints) i guess this is casual. i just dont want my game to become unfun so thats how i play it; like a game made for entertainment.
  4. you have to be level 31 to pick a legacy name
  5. screw combat ability, im pissed that we barely use our jetpacks in the story!
  6. its easy to hornswaggle the galaxy if the galaxy is filled with illogical characters that cant ask questions or think about things. i know palpatine was clouding the judgment of everybody, but even before anakin spills the beans about him being a sith, mace windu says something like "i sense the dark side around the chancellor" - and then he doesnt do anything! after saying "i sense a plot to destroy the jedi" like 4 times, and then sensing evil in the chancellor, he doesnt do anything. he doesnt confront palpatine, or alert the jedi order, or anything. and then when they DO find out that he is actually the Sith Lord that they know exists and have been searching for, he does what? he tries to physically capture palpatine in person. WHAAAAT he's a sith lord capable of clouding the judgment of the entire senate, the entire jedi order, and the most powerful jedi ever. so let's go try to arm-wrestle him right? i guess palpatine really WAS clouding the judgment of every single character that we see and do not see. every jedi, every senator, every separatist... and i guess, in-universe, that makes sense. but you know what it doesnt make? a good story.
  7. darth maul should not have been in the movies at all. he was barely a character. he was more like a "plot" device that had arms and legs and could dance around with a lightsaber. christopher lee should have been the Darth Vader of all 3 prequel films because he is a good actor and can play a villain. darth maul was not a villain. he was a stunt-man with face paint and did nothing at all and served no purpose. darth maul and general grievous were pretty much the same character. a boring emotionless nobody that accomplished very little and died ignobly at the hands of obi wan. neither of them should have existed.
  8. it was pretty radically different in jedi academy too. they just sort of change it whenever they wanna go with a new design. i guess its because the force.
  9. you might as well say "let us play without gear because i dont want to spend any of my money" - they are facets of game design. they are here on purpose because that is the game bioware made. deal with it or find another game.
  10. thats the point of working in a racist empire. those above you will call you names and badmouth your heritage. and no you cannot speak out against them because if the entire empire is racist, there's nobody you can appeal to. just like in real life! you arent gonna go up to an SS soldier and say "buddy dont be so discriminatory or ill talk to your officer"
  11. thats the first meeting, right? arent you being shot at by the dude's goons as he walks out? if i were a bounty hunter i would fight the goons trying to murder me before trying to tag a bounty that isnt shooting a gun at me.
  12. i agree, there should have been the option to kill tyresius/gault and clock in your bounty. having said that, gault is *********** awesome and doubles as a godslaughtering murder machine and i could not imagine not having him!
  13. final boss on voss was pretty tough, i thought. had to group with another person and he went down easy.
  14. what would you implement as new content if you were a SWTOR dev?
  15. is the problem that mobs chase you too far, or that your bike blows up when they shoot it? or is it both?
  16. 4-6 and 1-3 are pretty different from each other in style and composition. better or worse aside, the prequels arent just a continuation. the direction and writing is not entirely comparable.
  17. theres nothing wrong with recutting a film. he has the right to do it (except for the new obi wan dragon yell - no human has a right to do that) i just really wish he would shut the **** up about "this is the real vision of star wars" HEY GEORGE you have been saying that every new addition to star wars is the true vision of star wars. give it up and just be honest. tell us that you just want to change it. nobody believes your true vision stuff any more. true visions lose their meaning after the thirty-thousandth incarnation.
  18. i hate Space Christmas and Space Halloween. completely ruins any sort of theme the game tries to have. yes this includes "Life Day" and any other hackneyed imitation someone pulled out of their wahoo
  19. it came with my PC and the most advanced feature it has is a scrolly wheel :-/ thanks for your reply!
  20. it isnt just me!? thank you op. thank you.
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