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Everything posted by DWho

  1. Just did one today and it had no bonus and took a second mission
  2. It actually had nothing to do with heroics. It was 2 missions and most heroics have a bonus mission that counted for this. So it seemed like 1 mission.
  3. People who stayed subbed in the interim should get more than those that quit in a fit of pique. 16 for anyone who was subbed for at least 3 consecutive months prior to the server opening, 8 for anyone subbed for at least 1 month prior to the server opening, and 4 for anyone else who was subbed for at least 6 consecutive months dating back to when the APAC server closed. Reward the people who stuck with the game.
  4. I think people understand you can't make a lot of exceptions to the rules (or the code) but perhaps something could be done on an individual basis where their "subscription record" could be manually modified if the lapse is only a few days (that would gin up some goodwill from the community I think). Anyone who physically cancelled their subscription shouldn't receive a review but anyone who had it lapse on its own should get something. Perhaps if the lapse is a week or less they could at least get some transfers (somewhere between 8 and 16 depending on the situation)
  5. Great, then we can look forward to more complaining about AFK players from the regular GSFers. Looking forward to that.
  6. Of course it was. You had to complete it to advance your reputation track for the season achievement, to keep from losing the Rep currency because of extremely low limits on how much you could store, and one out of every 4 weeks (or was it more) one of the GS objectives was to accumulate Rep Points. Edit: Not to mention the weekly limits on Rep.
  7. No new sets that I've seen. They are the same "world drops" we had before just set to 0 vendor value and not saleable on the GTN. Sleheyron Sector Rangers Jacket, Sleheyron Sector Rangers Helm, etc (from Alderaan chests prior to this update). They just threw "Fitted" onto them to make it sound like they were something different. The only bonus is you don't have to be the "right" level for them to drop in world, it appears completely random and the high level set drop rate for level 80 characters seems to have been reduced by 90% or more in world drops. Edit: After hitting a few security chests on Alderaan to see if these are new or just replacements, the fact is that they are replacements. The gear you used to get from security chests, which was tied to the planet level, is now no longer available in any guaranteed manner. The contents of the chests are entirely random now so there is no way to focus on a specific set.
  8. One caveat to this, which probably would not apply to APAC players moving to the server, is that if you are already over the number of available slots (free slots plus purchased ones) on the origin server due to server merges, you would not get an open slot on the origin server.
  9. Trixx, I respect your opinion but I totally disagree with you. Once transfers open up the server will come back to life and all those people who have said they are quitting and unsubbing will come flooding back just like they always do. When the choice is playing at 300 ping vs 30 ping, the choice is clear. The server will be just fine once they get legacies transferred over. There were mistakes made by Bradsword but they are nowhere near as dire as people are pretending they are. Could they have done transfers earlier, most certainly. There is no reason they couldn't open them up tomorrow with the 15 mil/character cap. The "eligibility for transfer" script is separate from the actual transfer script and very simple. The reason they are waiting makes no sense, but they are. Star Wars fans will take a whole lot of abuse, just look at how pathetic the amount content has been since 4.x. People are still paying subs and playing the game. I'm confident, APAC players will "forgive" Broadsword, once they have their legacies somewhere there is a low ping.
  10. The evidence I have is that of all the people who have unsubbed and threatened to unintall the game over whatever reason they thought important almost all of them came back within a few months and most never let their subs actually lapse. There will be some that don't come back, but not enough to make a difference in whether the server survives or not.
  11. and you're incredibly pessimistic
  12. Not surprising really. As long as people still have the hope of unlimited credit transfers, it would be silly to sell anything of value on SV when you can make 100x as many credits on Star Forge and then simply transfer them over. Once transfers open (and it is taking too long for that to occur), people will realize they are not going to get tens of billions of credits onto the server with transfers and they will start selling there to have credits where they are playing. Those that are there are also holding off for transfers because they believe they will get a big boost in the potential sale value of the items they have with a huge influx of credits onto the server. Thus, they are waiting too. Opening the transfers as they have been defined by Broadsword already will quickly turn around that issue.
  13. That would ruin the entire flavor of the Jedi Series. The games are about rebuilding the Jedi order. Mandos and Jedi are enemies. Mandos as a playable class would make no sense. Mandos as an enemy to destroy/defeat might fit in but then you go down the path of Revan in Kotor. Fighting the Mandos was what caused Revan's fall. If it is so popular, they could try to make a Mando based game but The Book of Boba Fett was such a flop, they are probably hesitant to go there. That and making a single player game about the bad guys is risky.
  14. Correct. Opening transfers will result in a flood on old players back onto the server since they are more interested in having their legacies than their credits. Most old APAC players are not going to have more than a few hundred million credits anyway since they quit playing back when 100 million was a lot of credits.
  15. The transfers just need to happen. The credits issue is secondary. With active transfers people would be playing instead of worrying about their credits.
  16. I guess, it could hardly be more pathetic than the GS5 "story", but who knows. We don't really know what rock bottom is.
  17. Oh good, another daily area, just what we need. Edit: I don't know what they could do within the limits of GS story that would make Copero interesting. It likely would be tied into previous story which as I said was bad. Would have been a good time to add a Chiss companion though
  18. It's because GS5 was such a joke. There was no companion to make the tiny bit of story even vaguely interesting (In my opinion, Bioware/Broadsword wasted a good extended story opportunity for the game with that trash). The weapons/armor/gear were extremely underwhelming (They're all reskins of old armor sets). A stronghold is fine in that it is a good way to burn GS tokens you'd otherwise lose, but to be honest the whole part of the game that included Copero was terrible, not much incentive to have a stronghold there when there isn't even an associated planet space (just a flashpoint - and a bad one at that. "For House Inrokini") New companions make lackluster story a little bit better. GS is all grind old content otherwise. It's also that people are getting fed up with the rinse and repeat nature of GS and want something more interesting. For a lot of people it is starting to come down to what to do with GS tokens besides lose them because you already have too many. That's where incentive to play is needed and a stronghold doesn't cut it either.
  19. But I don't want more strongholds, I have more than I can use already. Too many companions is also a "you" problem. I prefer companions to strongholds because I get more use out of the companions. Every companion we have in the game (outside CM ones, which I never buy) is the main companion on one of my multitude of characters (and I do play them all at some point during the year). As far as strongholds go, I only use about 3 of them and 1 much more than any of the others (so deactivating them is not an issue for me personally but it is for others). Copero will end up being just like the two fleet apartments for me, something to buy to get below the GS token cap (assuming the Copero stronghold is going to cost GS tokens - if it doesn't it's completely worthless to me) and never use.
  20. I currently have 20 active strongholds an 5 inactive ones (from server merges) so to add Copero I'd have to deactivate one of them
  21. There is a limit to how many you can have active. If you deactivate a duplicate stronghold (from server merges - which you may have paid real money to activate/open in the first place) you can't reactivate it. Deactivated strongholds have to be redecorated when they are reactivated.
  22. I got the impression they needed something else to convince the higher ups to open an APAC server beyond the APAC region potential player base and that the "test economy" was how they sold it. As to the free transfers, How about a variation on Trixxie's earn a transfer. For each consecutive month subbed you earn 4 transfers whether that be retroactive to the server opening (or even before) or after transfers open. If you have 4 consecutive subbed months prior to transfers opening, you get all 16 at the point transfers open. Otherwise you get 4 per month continuously subbed prior to opening transfers and earn another 4 each month continuously subbed at the renewal date up to a max of 16 total. More complicated but it also potentially spreads out the impact of credit influx.
  23. These aren't even the three sides 1) Players who would prefer a companion over a stronghold 2) Players who would prefer a stronghold over a companion 3) Players that don't care either way (or would rather have both). The point is, 1 & 2 don't even have to be mutually exclusive. You could have a companion that you gain through story (which you don't have to even summon if you don't want another companion). Lets be honest, the GS companion story play is pretty weak and would only really apply to a completionist who would do it anyway regardless of whether there is a companion or not. If you don't want the stronghold, you don't have to use it (Assuming you even have the space for it, we have so many strongholds right now)
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