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Everything posted by DWho

  1. It's not exactly just clicking a token. You do have to acquire those tokens in the first place which requires doing something else first. While 47K may have been too much, 8K is far to little when you consider to get the 8K you have to have fully unlocked 6 strongholds (at least they don't need to be fully decorated now).
  2. I think I'd still lean toward it being a corrupted file. That you have no issue connecting to the server with your free account seems to rule out it being a server side issue. The issue would appear to be with the server "keys" in the install present before the update. Somehow the "key" for the DM server got corrupted in both profiles. The issue I had was not fixed by either a repair or a normal reinstall. It was very stubborn and not at all obvious.
  3. I had a similar issue when the game went to 64 bit. In the end it turned out to be a corrupted hidden file in the SWTOR directory. I completely deleted the swtor directory using a "bleaching" app to completely remove the directory and all files (I found out that just deleting the directory sometimes left hidden files behind in a hidden (or corrupted) directory. A fresh install of the software fixed the problem. Did you experience any unusual issues during the update like a stalled update or crash? Those can sometimes lead to corrupted files in the swtor directory. If the corrupted file is one that is linked to your main account, that could explain why creating a new account "fixes" the issue (they are not linked in the software).
  4. Anyone who plays on a server should have a say. No more or no less than anyone else. Should we now say that any APAC player on a US or EU server's opinion doesn't matter.
  5. That was my first impression too. On top of that, those three are basically the longest flashpoints in the game. They are only slightly more tolerable in a group but are agonizingly slow solo with all the massive "bullet" sponges. Looks like the GS story is going to go on indefinite hold until I can convince myself its worth the time. Makes me dread what then next "mission" will be.
  6. No, just like the previous season, there is an NPC that could have been used to turn them in. That functionality was never implemented because they did not implement a reputation track
  7. I think they planned to have a reputation track but ran out of time to implement it (or were badgered into cutting it like they were companions). They have an NPC in the stronghold to turn them in to. Or maybe it was just part of a last second nerf of the CQ points (really cuts back on the number of tokens available to turn in for the CQ points). There's really no reason for it to be an actual item if there is no need to turn it in.
  8. There was a time when Bethesda was good. I'm replaying Elder Scrolls Oblivion now (with upgraded textures and updates) and it blows ESO away.
  9. I play significant amounts of time on that server so it does matter.
  10. Subbed two days ago and created an account two days ago are very different things. It was not meant to belittle anything, just to point out how unrealistic it was to expect Broadsword to give everyone, regardless of their subscription status, 16 free transfers. There have been lots of other ideas put forth in this thread that I think would be more likely to get Broadsword's attentio, the 16 free transfers is not going to go anywhere or they would have done it that way first time around (why would they put in the effort to come up with a script to do the transfers if they could have just credited everyone's account with 16 transfers).
  11. There is a support tab on the main SWTOR page that will take you to the support section of the EA website for SWTOR. There is also this post from Jackie, the Community Manager about the issue: If you meet the criteria stated for free transfers, and are not receiving them, I encourage you to reach out to support. And please be sure to include your account name. You can either follow these steps or email support@swtor.com. Sorry I couldn't link the Dev post directly but it is on page 50 of this thread: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/932015-shae-vizla-launch-updates/page/50/#comment-9803870 in case the embedded link doesn't work
  12. You need to contact customer service and find out why you have been tagged as not qualifying for the free transfers. It seems like there may be some sort of bug in the transfer system that Broadsword needs to sort out and getting that information to the Devs is important to finding the answer.
  13. Because I want a solution to the current issue not to continue to create bad will which is where this whole thing has progressed to. You've dug in on everyone in APAC getting 16 free transfers and Broadsword has dug in on if you missed an hour you don't qualify. Too many people are convinced that there is some sort of vendetta against APAC players and you and several others keep feeding that belief which just makes things worse (one does not have to be from the APAC to see that is the case). The closing of the original server was a financial one by EA (it wasn't profitable enough compared to other servers at the time). Businesses make those kind of decisions all the time. I'm not arguing for them not to give free transfers, I am just a realist and know that 16 free transfers for everyone in APAC will never happen and continuing to dig in the positions does nothing to resolve the issue and just creates more bad blood. At this point both the APAC community and Broadsword are equally at fault. Each side wants to blame the other for the issues that are occurring instead of trying to find a solution both can agree on.
  14. I care because what you are suggesting is never going to happen (and you know it). Broadsword is not going to give up those revenues they expect to get from transfers. The best course is to find some sort of middle ground that works for both sides. I do want to see the server succeed but holding to an untenable position is not going to get the server there and continues to gin up anger at Broadsword making them even less likely to capitulate to your demands.
  15. I'd say this is a good idea and fair to those who showed commitment to the game over the years.
  16. If we were just talking about players who were on the APAC server when it was shut down I'd agree. The push is for all APAC players to get 16 free transfers whether they subbed two days ago or 10 years ago.
  17. I don't agree that everyone deserves free transfers. People who deliberately un-subbed should be punished for doing so. It's clear their intent was try to black-mail Broadsword into giving them what they wanted and Broasdsword called their bluff. I'm all for looking at the people who had unexpected lapses, but deliberate ones should not be treated the same. At best, people who unsubbed deliberately should have the number of free transfers reduced compared to those who had accidental lapses or remained subbed.
  18. For the 2 mission version, a heroic plus bonus also counts. Just did that on Nar Shadaa so I know that is true for a character below level 50.
  19. The mission was the Jedi Holojournals one, which last time I checked was a heroic. I did not get the 5K for it but instead got 5K on completing the bonus mission in Rakghouls release (the one I did right after the Jedi Holojournals one) and then got another 5K on completing Rakghoul release. This was on a level 80 character so it should have gotten the 5K at the completion of the heroic (which it didn't). Edit: Almost all of the other heroics I do have a bonus mission which I always do so I can't give you another example. Sounds like it might have been a glitch of some sort since I have not replicated it on another server (can't try to replicate it on the same server until tomorrow).
  20. The answer is yes. You can complete the heroic on two separate characters in the same day for the 5K points each as long as one on them is below level 50 (and does the 2 mission Objective: heroic plus its bonus). I did the "Breaking Down Shadowtown" Heroic on a level 80 and got 5K for that and did it again on a level 46 and also got 5K. The missions for the different levels in your legacy are apparently separate even if you complete the same content. Also confirmed that the "bonus" still counts toward completing the 2 mission version even if you have completed the same bonus mission on a different character in the same day.
  21. The bonus mission still counts toward the two mission reward even if you have already gotten CQ points for the bonus mission somewhere else. I'm looking at my level 80 character right now and there is no 2 mission (Planet: Complete Mission) objective, while there is one for the level 45 character I just played. I wonder if both of them can get those CQ points. One for each of the missions: (Planet: Heroic and Planet:Mission Complete). Something to try since I can do Nar Shadaa on both a level 45 and level 80 character BTW: It was the Jedi Journal one where I didn't get the 5K. For the Rak one, I got it twice. Once after completing the Bonus (which at the time I thought was strange since I had already completed the "bonus" CQ mission on Coruscant) and once on completing the heroic. In the end it evened out I guess.
  22. Interesting, seems to be only a level 50+ thing. None of my characters below level 50 have that mission
  23. The Jedi Journals one on Taris. I always skip the bonus and I didn't get the 5000 for Taris until I completed the bonus on the Rakghoul Release one (the next one I ran). It was on a level 80 character
  24. There is no such mission. There is Voss: Mission Complete and this week there is Missions: Heroic. Both are worth 5K but heroic missions will not be worth anything special in some weeks due to the rotation. There is no Voss: Heroic CQ objective. You won't have Missions: Heroic every week.
  25. You mean Missions: Heroic, there isn't anything in the Conquest list called Planet: Heroic only Planet: Missions. The Missions: Heroic is also not an every weak CQ mission.
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