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Everything posted by DWho

  1. The price of everything is affected by too many credits in the economy. While you can gain just about anything in the game yourself, how many raiders want to spend their time to level up crafting skills and gathering mats instead of buying a medpack or adrenal off the GTN to support their raiding. As far as repair bills go, that is part of the economy too. In a lower inflation economy credits are "earned" rather than bought requiring you to potentially have to play the parts of the game you don't want to in order to afford the parts you do. While this isn't an issue for "established" players, imagine the high hurdle of entering into raiding on a server with an out of control economy.
  2. Back to leveling characters through the best part of the game, the story. GS is a game pretty much only for max level characters and it's nice to get back to the best part of the game once more and re-experience it with new characters.
  3. It wasn't just EU and US players. I've seen plenty of comments by APAC players asking to limit credits to preserve the economy on the server (a fresh start economy is what was being suggested by most not a no transfers "fresh start"). Limits aren't bad (and even you agreed that some were needed). It's only the old timers (the super rich in particular) that don't want any kind of restriction (quite a few of them are only concerned with how they can profit and not about the experience new players in the region get - and attracting new APAC players should be the primary focus). A limit on the number of free transfers would frankly be enough since you can only bring about 4 billion per character (and a fairly high level limit to discourage the use of credit mules).
  4. Which comes back to my question of how many credits are really needed to do this. How much is needed vs how much is wanted. Free transfers should cover needs not wants. Does transferring it all have any real benefits if you aren't using them anyway? Probably correct since for some players anything less than everything transferred for free won't be enough.
  5. It's not even just one group of "raiders". All most raiders are asking for is enough to play, they're not asking for hundreds of billions. Mixed in with their posts are posts by people who regard having all those credits as some sort of status symbol (or are eyeing up how much they can expand their "bank account" by taking advantage of the current prices on SV) and are trying to hitch their wagon to the raiders because there are many sympathetic to the raiders issue. I would guess most raiders would be happy with a few hundred million credits (at 100K/wipe, 250 million would be 2,500 wipes). The question I have is what do you really need tens of billions of credits for? Sure you "earned " them but if they are just sitting in your bank account, what good are they? If you intend to use most of them on the GTN (which is really the only reason to have them all transferred over "right now"), then they are a threat to the functioning economy on SV and would end up having to be removed from the server anyway. There is a balance to be found here, short term at least, as to how many credits move over and how the SV economy is impacted by them.
  6. The problem isn't reselling really. The problem is that there are too many credits in circulation. This allows a few individuals to completely control the market bypassing normal competition. Over the years, the "addition" of "grey" credits to the game (and not a small number of outright TOS violating ones as well) has driven up prices faster than the ability of the average player to purchase anything at all on the GTN. If the cost of items gets balanced against generating credits, reselling won't be a problem and prices will fall. SV is currently operating properly as far as the GTN is concerned. There are some issues there with the credit sinks that were designed to slow down credit generation on the other servers. The current credit sinks are based on a hyperinflated economy not a properly functioning one.
  7. Based on the way the economy reacted when they implemented the repair costs then waited to implement the GTN/trade fees reverting the repair costs would have little if any impact (in fact they will need to be changed anyway once the excess credits are drained). The repair costs and travel costs had almost no impact on the economy while the fees caused a significant change. The majority of the excess credits are with people not playing the game (and thus accruing damage to their gear) but rather just trading things on the GTN. If the economy was in better shape the repair costs might have an impact on keeping it in balance but not as the servers currently are with massive amounts of excess credits.
  8. There is no need to drop hundreds of billions of credits onto the server just so a handful of players can raid without having to put any effort into acquiring credits. Reducing the equipment damage in Operations would have almost no effect on the server economy (there just are not enough progression raiders around for their repair bills to have any significant impact on credit sinks) and is a far better solution. The GTN/trade taxes had more effect on the economy of the other servers than the travel costs and repairs did (so Broadsword could even go back to the original damage model with minimal effect on the economy).
  9. The point of the control Broadsword is placing on the server is to limit the rise to a rate comparable to the rate at which credits are generated in the game (selling stuff on the GTN does not generate credits, it merely accumulates them from others which controls costs if there are not excessive numbers of credits in the server economy). So the instantaneous influx has a negative effect on the economy. I still think that no more than 250 miillion per legacy (account) is a reasonable amount that won't have too much of a negative effect on the economy and still allows everyone substantial purchasing power to play the market with. If you want players to keep playing the game you need to have something for them to strive for and if they see they have no chance to buy anything on the GTN because the prices have skyrocketed, they will at best unsub and at worst just leave the game.
  10. It's broken because the cost of buying items on the GTN far exceeds the effort in generating the credits by playing the game (just look at the hoops people go through to farm credits now from the game - they need to play dozens of characters for 15 hrs per day or more). The only way to afford most stuff on the GTN now is to spend real world money buying the credits (from credit sellers or from purchasing CM items to sell). There are too many credits in the server economy which has devalued them. When the game came out, you could reasonably grind enough credits through the content to buy anything on the GTN (since credits from grinding content yourself was really the only source). Now after years of credit exploits, gold sellers, and server merges, it is much easier to acquire credits trading on the GTN (which takes significantly less time that acquiring them through gameplay - thus accelerating inflationary pressures).
  11. OK, it is a "want" and not a "need" to have billions of credits. People want to have all their credits with them even though they don't need them for anything. That I can understand, I don't agree they "need" all those credits but I do understand that they "want" them (I want all my stuff on one server but I'd have to pay to do that). The issue with SV right now is that the economy is functioning without too much inflation. A massive influx of credits instantly will disrupt that economy in the same way a credit exploit would. That is why the discussion should be about how many credits you "need' rather than "want". Moving more credits in later should be an option depending on how the economy responds, but for free transfers there should be a limit. Paid transfers shouldn't have a limit.
  12. OK, so OPS players need hundreds of billions of credits so they can buy the stuff they would get from doing the content they like anyway? I'm not understanding this argument at all. Everybody has to grind out their new gear, why should OPS players be different. I can see the argument about repair costs but not about gearing especially when you are talking about transferring credits from a server where they are extremely easy to obtain through no effort GTN trading vs a server where you have to "grind" out content to get them.
  13. That would be accompanied by a new gear set which you would have to grind out per character anyway.
  14. OK, If I'm understanding this correctly, you want to buy the gold augments on SV because they will be cheaper and that's why you want to bring all those credits along. That would be profiting from the hyperinflation on one server to benefit you on another where inflation is lower, which they should not allow.
  15. If you don't have the credits to buy them anyway, I'm not understanding what the issue is.
  16. Except that there is no reason you can't buy the gear on the server where you have all the credits and transfer it to the server you are going to in one or more characters inventory. That way you have gear for "future" characters and don't need to bring billions of credits along. Also, since gear is legacy bound, you can't convert it back to credits to get around the limitations. Repair costs is really the only sticking point
  17. That's the balance they are looking to achieve. The more free transfers, the lower the per character limit should be. You should be able to transfer up to the character credit max as long as you pay the CC cost of the transfer.
  18. The economy is broken on all the other servers, that's why they are talking about restrictions. Besides, we are talking about an exceedingly small part of the population impacted by repair costs (99% of the people playing the game won't ever have repair costs anywhere near what progression raiders do). Allowing everyone to bring over huge numbers of credits so a handful of players don't have to do any content they don't like makes no sense. If you want to deal with repair costs for progression raiders, a better solution is to have a group ability that reduces repair costs while in an Operation.
  19. It's an MMO. Grinding for credits to do the content you want is part of the game. A reasonable amount of credits transferred to cover basic costs is what should happen, not having enough credits to "raid" forever without having to touch any of the other content.
  20. Far too much. 250 million per account is more in line with what is needed.
  21. I'm starting to wonder if SV wasn't a test bed for reset economy servers in other regions where they will have strong limits on credits transferred in as an attempt to reset the economy to what it was years ago, before the explosion of credits in the economy (an economy reset would be a lot easier than trying to drain the obscene number of credits in the game right now). That way you don't take away people's credits (they can still use them on the "old" economy servers) and yet reset the economy to something workable for the rest bringing in game credit generation in line with GTN costs. Right now in order to afford anything "nice" on the GTN, you have to spend real money either with credit sellers or by buying and selling CM items on the GTN. I agree, the limits should apply to all server transfers.
  22. That's why you make it clear from the start that will not happen. The issue on SV was that it wasn't clear whether it was going to be a reset economy server or just another regional server (that gave the wiggle room to push for transfers). If you're clear up front, no one can argue (well they can, but they have no ground to stand on)
  23. The simplest solution for NA is to move all the broken server people to one server (Star Forge since its the biggest) and open up a new fresh economy server with restricted transfers. That way those wanting to continue to play on the broken server with all their credits can and those that want to have a reset economy can as well. There is enough population in NA to support two servers (since it can support two servers now).
  24. It's clear that a very vocal group of APAC players want an economically broken server in the APAC. Let them have it and create a new economy server in North America where it will be appreciated. Then the non-APAC players currently playing on the APAC server will have someplace to go where they can enjoy a functioning economy instead of having to play on the current APAC server where they are only wanted to make the server look populated. Let the APAC players support their own server if they can. No credit/item transfers in (only legacy, bound gear, and what your character can wear)
  25. Another point we agree on. There should be a change to transfers in general to reduce the movement of credits between servers.
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