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Everything posted by DWho

  1. This is a sign of a broken economy, not the solution to it. Right now, if you "want" billions, your only choice is to spend real money on it or play the stock simulation game. If you play the MMO-RPG game, you will have millions at best, not billions. Game economies should function based on what players can earn playing the game not a player to player trade system.
  2. Not really a bug I guess, but annoying. Each time you turn in Notes of Reflection you have to ask what they are for before you can leave the conversation. It is an unnecessary repeat of dialog, please update.
  3. Please fix the RNG on the Ion Gun. Today it took 6 full respawns of the droids (15 or so in each respawn) to get the 4 you need. The last couple times I've done the mission it's taken at least 4 full respawns. Fortunately, today it was on the European servers outside prime time there so I wasn't competing with anyone for the spawns.
  4. Except as a new character (on your first character) you don't have the 5K credits it costs to unlock the inventory module (only 10 additional slots) since that is most of what you will get doing the storyline on Tython. The one that was featured was also the legacy unlock version, you can still buy the character unlock version.
  5. They all just changed. It was there for a week
  6. Interesting that the Inventory unlock module is now "Featured" on the Cartel Market right after they slashed the credits new players will have to spare (Inventory management is a problem for new players and inventory unlocks are expensive credit wise). Must just be a coincidence.
  7. Not sure if it is related but I have seen an increase in graphical stuttering in graphically intense combats (particularly with my Combat Sentinels and Blade Barrage) since the 64-bit deployment. I'm running the same graphical setting as I was before the 64-bit update.
  8. nope, cloud servers still need to have a physical location so your ping is related to how far you are away from it. It in theory lets you shift that location to suit needs.
  9. Yup, 7.2.1 added a tiny credit sink that won't make any difference (and will have to be reworked anyway when or if the real problems with the economy are fixed) except annoy players and added a gaping exploit that pumped hundreds of billions of credits into the game in a matter of minutes.
  10. It's physically located in the APAC region. If you are in the US or Europe you will see high pings
  11. Do it on a Pub toon. Meditate, do one of the Coruscant heroics, come back (timer is up by then), rinse and repeat (don't even need to quick travel as some of the time you spend walking back lowers the timer and you can get mob loot doing it). By the time you're done meditating you've finished the Coruscant weekly as well
  12. No, only players playing the RPG content and leveling are impacted (and in the grand scheme of things, aren't generating that many credits compared to other sources). The people generating all the credits (credit farmer bots, heroic farmers, flashpoint farmers, etc) are not affected at all by the QT costs. Farming bots farm the same areas over and over and don't use QT. People farming flashpoints don't have any kind of travel fee, and people farming heroics use heroic transports (which are free and much better than QT since they take you right to the entrance of the heroic). You don't even have a fee for jumping from your stronghold to the mission box on the planet even if you go to a different planet than you came from to get to your stronghold. I just ran 4 heroics for the GS objective on Tatooine and Belsavis (2 on each) and had no travel costs at all but generated almost 300K credits. Started in the stronghold, jumped to the Tat mission box from the Activities panel, used the heroic transports to get to the heroics, back to the stronghold, jumped to the mission box on Belsavis, used the heroic transports, jumped back to the Stronghold and accrued no travel costs at all. To add one more point, all of the high costs are a result of people having enough credits to buy up everything and re-sell it at a higher price. It is the people with all the credits that are not only causing the high prices but driving the farming of credits as well (inflation isn't the right term for what is going on, it is more a result of people having a monopoly on certain goods).
  13. Initial evaluation Compared to an existing server, how is the performance? Basically the same as the European servers, slightly choppier than the US servers for me Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened? Only tested Tython so far, but no issues What region/country do you reside in? US-Midwest Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla. Shae Vizla: 250, Star Forge/Satele Shan: 25, Tulak Hord/Darth Malgus/Leviathan: 110 Is grouped content working properly? Not tested yet, but choppiness increases with more players in the zone How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted? Not tested yet Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered? traveled to Tython, Fleet, Nar Shadaa Stronghold without issue Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality? Didn't notice any Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics? No issues noted Performance was about as expected with the higher ping, some stuttering in busy areas and during combats with a lot of ability activations (likely just a transmission time issue). At 250 ping, group content would be marginal, no issues with RPG content
  14. So do the mails get deleted after 30 days like they did before. Lots of people lost items and credits from GTN sales because they didn't pull them out of the mail before it auto-deleted
  15. The only problem here is that a not insignificant number of people buying CM items for credits are buying those credits from credit sellers (who generally obtain those credits through nefarious means) thus creating a cycle of buying and selling credits through third parties. Fix that problem and selling CM items for credits is not really a problem.
  16. On Tython, the jump back from the Forge to the Jedi Temple (where you "turn in" that mission is at least 1000 credits.
  17. There is no difference between credit sinks and lowering rewards as far as having less credits enter the game. If you had reduced rewards by 1% no one would have noticed and you would have accomplished much more (because people farming credits using heroic transports and other workarounds would have been "taxed" too, instead of just those running the storylines). Bioware has reduced mission credit rewards by at least 50% over the last two years and there has been no significant reduction in the rate at which GTN prices (and off-GTN prices) have risen, so there is no evidence whatsoever that the QT costs (which are extremely minor compared to the rewards reductions they have done in the past) will have any impact at all other than irritating the player-base (whether they can easily afford the fees or not) The issue with the implementation of the QT costs is that they will not have a significant effect on "cooling" the economy. Something like a hard coded transaction fee for all off GTN trades would both remove credits from the game and reduce the desirability of the items, thus lowering their cost. Just because Bioware says there are "more changes to come" does not mean they will actually happen. They have an extremely poor track record on following up on promises.
  18. The problem is credits already in the game not credits entering the game. You could turn off all credits going into the game from missions and it would be years before the prices drop (and they would only drop because the people who have all the credits get tired of trading them back and forth with each other and everyone else has quit the game). The approach Bioware has taken with this "travel tax" is backwards of what needed to be done. You need to get the overall economy under control before you try to fine tune it or else you are just wasting your, and everyone else's time.
  19. Core problem right here for the high prices on the GTN. It is far too easy (and far to cheap) to acquire huge numbers of credits in the player to player economy (and is also what drives the credit seller problem). At the very least, the GTN tax should be increased 1% and all transactions between players should have a transaction fee based on the value of the exchange (even if its only something as simple as 10K per transaction when only items are exchanged or 8% if credits are involved). If the top end of the GTN is raised, it should be done in 1B credit increments a few months apart and each of those new brackets should have an addition 2% tax (11% at 2B, 13% at 3B, 14% at 4B, etc) in addition to the base 1% tax increase. That would have far more impact on bringing the in-game economy under control that any "travel tax" ever will.
  20. Completely false. A 1% increase in the GTN tax alone would drain more credits in one transaction than thousands of quick travels. 1% of 1 billion is 10 million (how many quick travels is that?). Now start taxing the stuff off the GTN (a very simple addition to the transaction) and boom, hundreds of millions drawn out each day.
  21. make sure your abilities are selected in the character abilities panel (open the character sheet then select the abilities tab). Trainers don't do anything anymore (except for speeder piloting)
  22. I'm fine with them when applied properly, which I don't think the QT ones are. They are way out of line with other travel costs, which was the most common thing mentioned during the PTS testing. It is insane to have QT on Coruscant cost 5K point to point when players using them are getting maybe a couple hundred per completed mission (costs on a lot of the higher level planets are lower because they are smaller so it is impacting low level players more than the high level players who have the creds to spare). Their pure distance formula is what I disagree with most. The jump back from the Forge to the Jedi Temple in the JK story is over 1000 credits when at that point you maybe have a bank of 5K or so, that's way too much. A formula based on the combined cost of using the taxis plus a small "convenience" fee would be the right way to go (A to C should cost about the same whether it is QT or two taxis).
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