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Everything posted by DWho

  1. I totally agree with you. No one needs more than 10 billion credits ever. So why not make it so the maximum they can have at any one time is 10 billion (or even lower) across their entire legacy (account). That makes all the high end cosmetics CC only purchases.
  2. So what you are saying is that subs don't need credits (they can generate as many as they want from their free CCs as needed). Then we could lower the account cap on credits (to 5 or 10 billion) and move everything over that to an escrow account that you can draw out of by spending CCs (whatever the escrow unlock was in CCs to withdraw 10 billion which if not used up in 48 hours goes back to escrow). I like that idea, let's go with it. That will lower prices because you'll have to decide how many CCs that 50 billion credit item is worth to you. I'm only being a little sarcastic. It could work to lower the number of "working" credits in the economy without taking any away from anyone. It should cut down on any single player's ability to buy out the entire stock of an item and listing it for a crazy price.
  3. I believe Bioware deliberately changed a bunch of them to auto apply to keep people from doing exactly what you are suggesting. They didn't want people to be able to stockpile reputation items to later use for the big Conquest objective (which they made be a lot of points to compensate for other things they removed from "solo" play). They probably won't change it back for that reason, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.
  4. What I suggested is a flat tax of 10%. The "values" are only to determine the amount that is to be taxed (and are just examples). So in your case, whether you trade the platinum item for 1 credit or not (unless you use the GTN to do so) would still cost 1 million credits to complete the transaction.
  5. I would add that there needs to be a transaction fee of some sort for every player to player trade (all the big ones are being processed completely tax free while anyone using the GTN is getting hit with up to an 8% tax). It should be high for CM items and low for general items.
  6. I've got a better idea that a reset then. All player to player trades are taxed based on the value of items traded whether done through the GTN or through "private trades". bronze cartel items have a "value" of 50K, silver ones 100K, gold ones 1 million, platinum 10 million, and hypercrates 100 million. Then a 10% transaction fee is charged for any trade not done through the GTN. That will bring things under control, drain credits from the game, and bring down prices.
  7. The player to player trade economy has nothing to do with need. That is the problem you are having trouble understanding
  8. Right. Lets just reset the game economy back to year one and listen to people like you cry that Bioware "stole" all your credits (which aren't real anyway)
  9. I disagree. When it is all but required to pay cash for credits (whether directly to credit sellers or indirectly to them via player to player trades) the economy is broken. No one can gain enough credits by playing the game (flipping items on the GTN isn't playing the game which is an RPG-MMO not a trading simulator)
  10. You're the one who is totally wrong. When the game came out (and for many years after) it was not required to pay real money for something to sell on the GTN in order to buy things as simple as unlocks now those sell for more than a preferred or f2p player can even hold on their characters. It's not about needs it's about wants. There is no feasible way to obtain billions of credits without buying them from credit sellers, using exploits, or flipping items on the GTN. It's typical of the people who got ahead by whatever means (mostly nefarious) to say others are lazy when they were the one who bought their way to the position they are in now.
  11. This is a sign of a broken economy, not the solution to it. Right now, if you "want" billions, your only choice is to spend real money on it or play the stock simulation game. If you play the MMO-RPG game, you will have millions at best, not billions. Game economies should function based on what players can earn playing the game not a player to player trade system.
  12. Not really a bug I guess, but annoying. Each time you turn in Notes of Reflection you have to ask what they are for before you can leave the conversation. It is an unnecessary repeat of dialog, please update.
  13. Please fix the RNG on the Ion Gun. Today it took 6 full respawns of the droids (15 or so in each respawn) to get the 4 you need. The last couple times I've done the mission it's taken at least 4 full respawns. Fortunately, today it was on the European servers outside prime time there so I wasn't competing with anyone for the spawns.
  14. Except as a new character (on your first character) you don't have the 5K credits it costs to unlock the inventory module (only 10 additional slots) since that is most of what you will get doing the storyline on Tython. The one that was featured was also the legacy unlock version, you can still buy the character unlock version.
  15. They all just changed. It was there for a week
  16. Interesting that the Inventory unlock module is now "Featured" on the Cartel Market right after they slashed the credits new players will have to spare (Inventory management is a problem for new players and inventory unlocks are expensive credit wise). Must just be a coincidence.
  17. Not sure if it is related but I have seen an increase in graphical stuttering in graphically intense combats (particularly with my Combat Sentinels and Blade Barrage) since the 64-bit deployment. I'm running the same graphical setting as I was before the 64-bit update.
  18. nope, cloud servers still need to have a physical location so your ping is related to how far you are away from it. It in theory lets you shift that location to suit needs.
  19. Yup, 7.2.1 added a tiny credit sink that won't make any difference (and will have to be reworked anyway when or if the real problems with the economy are fixed) except annoy players and added a gaping exploit that pumped hundreds of billions of credits into the game in a matter of minutes.
  20. It's physically located in the APAC region. If you are in the US or Europe you will see high pings
  21. Do it on a Pub toon. Meditate, do one of the Coruscant heroics, come back (timer is up by then), rinse and repeat (don't even need to quick travel as some of the time you spend walking back lowers the timer and you can get mob loot doing it). By the time you're done meditating you've finished the Coruscant weekly as well
  22. No, only players playing the RPG content and leveling are impacted (and in the grand scheme of things, aren't generating that many credits compared to other sources). The people generating all the credits (credit farmer bots, heroic farmers, flashpoint farmers, etc) are not affected at all by the QT costs. Farming bots farm the same areas over and over and don't use QT. People farming flashpoints don't have any kind of travel fee, and people farming heroics use heroic transports (which are free and much better than QT since they take you right to the entrance of the heroic). You don't even have a fee for jumping from your stronghold to the mission box on the planet even if you go to a different planet than you came from to get to your stronghold. I just ran 4 heroics for the GS objective on Tatooine and Belsavis (2 on each) and had no travel costs at all but generated almost 300K credits. Started in the stronghold, jumped to the Tat mission box from the Activities panel, used the heroic transports to get to the heroics, back to the stronghold, jumped to the mission box on Belsavis, used the heroic transports, jumped back to the Stronghold and accrued no travel costs at all. To add one more point, all of the high costs are a result of people having enough credits to buy up everything and re-sell it at a higher price. It is the people with all the credits that are not only causing the high prices but driving the farming of credits as well (inflation isn't the right term for what is going on, it is more a result of people having a monopoly on certain goods).
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