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Everything posted by FlyingUsPoo

  1. Sounds like a good candidate for you to test the windows 7 theory on... EA refers you to a site that lists the requirements for the expansion as: Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Minimum Requirements CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0 GHz or better CPU Speed: Info RAM: Windows XP: 1.5 GB, Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB, PCs using a built-in graphic chipset: 2 GB OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Vista, 7 Video Card: 256 MB of on-board RAM and Shader model 3.0 or better support (ATI Radeon X1800 or better, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 or better, Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better). reference: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/star-wars-the-old-republic-knights-of-the-fallen-empire/12933/?p=r linked from http://help.ea.com/en/article/how-to-check-if-your-pc-meets-minimum-requirements/ Its also what is being listed on Amazon and Nvidia. Again, the two laptops listed by the OP exceed the above requirements.
  2. +1 on all parts. What would have been a more succinct response, with less drama from the peanut gallery (not that we ever avoid that...): http://dulfy.net/2016/01/14/swtor-jan-14-producers-livestream-notes/ There is the summary of the live stream. It pretty much covers what "They" told us is coming up. Best of luck.
  3. I wonder if the naming of the loot doesn't add to the confusion for new players. For instance, assassin heroic rewards, the tank gear is called Duelist and the DPS is Force Lord. Duelist doesn't really sound very tank-like, and since you only get to run it once a week, viola... you are a DPS using Fortunate Redoubt Relic and a Tank Belt cause its 10 levels higher than the piece of crap you had... Sure, this probably isn't the case for a lot of things and has zero bearing on the forms and sabers When I first started playing mmo's there was a popular quote floating around: DPS play a game, Tanks have a job, Healers have actual work. That has held true in just about every mmo I've played that has the trinity active. In this game, I have one dps, the rest are tanks and healers. Typically I play tank, but my oldest/fallback toon is a Sorc Healer. Unless its a BS run thru EV or KP (which should totally be retired), I wont do HM ops with a PUG. Just not worth the headache of 7 to 15 other egos that all know tactics until its time to prove they know the tactics... As for FP's (tactical or HM)... meh. a well geared healer can usually carry the group thru so long as the tank can hold agro at least 75% of the fight. If the dps aren't geared, its not worth trying the bonus boss imo.
  4. I suggest you just smile and wave MiloUto. You can't fix stupid, you can only clear the blast radius when it self-corrects.
  5. I play on full ultra using the button settings. fps is solid 100 all the time. Pre dropping back to windows 7, even on low and then dropping everything further, it was still a screen saver... I fully admit it could just be the combination of hardware on this system. However, here is a link to another laptop I have run the same tests on and same results http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152355. http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=387015 Not so sure of that... Finally, Processor: •AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better •Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better Operating System: •Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later RAM: •Windows XP: 1.5GB RAM •Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB RAM Note: PCs using a built-in graphical chipset are recommended to have 2GB of RAM. Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better. Examples include: •ATI X1800 or better •nVidia 7800 or better •Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better Either one of the system the OP listed totally smokes these requirements...
  6. http://www.denofgeek.us/games/star-wars/250598/star-wars-the-old-republic-knights-of-the-fallen-empire-review In January 2016, Chapter 10 of the main story will become unlocked and players will be able to see what comes next. http://www.requnix.com/knights-of-the-fallen-empire-review KoTFE provides 9 new chapters and Bioware has announced they will be releasing an additional chapter to KoTFE every 30 days starting with Chapter 10 in January, 2016. Turns out Google is still online. "kotfe chapter 10 release date January" says ~32000 other web sites say "someone" said January at some point. "They" also didn't sue anyone for libel or false advertising, nor did "they" ask any of the reviewers to correct their information. Likewise, and I cant be sure on this, The reviewers probably didn't pull January out of their ***, EA does this little thing called a press release. What we can be sure of is "They" haven't got the best track record when it comes to communication.
  7. Frankly, either one of the laptops are gonna be iffy with SWTOR. Why? They are NVIDIA based on Window 8/10. Why is that important? Here is my experience: I have a true quad core i7 (i7-4940M), 32GB memory, SLC SSD hard drive and GTX 880M video card. This pc isn't one to sneeze at. It runs Witcher 3 on high with no problems (other than the left side of the keyboard gets toasty [that's where the processor and vid card are]). However, using Windows 8 and Windows 10, this PC wont run SWTOR at more than about 20FPS on ultra. Forget running past anything shooting lightning or flames, the game turns into a scrolling screen saver.. I had a work related issue that required me to replace the OS with windows 7. Did that and now I still run Witcher 3 on high with no problems, but now I run SWTOR on ultra at a steady 100fps with no problems. Long story longer... The hardware in both of those laptops is just fine. If the game gets crappy on ya do the standard "checks" first then drop the OS to Windows 7 if you don't get results. As for which one, personally, I'd go with the Dell. Not because of the processor (swtor isn't going to use more than 1 core or 4GB of memory, its a 32 bit game and isn't multi-cored), but because the video card better than the one in the Asus. You can always upgrade the proc (some what, do your research first), upgrade memory, and change hard drives in laptops, but you are pretty much stuck with the video card it comes with. You can upgrade video cards,, but its VERY not cheap to do and your options tend to be VERY VERY limited (like one number [GTX 960 to GTX 970] ) and the whole process is usually not worth the butt pain (whole laptop laying in pieces on your desk, warrantee voided, etc...).
  8. Fix it before it goes live... pft... Fix it WHEN it goes live... Count the letters baby. WHEN = 4, BEFORE = 6... Fewer letters is more efficient. Bean counting 101. If you cant come up with a good reason, come up with a numerical one.
  9. Let's not forget we get a nice perk.... we pay to be Beta Testers.. I mean we get Early Access baby!!!! You don't get content on Feb 11... you get content on Feb 9th.... That's right.... Early access to all those that subscribe early to content you only get if you are a subscriber.... Don't look at that sentence too close, it will make the gift of beta test... I mean early access (I did... I meant early access... really) it will make it look pointless and cheap.
  10. 1) Just created a new toon on JC. 1st toon there after playing on EU servers since release. This is only important to note because I have zero achievements. Not to say the guy mentioned above has the same circumstances, but you never know. Kind of neat to get called out as a noob while wearing the Founder title, popping the RotHC trainer and sporting the preorder crystal in my saber Any who.. my sin-tank has run quite a few FP's. very rare to get a traditional party. Even more rare has it been to get a group that knew the tactics on the bosses in the FP's... Oddly, the one FP I was in that had a traditional party was Kuat Drive Yards. The healer got twitchy when I stopped to get med packs and suggested that he might want to respect to pure DPS cause the FP was designed that way (He was the one that gave me the aforementioned crap. after all, lack of achieve's = idiot). I even stopped before the boss fight to r/c and make sure everyone knew the big robot fight tactics. One dps answer: no. Healer answer: no. Other dps answer: attack the boss while I'm typing tactics. good times. Bolstered tacticals offer an imbalance that could be addressed. you push a lvl 12 in with a lvl 64, and you get one guy with 10 attacks and the other guy with 4. If they are both cued as tanks, it only makes sense that the lvl 64 be tank because he has all the stuns, taunts, etc.. Sure the 12 can change stance, but he still stuck with a shield and full defense bolster. A nice fix for that would be something similar to the heroic moment bar. A pop up bar that has all the skills for a 65 on it, blah blah blah... Not that bioware dev's ever read this stuff, so.... 2) As for the HM-FP's, it seems to me (in my experience) the party members just weren't prepared. Be it gear, stims, adrenals, tactics, whatever, "most" of the party members just cued and figured they'd be carried thru. Frankly, operations make HM-FP's kind of pointless. They take a bit more time, have better loot, give more credits, and those people that are hiding their lack of tactic knowledge get away with it easier because there are bigger groups to cover them. In short, this game's community is full of jerks. Repair and explain tactics or don't run pugs.
  11. Just had a beauty of a bug... Trooper Mission Inconspicuous Valor (End of Trooper Chapter 1, so its been here a long while) I started with the conversation options 3, Gearbox from Aderaan, No when asked about the walker, and 3. As soon as I completed the bonus mission (done at the first mob when you leave the hanger at the very start) EVERY single NPC on the ship flipped from red to green. Reported in-game. I expect my canned "Thank you" note any day now
  12. You want these things to be truly worthwhile, make the highest level be something that requires the highest gear levels in the game and a level 50 influence companion. Reward that rank with a legacy offhand shell that is selectable similar to what was given in the pre-4.0 Yavin weekly.
  13. 1. Denial and Isolation 2. Anger 3. Bargaining What's left to see: 4. Depression 5. Acceptance I am glad you found an avenue to work it all out... If it helps, http://psychcentral.com/lib/the-5-stages-of-loss-and-grief/
  14. A bit or rain for the parade. http://dulfy.net/2015/08/06/swtor-gamescom-cantina-tour-qa/#more-127054 Sorry its not from three years ago and it directly quotes bioware personnel (and has videos for those that don't want to read). Seems they aren't giving up on operations, they just aren't doing them this year. Let me quote a section for you: "Q: No new operations, how do you see that going in the future? We are scaling all the FPs/OPs to max level. Some story important flashpoints turned into solo mode. Our goal is to make all flashpoints/operations relevant no matter the level. So even when we add in more levels later, they will always be relevant. By doing this rescaling now, we are paving the road to add future ops/flashpoints." Maybe all my years of speaking English has muddied my English, but "add future ops/flashpoints" seems to indicate adding ops and flashpoints in the future. Really, what is a flashpoint but a four man operation. Seems they aren't out to alienate any group particular of players. I'm not sure what roadmap some people around here have been reading, but you might want to get a new one.
  15. Bugs happen, as a programmer I get that. The standard used to be five major tiers in shop - crash, playable - needs fixed asap, playable, free time, ignored. Maybe BW has only three tiers, broke, free time, ignored. They get on the tier 1 fairly quick(ish). the rest... not so much. A half-assed QA team usually picks up tier 2 on down stuff. But people will only put up with a locked out character for so long. Especially if they had to cough up the cash to buy the instant 60 token then cant progress past the intro of Senya or Lady of Sorrows (read that as broken since release of KtoFE with no projection of fix till Feb 11, maybe). Honestly, since shutting down the playtest server, their in game bug rate seems to have sky-rocketed. No, I don't have any documentation to support this; its strictly biased observation.
  16. There is no evidence to support that this is what 98% of the community wants
  17. hard to get behind a great story when its been bugged since it was released. The dev's haven't seen fit to get around to fixing the issues (lockouts at lady of sorrows, lockouts at introduction to Senya, missing companions etc... [just peruse the bug report forum for a list of em]) that have been going on since the end of October. Suppose I could throw in some OP logic and say that must mean that the metrics don't support bug fixes.
  18. It would be nice to see them hold a pvp championship. Regarding the rest, until the livestream, pvp had nothing since quesh huttball. Prior to that, nothing in years. Unless someone from bioware is passing out information (which we all know isn't happening), its all just speculation about what they are dumping in favor of what crowd. Check the forums of the past, when they were just reworking ops and rebranding them as Nim (ignoring pvp) the argument was "bioware is abandoning pvp, the end is nigh!". The only stable thing "they" have been doing is bugs. Game on or move on but stop feeding the trolls.
  19. Yea, its a grind-feast. As for gearing, despite what may or may not be posted, at this point no one knows (including the developers) - according to live stream.
  20. Good luck sir! The game has about 24 good run thru's. 5 for the agent, 2 for every other class and ~4 for KtoFE. Then it seems to just turn into a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. If that's your thing, have at it. Me, I think I'll run out my sub and move along as well. The lack of new endgame content killed it for me. Not operations per say, even flashpoints would have done it (frankly, FP's are just 4 man op's). Between that and the bugs, man... The "here's your early release beta testing that we're not going bother fixing until the official release", the quest lines that got goober'ed up with 4.0, things getting fixed then being broken again in the very next patch not to be fixed again for a full week... Even a half-assed QA team would go a long way for them. Before the "there's no evidence to support that" guy drops in, prior to the live stream and their single map announcement, pvp was the dev's pariah. The only action on that front in years was Quesh Huttball. We has a crap ton of cantina roadshow and conference promises for endgame content from producers that turned in to vaporware. So there's that.
  21. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Oh... ohh.......oh my side.... Wheeewww..
  22. Can you maybe define SGR please. After reading your post neither Strategic Government Resource nor Sustainable Growth Rate seem to fit.
  23. Speaking of a lack of facts. At no point in your posts have you presented any facts. Conjecture: ✓ Speculation: ✓ Links to guild wars 2 home page: ✓ Obvious confusion that SWTOR is GW2: ✓ Declaration that the onus of proof is on those you have declared to be at fault: ✓ Clear avoidance of posts that provide direct point for point debate: ✓ Declaration that you are completely shut down to anything other than reposting of a stated, non-supported opinion: ✓ In light of that last marker, (and seeing how this isn't a court so the burden of proof is a pointless concept anyway) you should "man up" and do the honorable thing. As I've said in another post, insert the following as your signature: "This post paid for by the good folks as Bioware / EA". Paid advertisements are required to be labeled as such anyway and some of these paying customers are in the US... Maybe want to look up some truth in advertising laws too.
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