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Everything posted by Smuglebunny

  1. When is Galactic Command going to be removed from the game? When is the person who originally proposed Galactic Command going to take responsibility and resign and apologize to the players? Because I need to know when I can give you more money. Its not till then. Goodbye.
  2. Because...they are terrible at their jobs and have no quality control. They made a change for no reason, that no one asked for or wanted(like GC), its horrible, and was obviously horrible and should never have made it live. But we should praise them for FINALLY fixing their mistake after cursing us with it for a month. No, I dont think so. When they do SOMETHING right we will let them know, hasn't happened since 5.0 Fixing obvious mistakes that should have never been made DOES NOT COUNT. In fact 5.0 isnt an expansion or content AT ALL. Its just an introduction of bugs for them to fix over time and pretend that is content. Remove galactic command.
  3. When are they being fixed and why were they changed Bioware?
  4. When is Galactic Command going to be removed from the game? When is the person who originally proposed Galactic Command going to take responsibility and resign and apologize to the players? Because I need to know when I can give you more money. Its not till then. Goodbye.
  5. When are they being fixed and why were they changed Bioware?
  6. Bioware, why were the changed made and when are they being fixed?
  7. The reason it seems OP is that the engi sniper can basically keep you 70% slowed 100% of the fight ESPECIALLY if its one on one. I frequently use Virulence and I'm relatively unstoppable. heh. But I once encountered an engineering sniper that wanted to duel me in open field in Hypergate. Sounded like fun, so we did. (we never spoke, this just kinda went down) He beat me twice by just a hair. Him having 5-15k hp remaining when I died. And part of it is that we werent left alone and some of his team got in a few hits. BUT every time I moved or rolled he would keep that probe on me, which prevented me from using LOS properly and provided a constant dot I couldnt avoid. I probably lost just cuz I was so annoyed with it and kept trying to get out of it. The point is, its a dot with a 70% slow that can have 100% uptime unless you just straight up run away. Also it prevents capping anything. Its just a tiny bit OP. Another issue is that since all an engi snipers AOE is buffed and they have like 4 AOE attacks at least, so it keeps you right there for the rest, you can run or eat it, and it sucks either way. The reason no one cares is that there aren't many engi snipers who REALLY can use the class well, once there are more, then nerf may come in. But at max it should only have an 8 second cooldown. Compared to the 3 lives plus heals of mercs and the unkillable healers, I'd say its low priority, other classes should be buffed before they nerf anything sniper.
  8. Gotta say though, every other server is imp dominated soo, kinda nice that one is pub dominated. The healer issue. I 100% agree they are OP in 5.0 and need to be adjusted down.
  9. The AOE markers need to be reverted or color coded. The minimap needs to be reverted and fixed. Did you hire runescape's old devs BW? They are poison you know. They ran their game into the ground with unwanted unwarranted changes just like you are doing.
  10. The bottom line is that someone high up, had a TERRIBLE idea that they forced on everyone else, and now they are defending it as long as they can so that person doesnt look so much like garbage. THE PERSON WHO CONCEIVED CG. Your idea is Extreme hyperfail. Stop forcing yourself on us all and get rid of it.
  11. The forum needs to be littered with threads about these crazy changes. You cant even tell which way you are facing on the map because the circle is bigger than your arrow. In fact you cant see anything. It renders the map useless. As for the AOE things. Another insane attempt to do...something? Failed. Oh color blind people have an issue? Let make it so that everyone is basically rendered colorblind. HOLY CRAP. And the WORST part is the arrogant insulting silence. There needs to be threads in their faces everywhere so they cant ignore it. The minimap change needs to be REVERTED and the AOE markers need to be color coded. Not in April. NOW. If there was a bug BENEFITING players they would patch it the next day during prime time. But problems they introduce intentionally?(extreme lack of quality control?) those sit. They wont even admit a mistake, give a reasoning for the change or say a word. They are ashamed. I would be too if I were them.
  12. Why ask? The world is filled with all kinds of people who do all kinds of pointless possibly harmful crazy things just for "the lolz". Humans are wacky nutballs who do random stuff for random reasons.
  13. My sub expired yesterday. I just cant support them, I feel insulted by their behavior. AOE targeting Minimap Icons the broken preview window Their insulting silence about all 3 The galactic command system RNG being placed in into the game for gear lack of class balance lack of any serious content FOR YEARS general apathy of developers The constant implementation of things that no one wants and no one has asked for while never doing the things that are constantly asked for, for years. Reasons I have allowed my sub to lapse^^ And I AM on the harbinger. You aren't gonna enjoy the game anymore there, than where you are. I want to play, bring me back, fix your bugs and your intentionally introduced bugs(AOE, minimap), make content, get rid of GC. Or if you are comfortable not having my money, I am comfortable spending it elsewhere.
  14. I will give you a 100% guarantee that BW will not be attempting to read your punctuation-less block of text. How does something like that even get written? wth is wrong with people
  15. How do you determine if you are standing in a healing AOE or a damage AOE till you get healed or killed? so...its not a good change. The crisp outline, fine. but cannot be green for everyone
  16. Oh look an update with bugs, how usual. When are the mini-map icons and ground targeting symbols being fixed? And why did you choose to wreck them when nothing was wrong with them? When is the preview window getting fixed? When will I be able to abandon star fortress missions? You cant. When will the game stop randomly crashing to desktop? When will class balance be addressed? When will you stop wasting dev time on a gearing system no one likes OR wants regardless of your tweaks due to the RNG? Imagine all the stuff you could be doing and content you could be bringing us with the dev time used to putz around with the "Failed Galactic Command System". (failed before it was even implemented, fire the idea originator)
  17. How did you go from cmd rank 10 to 250 in 3 days? If that was possible why would anyone be upset about galactic command? I have a character at cmd rank 103 been playing it 2-6 hrs a day since the expansion.... HOW? What were you doing?
  18. I think lightning sorcs are way too OP just like snipers and PTs. Remember what picard said to Harry in episode 7 the chamber of the search for spock. While they were on the enterprise orbiting alderaan, he said use the force frodo. But yeah snipers are good but not OP, and lately Ive been seeing alot of mercs fall to melee so perhaps we just need some melee buffs all around to even things up without any nerfs.
  19. slingers and snipers are very strong right now but mercs and commandos are superior in the hands of equal skill. I was playing with both today and its a huge difference. The mobility and survivability that the merc has with its dps being within 3% of snipers is just way better. But probably merc will get an "adjustment" soon. Then who knows, but having heals and the ability to move around is just better. Especially in pvp. Snipers are not THAT OP and the thing about jumping to them is a non issue. Its their thing, cc resistance. Without it they couldnt be a viable class.Snipers weakness is dot class and LOS. They arent all that OP they are just good.
  20. Well, ranged is stronger than melee at the moment. Mercs are strong but they are bound to be nerfed at SOME point. Snipers are the next strongest class with sorc dps currently lacking. Also the highest parses right now are slingers and snipers. So the people with merc mains are hedging bets by gearing a sniper in case of nerf.
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