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Everything posted by AFKGCWBOT

  1. Hey! They reduced speeder training 1 down to 35k from 40k! Isn't that good enough for you?
  2. I was going to make this thread for all the needy WOW kids but looks like someone beat me to it
  3. 2/10 Feels half assed, SOE could have pulled this update off within a month atleast will probably get social 2 on my lower level alts and then go back to the SWG EMU till 1.4
  4. Not like they could do such a big patch under EA's watch. That update would have been large enough to be 1.2
  5. so Bioware won't let you create a normal appearance tab like you did for SWG? (and image designing system if possible? <3 Matt AdeptStrain Boudreaux
  6. Add a 20 second timer for stuns so that they can't be chained together by other players.
  7. It's not really free to play if I can't play for free on my level 50. People should stop turning this into a negative thing.
  8. Lots of options, eh? How many would you ***** and moan about? Lol
  9. Actually it's quite sad you're defending Bioware for half assing their product.
  10. If you're level 50, you should be aware of by now that the war is over.
  11. Sigh, didn't have to pay RL money for recustomization in SWG. don't give EAWare ideas.
  12. we do use a seperate site to communicate
  13. They are dedicated, we're just a casual group of players and we came over from SWG after 5 years in SWG. Not everyone tends to remember the guild forums link. Sometimes bookmarks can get erased.
  14. I'm not the guild leader. Not everyone in the guild is a forum nerd, most people usually click through the MOTD - it needs to be posted in chat as well when you log in.
  15. Yeah I agree. If it wasn't for my guild I'd have stopped playing this garbage a long time ago.
  16. Yes we use what most guilds have, websites, VOIP, MOTD, etc. We're casuals so not everybody is online at once at certain times to discuss such issues. I've been discussing it with members and trying to get as much info out as possible to the guild, but not everyone will know whats going on without a guild mail option.
  17. Yeah, we use TS3 but not everyone logs in. BW should've had this guild mail option.
  18. No guild mail option, and theres a limit to how many mails you can send at a certain time. How are we supposed to communicate with the guild members about transfers? You really are good developers. I guess WOW didn't have a guild mail option?
  19. Transfers are a distraction! Quick, lets make rumor and speculation threads! ^ not directed at the OP
  20. Don't forget you can click on their character and right click them to invite, or send a tell.
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