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Everything posted by AFKGCWBOT

  1. LOL. I'd like them to work on dual spec too... but WOW kids like you aren't worth the trouble.
  2. I'm all for free flight space as long as it isn't a carrot on the stick grind for gear like SWTORs ground game and WOW.
  3. I doubt GW2 was bad. It's just the rumor biodrones spread around.
  4. Do it!!! There are plenty of reasons to quit playing this game. First off, you're giving EA money, second, better games like Project SWG, SWG EMU, The Repopulation, Ever After, and Guild Wars 2. No reason to stay here just to be slapped in the face over and over by EA.
  5. LA would do better considering we're just a risk factor to EA.
  6. 90 people in the black hole and only 2 instances LOL
  7. CoH players should check out the MMO in my sig. EAWare is going to shut down TOR when its time to renew the Star Wars license.
  8. I understand the optimism in this post, but... I truly think Bioware doesn't care for what the players say.
  9. Yes, please give us an ETA and I'll resubscribe.
  10. This game already took a huge subscription loss. I'd love to see another huge drop in subscriptions if this happens. SWTOR isn't WOW.
  11. Yeah, nothing changed because he had the power to change the game at the flick of a wrist. What response were you expecting from a CM?
  12. OP is serious, same as the typical WOW player that joined late in the life of WOW and then expects every new MMO to have the same amount of content as WOW at launch.
  13. http://www.serpents-guild.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=17&pictureid=408 You seem to have an issue telling the difference between Star Wars and World of Warcraft.
  14. Nah he's right, it's unfair now that school is back in session.
  15. DING DING DING! this is the attitude that keeps the WOW clones coming! Make them all gear grinds and nothing else!
  16. I rather SOE run it. Bioware/EA ruins all it touches, sorry.
  17. They should just add color kits and appearance tab.
  18. I'm sure there's lots of trolling going on since people like you keep feeding the trolls. No since in reading the herp and derp on every page. Every page is just a repeat of the last page.
  19. I like how these threads pop up about once a week and get over 200 pages of trolling... go ahead, continue discussion...
  20. I agree, they should change it back. The only reason they changed it was because every sith cried out that it painted a huge target on them. Grav Round is just as bad, but republic doesn't have an army of kids to whine about it on the forums.
  21. Watch out what you wish for, they'll make this an "entire" update.
  22. Yeah, EA blames the playerbase for this games fail, so they want to screw us all.
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