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Everything posted by Dawgtide

  1. Horace Dawgtide, a Gunnery Commando, just finished the class story and Corellia tonight.
  2. Anyway, I just got it done tonight. It was fun and did present some challenges. My question deals with the fact that you have 3 options, which almost makes me want to run 3 different troopers. A lot of work, but would be fun nonetheless.
  3. after close to 6 months. Let's tell them what is best and worst about the current set. Best - So many to name. The beaucty of the snow, rivers and greenery in Alderaan. The openness (so to speak) of Hoth and Tatooine. The great design and landscape of the ravaged city of Corellia. Even Quesh has the vapors and tainted water all over the earth. So many of the planets structure was really done well. I think my favorite part about the planets is not even the landscape. Keep placing those boss/elite bosses at differing spots. It keeps things from getting really redundant as just killing normal mobs would make this game get old ina hurry. Corellia does a really good job of this I might add. Worst - Easy Balmorra for me. I hate the areas with the constant shooting that can lag even a good computer. Plus the fact that it can make things harder to see. I know the planet is in the middle of war, but so is Correllia and we don't have areas like the end of Balmorra. Also, it seems to be cramped to me. Not only cramped, but dirty. Maybe that is the whole point. So Best = Corellia, Worst = Balmorra. What planets or characteristics of the planets do you like the best?
  4. Having a great time. About to have my 2nd and 3rd 50, five more to go.
  5. Nope, I will buy the next game. I like this game unlike yourself. The only game I didn't like was Dragon Age 2, but Bioware seems to agree and are going to fix that in Dragon Age 3.
  6. First off, to each his or her own. Everyone has tastes. That said, I like the Bounty Hunter class quest. Chapter 1 and 3 conclusion give a sense of accomplishment. I do not think it was the worst, but I have only played Trooper, Jedi Consular and Bounty Hunter to 45 or more so far.
  7. Well look on the bright side. I was in a guild in EQ for roughly 5 years and then it failed. The guild probably actually lasted close to 10 years. Would you rather have 6 months? or 5 years? or 10 years? So should I blame EQ? Just remember everything in life comes to a close eventually.
  8. Exactly, I think this move is to help push storyline content out faster. They probably want to keep the "base" satisfied with some updates in the near future.
  9. I agree that combat and the voicing was good. But the same maps being used over and over again was a rushed product. And the fact that we really were not equipping characters like we used to do. Bioware was trying to go mainstream instead of catering to the core. And it showed big time. While, I played it through two or three times, I really don't want to say it was a good game. It was an ok game. If I didn't get to look at Isabella a lot, I would really degrade it
  10. Exactly. Actual returns don't lead future value, it is expected returns. That is what the shareholders are basing their thoughts on. You hit it pretty much spot on. There will always be a drop in subscribers. Especially from the PVP crowd as they have been known to jump pretty quickly. I think Bioware has been banking on their PVE crowd with the stories. The $24 question is what were there expected subs 6 months in as they probably expected a certain number of PVEers that roleplay? That we do not know..
  11. It (along with UO) was the place so many started with online MMOs. It was huge and literally had very few quests to tell you where to go. To most of us it was like a big ball of wonder. We had never been in an open online adventurous world. New games will never meet that wonder again. They just aren't the first. Unless a person is young and it is their first. There is nothing TOR can do about that. The issue with EQ was the sandbox game became too hard for the average Joe to keep up. If they had kept gear stats low and did not do tiered progression for raiding, then it still may have been number one. They catered to the college kids, retired and unemployed though. That is fine, but it changed the game. Then they released an expansion that was too hard even for the hardcore if you can believe that. Great game, but all companies make mistakes. Tor is establishing its niche with storytelling, voiceover and companions. The issue for them is going to be can they be fast enough with updates. Many players just don't want to play all 8 stories like I do. I hope Bioware has figured that out now. I will do them all, but many won't.
  12. Exactly. Everyone has an opinion and everyone gets to give it over the internet.
  13. Just curious as I have not seen the stats. Is Whitebeam Run in the bottom 28? That is where I am at obviously or I wouldn't ask. The problem I have with too much population is people running over others to get to mobs and the person who cleared has to then wait. It doesn't happen much thank goodness on my server.
  14. Put one statement in bold. Nothing has to be closed. I played on Test Server on EQ for approximately 6 years. We had less than a 100 total on the server on many days. So, not it doesn't have to be closed. Some of us like small population servers. That said, they ought to do transfers for you guys. I really do hope they do that. Transfers over server merges. I have been through both and transfers are a much better option imo. Some people don't like having names changed.
  15. I agree. I don't struggle for a main because I play them all. I used to six box eq just because I wanted to try everything. I eventually played all classes but one too (and only because I met too many flaky rangers that made me despise the class just on principle). I ran through about 4 classes in Lotro too. I plan to play them all here as the stories are so much fun. I think if you are looking for a main OP, then I am not sure you are actually an altaholic so to speak.
  16. This is right. In most businesses, when you can estimate your operating revenue, then you can plan easier for the future. If games are free to play, it is much harder to estimatel, therefore they hire less staff for development. SWTOR needs to keep it pay to play. If a free to play game has a windfall month, I would bet they would not hire development people, they would just pay off debt or stockpile reserves or something like that.
  17. I am the opposite. I don't want to be like EQ. They decided to just make mobs hit harder each expansion and it led to massive gear inflation. And things like stun gives developers more ideas for new skills that provide utility to classes. Yes hitting harder can allow more skills for stronger heals, but then another one becomes obsolete. Also, I think dropping threat is good. It keeps tanks awake and using skills and moving.. I am actually the opposite of you on this thread. No biggie as different strokes for different folks.
  18. I just did this on my 46 commando this past weekend. Let's just say it was like the 5th or so try and I got lucky. I used Elara Dorne for healing and that seemed to be a must. When the mob started doing the extra damage from pounding the ground or whatever he is dong, I would run out and try to kite him somewhat. I absolutely had to use my heroic moment to open up my freeze/stun. Use that ability any time it is up to do some extra damage while the mob is stunned. Also, use any skill you can to slow him, as I used my gunnery full auto anytime it was up. Not much else to say other than kite as you can and hope Elara heals you well. Two small dogs popped toward the end and fortunately they went after Elara. If they had damaged me I was dead. Good luck as this is definately challenging.
  19. Exactly, I died a few times and just realized I needed to have Holiday. It was doable after that.
  20. Exactly. The only reason servers are light is that Bioware started with too many. This game will be fine. Trust me, Guild Wars is a PVP product. Much of this game is PVE. As for Diablo 3, I just don't see it killing this game at all.
  21. I agree with you 95%. EQ still holds a special place in my heart. Probably because it was first and I was like full of wonder. I don't think SWTOR will last forever, but I hope it lasts as long as EQ did for me which was 8 years plus.
  22. I like the game too. What I really like are the companions and the stories with each of them. I wish there were more quests for all 5 instead of just the opening companion. I look forward to meeting all 40. Another thing I like are the differences in each planet. Each is very distinct. That helps to tell the tale even better. Lastly, lay off the !! a little bit. I like what you say, but you are trying to emphasize too many different points. You are actually reminding me of emails I get occasionally from my 80 year old mom.
  23. Open minded gamers? Sounds pretty close minded on your part to me. Bud, I have been around since EQ was started. If you don't think this game was a smooth and pretty good start, I am beginning to think you are new to MMOs. Yes, there were bugs, but there has been in every game. Also, extensive features is to the eye of the beholder. Look if you want to raid, EQ is there. WoW does too. If you want world PVP, DAOC is out there. Heck Guild Wars 1 still has plenty of PVP right? DCUO has PVP. This game does not have to be the one with everything. It can fill its niche. And anyone that knows Bioware games, knows that is storytelling. And no I am definately not a Star Wars fanboy. And I am not leaving or quitting. I do think it is a strong and healthy game. I think you are just extremely impatient. Man, life is too short, if you don't enjoy it, go. Also, I haven't found a game out there that didn't have some flaws.
  24. 1. No opinion. 2. Fine by me, I don't really see that as gamebreaking. Good idea. 3. I think everyone would want this, but there will always be bugs of some sort. Try not to think games are perfect. There will always be problems. 4. I disagree here. The game is already pretty easy to level. If the companions don't die easy, then the game would take no skill. Yes, I did notice a difference on the quests in Ilum than the other planets. But on the whole, I really disagree with this as a need for the game.
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