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13 Good
  1. I think the real question is: How can we make more money with the cartel market. All others shall just hide that main intention. Sorry but that's my interpreation of that survey.
  2. Keep calm the the team is investigating. We are expecting at least partial recover within 1 hour, because hopefully a lot of player quit game for today. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  3. 60% loading screen when entering my ship. Thinking about a new game is a plan for new year.
  4. Just thrown out of Athiss. Great recovery
  5. Expire auctions would have been OK. But you guys cancelled the auctions and now all players not involved in the exploit had to pay the cancelation fee. What was so difficult to expire the auctions compared to canel them? What about some compensation for the lost cancelation fees?
  6. Excelent post. Perfect match with my opinion. I really like the suggestion of rewards for diffrent planet sizes. Maybe the planet size should also change from time to time to give smaller guilds a chance to conquer all planets. I hope BW will take the right decisions. But I am not sure and cancelled my sub therefore. Let's see what happens with 5.9.
  7. Hapy new year starting with /%=§ new bug. Does anybody know if this is a new all time record? The planetary conquest should end 18:00 UTC but it ended 12:00 UTC. It was widely announced to the community, but maby not to the admins. I suggest BW to stop the planetary conquest. It is a constant source of annoying bugs.
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