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Everything posted by Trollokdamus

  1. Yeah, that one. Used with a black/dark purple Dye Module.
  2. Sith Assassin: Male Pureblood Likes: Rational choices, manipulating others, history and culture, mysteries of the Force Dislikes: Unnecessary evil, shortsightedness, disrespect, betrayal Gifts: Weapon, Imperial Memorabilia, Cultural Artifact Short summary: a pragmatic Sith leader who intends to reshape the Empire and the Sith Order in his image. Considers the Force as a tool and doesn't hesitate to use both sides of it. Possesses a will strong enough to resist the corrupting influence of the Dark Side. Follows his mind, his emotions and his conscience. Powertech: Male Human Likes: Honorable actions, challenge, respecting your enemy, showing mercy to the weak and defeated, freedom Dislikes: Ruthlessness, dishonorable actions, selling out, cowardice Gifts: Weapon, Military Gear, Technology, Trophy, Underworld Good Short summary: a honorable warrior type. Enjoys challenge. Regularly pits himself against powerful enemies and overwhelming odds. Has chosen a Bounty Hunter path due to its ability to provide both while retaining his freedom. Sith Marauder: Male Cyborg Likes: Causing pain and suffering, murder, destruction, domination, betrayal, chaotic behaviour Dislikes: Mercy, compassion, kindness, following orders, authorities Gifts: Weapon, Imperial Memorabilia, Trophy Short summary: a schizophrenic Sith whose disease has made his mind extremely vulnerable to the corrupting effects of the Dark Side. Has become a living monster because of that. Secretly hopes for the Emperor to consume all life in the Galaxy, thus ending his own torturous existence. Extremely devoted to the latter till the end. To be continued...
  3. Slowly starting to level my toons again. Here's a shot of my main, Darth Quazarus (Imperius), Sith Assassin: http://i.imgur.com/TtDQ3pE.jpg
  4. The flaw in your argument is you consider hybrids a legitimate playstyle, so by removing them BW is watering down the game by taking away a choice of playing a hybrid. And i would agree with you to a degree, but as i said already, they are not a legitimate playstyle according to BW and are not supported by them. Hybrids were nothing but tolerated to a small degree (i heard of some way too OP hybrid builds being nerfed). Now, however, hybrids hamper the evolution of one of the game's systems, so they have to go for the greater good of the game. Yeah, you can reply with "I don't care if hybrids were legitimate or not, i want them to stay!", and as i said i'd understand your frustration, but thing is it's not up to you to decide, the decision is already made, so the sooner you accept the change the better it is for you.
  5. /lame joke on You got a purple pony mount. But it's invisible for now so you have to put some effort into finding it! /lame joke off
  6. If you didn't rush to max out a tree, then you were gimping yourself and playing the way BW didn't intend you to play, sorry. Hybrids were never a legitimate playstyle and they were never supported by BW. While i understand your frustration if you were playing a hybrid, i also understand why BW sacrificed them in order to achieve their goals. "Dumbing down - the act of taking a product and watering down elements of it to make it appeal to a broader mass market." This is not the case here since the actual gameplay will stay relatively the same, it's not watered down in any way. The only thing that is changing is the approach to how you get most of the skills and abilities.
  7. How can you "confirm" something you can't possibly know? Did you ask each and every leaving player about the reasoning behind their decision? Or maybe you are a Blizzard employee who has hard data at his disposal? I think not. What choice are you talking about? If anything, the new system is giving you more choices, not taking them away.
  8. Sorry for the offtopic, can anyone tell me please if [CZ-13K Guerrilla Chestplate] (bought directly from the Cartel Market) has an active jetpack? I'm desperately trying to find an armor set with a jetpack that suits my BH with no success
  9. I support this. It was very satisfying to have all my hard earned sets on display in my estates back in Morrowind. Oh, and a small addition. Let us hire Followers/Disciples/Fans which can be named, customized and geared by players.
  10. I'm sorry but, judging by your points, i believe you've chosen a wrong game. I mean a wrong type of game. Something like TSW, where you create your own unique builds from a massive pool of abilities, would suit you much better. As for SWtOR, it was always about sticking with a certain tree, hybrids were not intended to be viable and the devs were fighting with them from the very beginning.
  11. I think it's more like "Well Blizzard did it with WoW and the results were satisfactory, let's do it with SWtOR so we get the same results!" My opinion, of course.
  12. "Don't tell me what to do and i won't tell you where you should go." © On a different note, i'm glad that people like you are nothing but a vocal minority here. I see a contradiction here. It seems the real reason why you left WoW is that you've just found a game that suits your tastes better.
  13. I didn't pre-order and don't intend to. Why? I don't want the x12 boost to be forced on me. I'm perfectly fine leveling alts with the regular speed, thank you.
  14. Okay, previously you were able to tweak a point here or there. Now, however, you have 3 tiers of utility abilities, 7 abilities in each tier, and you can choose 3 out of 7 from each. Yeah, sure, much less class diversity. What's your problem again? Yeah sure, WoW is a completely ruined game atm Did you speak to each and every WoW subscriber who left the game? I guess not. How then can you possibly know why did people leave?
  15. I believe we'll just see some NPC of both factions during questing, FPs and OPs, that's it. If cross faction teamplay was a feature, they would announce it specifically.
  16. Class balance in its current form is going out of the window anyway because of the level cap increase.
  17. Actually in this case it is broken. Why? Reread the "Why the Change" section of the blog, it explains things very well. According to the blog: For each of these disciplines, we took a look at all of the skills from their tree ancestor and imported everything that defined the identity and rotation of that tree and laid them out in a level-based progression, along with quite a bit of combining, cutting, creating new, and balancing along the way. We took the remaining skills from each of the three Advanced Classes, cut some of the extraneous ones, created some exciting new options, polished old favorites, and put them into a selection pool available to all members of that Advanced Class. So ye, i'd say we are definitely getting some new active abilities.
  18. Sorry for the immediate offtopic but i wanted to clarify one moment. Even if a "miracle" happens and Bioware suddenly decides to revert the system back to talent trees, they simply won't have enough development time and resources to expand them in time. So not going to happen, Disciplines are here to stay. Sorry.
  19. It's nice to think some people are over the "copying WoW is bad by default" thing now.
  20. This. However, i'm pretty happy with this change and convinced that it's for the good of the game. As a long-term WoW player i've experienced the same conversion firsthand. At first, i had my doubts just like some other people in this thread, but in the end i never had any regrets about it. Why exactly copying WoW is a bad thing? They have many great features over there and it's only for the good of this game if BW adopts some of them (since this game is of the same type as WoW).
  21. I'm sorry but this is not the group finder rules, this is your own rules. Group finder allows one person to watch the cutscene even when all the others are spacebarring like crazy. On the other hand, however, the same group finder allows the others to vote kick that person for that. So, as many others have already said, the best way to handle the situation is via communication. I personally think that long cutscenes in group content is a bad design. It will always cause negativity and bad feelings among the players. Want to have cutscenes in the middle of action? Reserve them for solo scenarios then like WoW does.
  22. I wonder what's the real reason of the delay. Is it or they ? Musco is just a Community Manager, he doesn't make any decisions concerning this game.
  23. Acts like an idiot? I don't see anything idiotic in the OP. Just a bit too emotinal expression of his frustration, he's not insulting anyone or something. So nothing to be mocked for. If you feel the need to mock someone just because, it speaks badly about you, not the OP.
  24. When a person is promised something, waiting for it for some time only to be told in the end that the said promise is broken, he/she has every right to be upset. It's not for you to judge him for his reaction.
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