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Everything posted by Trollokdamus

  1. No, you can explode in any place and still get the DNA. The reason why people try to explode on Fleet is just the daily to infect 10 players. Which is pointless in my opinion - i've just completed this daily and got... rakghoul vaccine x5 as a reward -.- So the fastest way to farm the DNA by being infected is: Go to Tatooine daily area, get yourself infected, find a good safe spot and afk 10 minutes until your debuff transformes into "Fevered". When that happens don't wait anymore for the explosion, just let something kill you. As an imperial, when there were no republic players around, i just went to their blockpost (pretty close to the daily area) and charged into the champion type guards. Like this you are saving time waiting for the full process. Bah, slow posting is slow.
  2. Sigh... peeps who sigh at peeps who want all those Wow things... You know what? I don't count them as Wow things, i count them just as things which make your in-game life more pleasant and fun. Such thing as x-realm lfg tool should be implemented in every mmorpg in my opinion, especially when the game is as young as this one and the player base is not that big and stable yet. Also, don't tell people what to do please. In some way this is similar to what i was talking about. "No." for current planets, "Yes" for the future ones which are designed with them in mind.
  3. For current locations i would say "No". Because they are just not prepared for that, even more unprepared than classic pre-Cata WoW locations. Though when/if Bioware are adding new planets there is a possibility that some sort of a flying speeder exclusive for them will be implemented.
  4. I would suggest you to check Elder Battlemind's set. Though not entirely white, it has a quiet nice silver appearance. I was wearing it myself before changing to Tionese set (which is ugly as hell...). Here you can check how i looked like wearing it a few weeks ago, just find my post on this page: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=253046&highlight=inquisitor+pics&page=10
  5. I'd say enjoy while it lasts, many people dreamt of having an opportunity to look like that assassins from the cutscene
  6. Same here. Really annoyed now because of this on top of other over 9k minor bugs. I've decided to stop playing until the first hotfix or two. Really don't worth it.
  7. Guys, reread my post please I know where this glowing is coming from. I'm asking about the color.
  8. Good day people. I have a question about JK/SW riposte glowing eyes animation. According to this picture: http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/37/393/jkprogdis3.jpg the LS Jedi Knight has blue glowing eyes. When i've started playing one and he was still neutral, the glowing effect was white. Does that mean that the pure DS Jedi Knight will have red glowing eyes instead? And if so, is it the same for LS Sith Warrior? Thanks in advance for your answers.
  9. So much this. I myself pressed Esc 5-6 times when the scene was about to end just to see it again
  10. It's quiet possible to implement such a service. I personally see two ways of doing it (both of them can exist simultaneously). First one is pure technical. Your character becomes his mirror class and is put at the same stage of the story as he was as his original class. An in-game mail is sent to him describing the missed part of the story. If the character is representing one of the species that are not available for his mirror class then he's offered to change it. All companions that are currently obtained by him are removed and the mirror class ones are given to him (which ones exactly depends on what planet storylines are completed by the character). Second way is a story-based one. Available only for level 50 characters who have already completed their class story. This way is actually a long quest chain which leads to the character's defection to the opposite faction. Upon completing the faction change process the character retains his original species and companions, as well as his original class story. The only thing that changes is his class. To be honest, as much as i'd like to see such a thing implemented into the game, i hardly see how it's possible. The reason is it'll require much more work for Bioware to do when they decide to expand class storylines (16 stories instead of 8!). Or, if they decide to stick with 8, they will have to write them in such a way that the stories fit both originals and defectors. Such a thing will surely restrain the possibilites for them. I hope you guys got my point Sorry for bad english, it's not my native language.
  11. If i recall right one of the sith lords sending me on an almost suicide mission said: "May the Dark Side give you strength". Or something close to that. Pretty good equivalent to the Jedi's "May the Force be with you" imo.
  12. Hi people. Here is my lvl 47 assassin: http://s019.radikal.ru/i604/1204/6f/417ced731e74.jpg http://i043.radikal.ru/1204/73/24cb2d3170da.jpg http://s48.radikal.ru/i119/1204/85/de29bdd5f9ea.jpg http://s018.radikal.ru/i524/1204/63/f228ba169e1e.jpg Using the (almost) full Elder Battlemind's set - chest, lower robe, gloves and boots.
  13. To be honest i would really love to see some force users accompanying non-force characters. Something like an exiled for some mysterious reasons gray jedi who is capable of combining both light and dark sides of the force in order to do unimaginable things. Why such a person would ever want to follow us? Well, we are his only hope if he wants to accomplish his goals. He's being persecuted by the Jedi Order for breaking free from exile, so he binds himself to a character by some ritual in order to mask his talent with the force from them. Or a sith who doesn't care about politics or even improving his own position in the Sith Order - the only thing that matters for him is making a bloodbath as often as possible, so he follows the player for as long as he provides the sith such an opportunity. Or a hungry for adventures padawan-defector who has abandoned his teachings in order to see what exiting things the world has to offer him. Or some civilian who have recently discovered his unnaturaly strong sensitiveness with the force... the power he has gain access to was so overwhelming and unstable that it turned up to be beyond his control, transforming him into a mindless monstrocity with god-like powers. The only thing that can calm, subdue him and partially return his mind eventually becomes in players possession (some kind of a cute song maybe?). Or some kind of a jedi knight/sith lord who was ordered to watch over a character and who hates it to death. Or very much the same jedi/sith who is bound to a character by something, from blood oath to life debt. Or we just hold his/her little daughter in hostage and blackmailing him/her to help us The possibilities are endless.
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