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Everything posted by funkiestj

  1. Meh, I am doubtful threatening to leave or demanding responses has any useful effect. Other than that, I agree. Clearly, a bunch of players leaving will get noticed but only if there is not a counterbalancing influx. E.g. BW doesn't care if a bunch of good players leave and are replaced by n00bs. A subscription is a subscription. A player queuing ranked is a player queuing ranked. These are the stats that matter to them.
  2. Back in that time frame was DP better than MVP (imperial guild). I'm pretty bad so I was never on a top team but I thought DP and MVP were more or less even. It did seem that, at the time (8v8 ranked), there were a lot of strong pub guilds.
  3. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the pyro PvP debacle was because of PvE. Perhaps by the second half of 2015 we might get 3-4 more class/specs brought in line.
  4. Uh, no. My permaban was recinded a few days after I emailed BW and told them they were retarded. They accused me of gold farming (!?) when I have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on subscription fees and cartel coins. Who the eff spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars on CCs if they are trying to sell in game credits for profit? it is true that I was busy at work and most of the time that week when I logged in it was to rotate between toons and farm chests but farming because you are poor is not selling credits. Even after my account was restored, they never told me "hey you, don't do that chest farming thing" and I still do it occassionally. here is probably how it works: a weekly cronjob does some automated checks and generates a list of suspects. An intern (or someone making minimum wage) looks the list over, rubber stamps it and sends out the bans. 98% of the banned are actually gold farmers and they just switch to different accounts. the other 2% (e.g. me) get in a huff and send an angry email to BW and get their account restored. BW knows this and simply accepts pissing off a few subscribers with bogus permabans (later recinded) as the cost of running an enforcement team (1 guy) on a shoe string budget. Crappy enforcement has a better ROI than good, careful, detail oriented enforcement. It is probably not the enforcement guy's fault -- BW is getting what they paid for.
  5. LOLWUT? I don't even take this anymore because 80% of the time the opponent force speeds (HtL/rolls) away (EDIT: before the 3rd tick). Pretty much the only classes you can count on rooting are other knights/warriors, LOL. I might spec into ravage root again if escapes get nerfed.
  6. The last time this came up I remember several people vehemently asserting that Elo ratings were comparable across player pools that never mixed. It doesn't help that BW's main page implies that they are comparable. What is interesting is to look at the composition of the top 50 for each server. E.g. on the Bastion I think you have to go to #6 to see a PT/VG while on other servers PTs are #1. <COMMERCIAL> I'd like to take a moment again to suggest that folks who can round up 8 players form 2 kickball teams and queue for 4-man ranked. It is a lot of fun playing with the same team and being in voice! If you make 2 even teams you are likely to draw each other for many games of the other teams are wildly stronger or weaker. </COMMERCIAL>
  7. for PvP stealth scan's main benefit is catching a stealther right after they disappear.
  8. the point is the "incoming snow" macro ban is stupid if they allow voice chat (which they do). It would make far more sense for BW to say "all macros are banned because this makes our enforcement job easier". That is not what they say. Regardless, I've been on the receiving end of a BW permaban notice. I can testify first hand that it is a canned email that gives no hint as to what your true in fraction was. It would be analogous to being arrested (IRL) and told you are charged with a crime. When you ask what crime they say "well, it is one of the crimes listed in the criminal code -- figure it out buddy".
  9. retard, everyone knows defense >>>>> absorption for PvP. L2Theorycraft
  10. somebody I know thought it would be a good idea to transfer to the harbinger for rank. Based on this that looks like a bad idea.
  11. Yeah. Their description of your violation is worth than useless. Par for the course. BW must be really understaffed in this area. It would be nice if OP got a more clear indication of what he is doing wrong. Clearly (if the G600 spamming a key is the issue) he is not speed hacking. TANGENT: When BW's security enforcement guy responded to questions regarding macros in another thread (1.5 years ago?) his descriptions of what is allowed and what is not and why was extremely stupid. E.g. a macro that, with one key press sends "incoming snow", is prohibited because it confers an advantage while using voice chat to do the same is allowed. There is more stupidity along these lines. If I was OP I would pester BW support to have an actual human explain in detail the nature of my violation just to force them to do what they should be doing already.
  12. OP, join a guild that does PvP and uses voice chat. If there is even one good player in your guild and you can group up with him and chat about WZ afterwards that will help more than 100 posts here. Also, practice dueling. Dueling as a healer will teach you kiting basics. As for your experience: in lowbie (below 60) WZ, 90% of the time everyone is a horrible player and there is very little to learn from the chaos that ensues. You may play really well but if the other side has a 4-man premade of good PvP players who are leveling alts you will be crushed regardless of how well you play. 8v8 WZ is a huge crapshoot because of the wide variance in skill of teammates and opponents. You can reduce this variance by forming a 4-man group with your guildmates and queuing together. Queuing together and having everyone in voice will also make you a stronger team. Lastly, PvP is simply a lot more fun if you are playing with and chatting with your guildmates.
  13. BW has told us that from the player pool they try to create a reasonably even match. When this is not possible they loosen the criteria for what a reasonably even match is. Eventually they will match a 2000 rated team against a 1000 rated team if this is the only match possible. This is stupid. One obvious solution is to allow the queue never to pop if the team ratings are too disparate. This is by far the easiest solution but BW does not want to do this. Another solution would be to create handicapped matches when the difference between teams is too great. It takes a lot more effort to tweak the rating algorithm to work with handicapped matches.
  14. please top addressing posts to people who address posts to the dev team: they aren't listening and it makes you look .
  15. Yes, quitting is always a viable option.
  16. A while back there was an acknowledged bug of stuns getting through shroud 5% of the time. It seems pretty clear this bug is back.
  17. OP, are you in a guild that PvPs and uses voice chat? If not, this should be priority #1. Also, other classes should be peeling for you Everybody has stuns.
  18. As pointed out by others, the best solution is to queue 4-man ranked. Not enough teams queuing 4-man ranked? Encourage your friends to put together a team. Offer to mix players from your strong team and their weak team. Even encourage bads to queue 4-man. Put one of your teammates on their side (in voice of course) and have her coach their side a bit. Perhaps after doing this with 20 different bad teams one of the teams will become good. Instead of asking BW to fix solo queue (a very hard problem), ask them to help make 4-man more popular. What in game tools would help get more people queuing? How about a cross faction 4-man ranked channel? How about some LFG like tool that aided in putting together 4-man PUGs? I'm not saying we should do LFG for 4-man but having something that aided the forming of 4-man pugs might be helpful. E.g. I want my PUG to all be on voice chat. I have most of the voice chat systems but not all. Also: challenge matches (with no rewards?). You and another team can play a 4v4 or 8v8 match against one another. This would enable lots of good things. Player run tournaments, bad teams getitng to practice against one another, top teams to challenge each other and measure epeens via a 7 game match rather than rating (much more conclusive). The most frustrating part of solo ranked are the random factors outside of your control. 4-man sidesteps all of these.
  19. I agree with the heart of OP's post: the meta should be examined closely. It seems like the game has tilted quite a ways toward a target's ability to kite. Has it tilted too far? I think perhaps a little bit. It certainly seems worthy of examination (after set bonuses have been fixed and hatred assassins have been nerfed at least a little).
  20. Root on ravage used to be good. Given how many classes can escape the last tick with their force-speec/hold-the-line/roll, all of which have high duty cycles, root on ravage is not particularly good. Huttball is a textbook case for stance dancing as a guardian. I remember that huttball was the one WZ where snipers would respec MM. Also, PT fire pull is good but sage friendly pull is even better as it works when the target has a white bar Of the objective based WZs huttball is by far the best. Voidstar was without a doubt the worst given how many 8v8 ranked ended without getting past the first door -- you might as well play an Arena.
  21. I smiled at your post up to this point, nodding my head in agreement. And then I LOLed for the Cleveland Steamer reference. How many cartel coins would you pay for a CS emote? Perhaps /clevelandsteamer could be a reward for being the top rated for your server/class. One good turn deserves another: I don't think this person understands outlaw's den (reddit thread)
  22. <queue up broken record> All they have to do is implement challenge matches (with WZ / arena selection) and an enterprising player could run his own tournament.
  23. Let X be a constant. is the following equation true? X/3.5 = X/10.5 The value this spec brings is burst. Evaluating the sustained damage SC brings is pointless. The point of the cooldown change is not the effect to sustained damage but how frequenty it can be used in a single round of ranked arena.
  24. They'll buff hatred because sins were on the bottom for so long.
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