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Everything posted by TapSumBatt

  1. I did my Powertech after the Bladerunner theme, the one and only - Roy Batty Cyborg with white hair (looked better than blonde) and a kick-*** trenchcoat. My next is a boinic Agent Operative jacked with illegal drugs and cybernetics, no particular model for her. Did you do you character after a specific theme, and if so, did you succeed? (in your own eyes). Please share thy nerdiness! Have some Roy while waiting:
  2. Good question. The lack of objective besides killing the other team is the obvious reason. The terrain will be a point of interest for balance which makes it important to have good maps. Spawning timing will also be a non-issue. One life, if you died your team has one less.
  3. Reliable 8-man team. The whole RWZ got a fat "casual" stamp due to this fact just like Rated BG's did in WoW. Arena, now! a 2v2 or 3v3 would be easy for everyone to set up with there friends. Not really hard to find times that work for everybody and much more fun in just that way since you can keep improving your team and quickly test new ones. Needs situational CD's though which this game lack.
  4. ^^ If I wanted to play GW2 instead I wouldn't be here posting (some of you guys here on the forums should take note). -- I am certain that this is something Swtor would benefit from - being able to compete with your closest friend(s) or with new like-minded strangers, plot team strategies and synergetic team compositions. Situational CD's is something PvP will need either way to pan ways for the creative mind to find inovative ways to win without the sole need to race cool downs as fast as possible which kind of resembles the current situation.
  5. I fail to see your point OP. There is no competative 1v1 in this game. PT/VG outperforms in WZ's. What you fail to touch in your subject is how classes perform in groups, when the very point is to be assisted by your teammates with things you lack, such as recovery in the PT/VG case. Ones heals start streaming the consistant damage and non-challenging way to put it out makes the class somewhat of a standard equipment for any RWZ group. Easy to master and perform with. As I see it, it is BW's lack PvP knowledge. Situational tools has been overlooked in this game. Combat is too much of a cool down race. Once that is mastered (which it is easily by anyone) PvP comes down to button-mashing with very little room for outplaying / outthinking. In this enviroment, PT/VG shines.
  6. The Sith is cooler and also easier to relate to. I heard someone using the term "Devout Priest" when talking about Jedis and I agree - who can relate to that? The Sith is about human passion and power. Easier to relate to and more intriguing.
  7. This game still has a gaping hole where Arena should be IMO. RWZ doesn't compensate for this. In fact, RWZ is mostly used as an /LFG group to get ranked instead of regular comms. This game would be great if they added: * More situational tools to classes to give options to outsmart and outplay each other. (To make the next suggestion more intriguing for competative minds). * Add Arena with weekly tournaments and a seasonal ladder system. People who like to compete should have the option to do so with their friend(s). RWZ does not fill this function and the most fun one (Huttball) favours certain classes (leaps, pulls etc). Arena, tournaments and seasonal ladders would be great for PvP longevity and would work as a great force to push balance in the right direction.
  8. I was about to reply something serious but man, this is just straight up, red-eyed crying. There will always be a weak and a strong class, it's the nature of MMO's. Just watch the mass exodus from classes like Maraduer and Pyrotech as soon as the nerf hit.
  9. Quite much lag lately on Freedon Nadd. (Not crying, just reporting
  10. Really who cares? That guy is kinda funny but you take it way too serious. Do you need him to tell you if the game is good or bad? Leave him to his opinions, I've never heard of him before you guys started spamming the forums with him and he's still not very important to me (not meant in an offensive way).
  11. Hey, Im looking for a nice chest in particular, I wanted to ask you guys if you have any suggestions? Also feel free to post items that you think look really good in general. /cheers
  12. Like they say in Game of Thrones: It is known.
  13. Same thing happened in WoW when they released Glyphs. But this will make PvE content a braze and a huge gap in PvP. I am not saying it's bad but BW needs to add harder PvE content ASAP. Augmenting your gear will give you 216 more power if that's what you are going for as a dps, which is a quite huge number.
  14. Why should anyone make in-put in game they have chosen not to play? Kinda self-explanatory if you ask me.
  15. Just wanted to show my appreciation to switch patching. The pace and quality of patches is amazing really. When I played WoW I would have to wait 10x as long for similar content patches and 1.3 is already around the corner - or coming tomorrow to be specific. Great work BW.
  16. Im completely fine without macros, add arena though. No macros = equal for everyone. I have no problem with this, as long as it's fair.
  17. Hehe yea, I wrote it to exaggerate my PvP venture Still had fun doing both though.
  18. I didn't say it was complicated, I said what you suggest is way more dumb. 1-2-3-4 minus stuns? yea, sounds fun...
  19. Stunwars? This is the first time I heard it. What would PvP be without any cc? Raid rotations on moving targets? Now that would dumb stuff down for real.
  20. Sounds cool. I would love if they expanded on Crew Skills - I just love them - in anyway. Maybe these could be very rare sort of Crew Skills for rare and bountiful materials that could only be accomplished with a number of companions with failure chance calculated from their average gear and share number, and you can then chose to tag along to ensure the missions success I always read the normal missions we send our companions on and expanding on that idea and making it more interactive is something I think would be cool.
  21. I actually have a tale to tell! I went to Illum today in search of said open world PvP for the very first time. My original intent was to buy a new look for Blizz and possibly Gault. I had pictured some sort of white jawa-robe but was left in disappointment. After chugging down some space ale from the local bartender bot a young strapping leveler sounded the alarm in the general chat, claiming he had been *explicit* by a pack of marauding Rebel scum. I decided it was time to make a stand for the empire and show that not even remote worlds such as this was beyond reach for the long *explicit* of the law. I started my heinous mission by skulking around the Republic Base Camp, hiding behind big rocks or large chunks of snow, waiting along the route to the daily quests. Soon enough an unsuspecting scoundrel came casually flying on his speeder - reminiscing the efficiency of the days quest grind I would like to imagine. Little did he know, death was waiting for him under a pile of mutilated R2 units. A mere 50 meters from the safety of the Republic Base Camp the scoundrel hit the snow, killed by a flaming dart and a condescending attitude, not to rise again for at least a good 15 seconds. Alas, he was not alone. A partner in crime emerged from a nearby hill slope. Mustache swaying in the cool Illum breeze. Armed with a cold look in his eyes that told a story of guilt, gank and speed hack - A Jedi of the Republic. The wind held it's breath while a Stardestroyer emerged to block out the moonlight. The stage was set for an epic show down. A click, a flash, a Railshot to the groin. Victory was mine. Justice had been served. Illum was safe for another 5 minutes. Vandrain - Tomb of Freedon Nadd
  22. I enjoyed reading the OP. That being said, I dont really know what's discussed, as a seasoned MMO-Burglar with no sense of organization I most likely: A) Steam rolled it. B) Left for Corellia only to have to remove Voss quests by hand while getting new ones on Corellia. Take your pick! BLAM
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