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Everything posted by Gronkaarr

  1. traveling to places is such a chore because of all the loading screens. I loathe all the loading screens, and I wish that part of the game could be somehow be refined
  2. traveling to places is such a chore because of all the loading screens. I loathe all the loading screens, and I wish that part of the game could be somehow be refined
  3. i need a Fatman to Prophecy of Five transfer please, kthxbai
  4. Veela to Fatman re-roller here. kinda sad that I can't have all my guys together on one server but hoping that a heavy population can emerge on P5 and eventually be able to transfer my Fatman alt over to P5 cuz I put a lot of time into him over the past 6 weeks. i don't have a lot of time to play monday to friday and getting my Fatman character to lvl 47, i dont wanna see that go to waste. oh well
  5. my 50 main and a 45 alt are rotting away on Veela. I rerolled on Fatman and have a lvl 45 character there now. I don't really care for the Fatman community, but I rerolled there in order to play on a heavy pop server and now I'm just hoping that Veela transfers to Fatman so I can have all 3 characters on the same server. I don't mind waiting but it's puzzling that Veela wasn't one of the first servers to transfer because there are literally 20 people playing on that server at peak times, its sad
  6. I re-rolled on Fatman and I'm glad I did because aside from the fact that its heavily populated, re-rolling gave me an excuse to try out a new class. but when transfers become available I see no reason why Fatman would be restricted from allowing me to transfer my other characters there because I'm already playing there. So having my other level 50s on Fatman isn't adding to the server population because if I didn't have all my characters on Fatman ... I'd still be playing on Fatman! crazy right?? I just wouldn't have the choice of playing my operative or my sorc when I log into Fatman. If they make me pay to transfer them, well i guess i'm a baller with too much money cuz I would pay it.
  7. go to the planetary vendors on fleet, and check the equipment commendations vendors for the low level planets. at least one of them should have lightsabers available. then just go back to that planet and farm commendations from the heroic quests or any side quests you didn't do
  8. If you think Republic on Fatman is bad, you should check out Imperial side on Fatman. I join General chat only when I'm looking for a group
  9. You can level all the way to 50 and never group with anyone if that's what you choose to do. In doing so, you will likely skip 85% of heroic missions unless you outlevel the content by 3-4 levels and you won't complete any flashpoints unless you outlevel the content by 10 levels or more. But since you don't need to do heroics or flashpoints to level up, you can certainly get to 50 playing solo, no problem. In fact you can get to 50 just by solo queue pvp'ing and doing space missions. That said, this game is 1000% more fun when playing with friends. all the difficult pve content can be experienced at the level that it was intended for, and you'll have a lot more success in pvp with a good group that communicates and plays well together. so you should give it a shot if you're inclined to be social while playing online games
  10. i agree with you. i think Legacy things should be unlocked by either legacy levels, or paying an insane amount of credits, but not requiring both. if legacy levels are too easy to get, then raise the bar for gaining legacy levels. but requiring legacy levels and millions of credits, i don't get it
  11. "early summer" is that not clear enough?
  12. I think server transfers will give the not-so-heavy populated servers a chance to live on. But if re-rolling is the only option to get off a truly dead server, no one who has invested a ton of time in characters on a dead server is going to take the risk that their next server also dies off. so a server like Fatman becomes the only real option for people who are re-rolling. at least that's how I perceive it - Veela to Fatman re-roller
  13. I re-rolled to Fatman a couple of weeks ago, so I'm looking forward to LFD
  14. I re-rolled to Fatman, from Veela. I'm having fun again but I miss my characters on Veela. Hopefully BW's plans for server transfers will allow me to move those characters over to Fatman. I would really like to see some details from BW on how and when the server transfers will happen ... more info than "early summer" would be nice
  15. ^ this. take control over your companion's abilities by turning off their auto-use and instead use ctrl+hotkey to fire off their abilities. I do this for the aoe abilities and the taunts because aoe isn't desired if you're using cc, and I like the taunt to be saved for when I need it. hitting Passive lets you reposition your ranged companion as well as make them move out of aoe as Ghoxen stated
  16. twileks wearing hats makes as much sense as horses sitting in chairs
  17. This game is not for you. not every game will appeal to everyone. go back to WoW and enjoy
  18. let me get this straight. according to you 1) creating a bug that removes a BiS item from the game is a plus; and 2) not being able to easily rectify the situation and providing no timeline for when a fix will be made is also a plus well, yes I would agree, if that's your logic then this cluster*** is indeed a plus plus. I can hardly believe our good fortune
  19. Do you enjoy the pvp in this game? If not then I would say there's nothing here for you since you said you don't have time to raid and didn't enjoy leveling your alts past a certain point. Because that's pretty much what this game has to offer right now: 1. level your main to 50 2. gear your main in hard mode FPs 3. raid with your main to keep the gear progression going 4. pvp 5. level up alts to 50 and repeat steps 2 and 3 Of course if you're in an active guild, then there's guild activities and stuff that could be entertaining, but from a mostly solo perspective, there's not much else to do
  20. ^ this. the legacy armor has lasting value because its moddable. the inheritance kit is garbage because it's only useful for a few levels. plus the inheritance item is suitable for only 1 adv class, so having it bound to legacy doesn't provide any added value unless you just really love making alts of the same class. how many people make a sniper alt and then another sniper alt after that and get the benefit of sending that second sniper alt the inheritance sniper rifle?
  21. server transfers should be top priority. having my geared 50 main, my alts and legacy on a dead server is maddening. i already re-rolled to one of the few high pop servers but if I could play my main on a high pop server, i can live with all the bugs and I can wait for all the new content and features that are coming
  22. holy crap i hope they hot fix this. bring the servers down right now
  23. if you log on with your character and that character has the cube equipped, the cube will be gone when you log on. so if you are going to flip out about the cube being gone, then wait til tomorrow's patch before you log on why would a sticky have all the answers to all your questions? do you assume that whomever wrote the sticky can read your mind? they are fixing the issue and i doubt that their fix will require you to go collect all the shards again
  24. this is simply the best option until you are able to transfer to another server. quite obviously there's the pain of leaving behind everything you worked towards on your level 50 characters and alts and legacy stuff, but once you re-roll to a server with high pop, the rewards of being able to easily find groups and having access to a lively economy just outweigh the enjoyment of having tier 3 gear or whatever while seeing only 20 people on fleet and trying to find a group to do something fun. don't put it off any longer, just re-roll and you'll instantly be having fun again. the game isn't any less fun at level 15 than it is at 50. you just have less abilities on your quick bar and blue/green armor, but playing the game is still very fun and the experience of having hundreds of people playing on the same server is fantastic. to me, it feels much more like an mmo than my previous experience on my decomposing server (veela, i cry for you T_T ) hopefully the server transfers will be done in a way so that your re-rolled characters can be combined with your legacy from your old server characters. if not, well then to my trusty operative and wily sorc, it was good knowing you guys and may the force be with you always
  25. sorry to thread jack but is Kolto infusion worth having on my quickslot bar once I have the set bonus that increases the crit chance on it? If it's only situational, when should I be using it in my rotation?
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